Wired the game is developed by The University of Cambridge Department of Engineering.

While the game is being played we collect data about the player's progress such as which puzzles have been completed and how long each puzzle took to complete. We use this data to help us improve the game. We may in future also use this data to conduct research into the effectiveness of the project and in this case the data may be published in aggregate form as part of scientific papers.

We do not collect or store any data that would let us identify individuals playing the game.

Wired is built using the Unity3D game development environment and it uses Unity Analytics to collect the data about players' progress in the game. Unity Technologies also has access to the data we collect and may also collect additional data. The Unity3D privacy policy can be found here:

General information about the University of Cambridge’s use of personal data is published at and the University’s data protection policy can be found here:

By installing this game you agree to all this.