This End User License Agreement applies to all use of this application.

The part where I ask you to use this program properly.

You may:

Install and use Watch Me Jump for personal, or commercial use. In fact, that's highly encouraged. And tell your friends.

You must not do the following:

* Use, copy, transfer, distribute modify, adapt, merge, translate, decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer the Application or part of it except as expressly permitted by this License;
* Remove, modify, or tamper with any copyright, trademark, or other notice;
* Use the Application for any illegal, unlawful, or immoral purposes.

(Seriously, any of that would just make me sad.)

This License will end automatically if you breach any of the terms.

When this License ends you must stop all use of the Application and destroy and erase any copies you have. It seems extreme, but it's actually just deleting the files, so it's not a biggie.

The part where YoYo Games relieves themselves of liability

YoYo Games Limited (“YoYo Games") is not involved in the creation of this Application except only that it was made using GameMaker. YoYo Games warrants only that GameMaker will function satisfactorily if used properly and on the correct operating system.

YoYo Games does not warrant that the operation of the Appication will be uninterrupted or error free or that errors can be corrected. (Developer note: But seriously, just let me know if something breaks, and I'll try to fix it.) You install and use the Application at your own risk and in no event will YoYo Games be liable to you for any loss or damage of any kind, except personal injury or death arising from YoYo Games’ negligence (Developer note: Good gravy, I hope it doesn't come to that). This includes lost profits or other consequential loss arising from the use of or inability to use the Application or from errors or deficiencies in it, whether caused by negligence or otherwise. (Developer note: Seriously, the game isn't that complex, so hopefully none of this actually matters.)

To the maximum extent permitted by law, YoYo Games Limited excludes liability for all warranties, conditions and other terms which but for this notice would have effect.

The part where I list my ten favorite video games (listed alphabetically):

Chrono Trigger
Grim Fandango
Portal 2
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Super Mario Bros. 3
Super Metroid
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Arcade version)
Tetris (Game Boy version)

This has nothing to do with the EULA. I just like sharing this list.

Click "ACCEPT" (or "CONTINUE" or whatever the "next screen" button is) and accept these terms to install and use this Application. If you do not accept the terms, you may not continue with the installation and you must not install, use, or run this software on this or any other computer.

That's it! Happy playing!