End-User License Agreement and Terms of Service

This Application was made using RPG Maker MV. RPG Maker MV is the intellectual property of KADOKAWA CORPORATION, a company of Japan and YOJI OJIMA.


By accessing or using the Game you agree to be bound by this Agreement. If you do not agree to this Agreement, you may not access or use the Game.

You may:

Install and use this Application for personal, or commercial use (provided you have paid any license fee, if this applies);

You must not:

use, copy, transfer, distribute modify, adapt, merge, translate, decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer the Application or part of it except as expressly permitted by this license;
remove, modify, or tamper with any copyright, trademark or other notice;
use the Application for any illegal, unlawful or immoral purposes.

This License will end automatically if you breach any of the terms.
When this License ends you must stop all use of the Application and destroy and erase any copies you have.


KADOKAWA CORPORATION and YOJI OJIMA are not involved in the creation of this Application except only that it was made using RPG Maker MV. KADOKAWA CORPORATION and YOJI OJIMA warrant only that RPG Maker MV will function satisfactorily if used properly and on the correct operating system.
KADOKAWA CORPORATION and YOJI OJIMA do not warrant that the operation of the Application will be uninterrupted or error free or that errors can be corrected. You install and use the Application at your own risk and in no event will KADOKAWA CORPORATION and YOJI OJIMA be liable to you for any loss or damage including lost profits or other consequential loss arising from the use of or inability to use the Application or from errors or deficiencies in it whether caused by negligence or otherwise.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, KADOKAWA CORPORATION and YOJI OJIMA Limited excludes liability for all warranties, conditions and other terms which but for this notice would have effect.


All copyright and other intellectual property rights in RPG Maker MV and parts of it included in the Application belong to and vest in KADOKAWA CORPORATION and YOJI OJIMA. All rights of KADOKAWA CORPORATION and YOJI OJIMA are hereby asserted and reserved.
All trade marks are the property of their respective owners and KADOKAWA CORPORATION and YOJI OJIMA make no warranty or representation in respect of and has no responsibility and excludes all liability for any trade mark or third party content.
The rights granted in this license are non-exclusive.
This license does not affect your statutory rights as a consumer.
This License is governed by Japanese Law and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Japanese Courts.

If you have a problem with this Application please contact the person who made it, not KADOKAWA CORPORATION or YOJI OJIMA.

Accept these terms to install and use this Application. If you do not accept them terms you may not continue with the installation and you must not install, use or run this software on this or any other computer.