Privacy policy
Catalope Games AB enjoys privacy and thinks it is super important. Thus we are quite happy to not know a lot about you. We only save the minimal data needed for creating, supporting, marketing and selling our games. To do this we use a number of tools and services. Your data is kept in most cases at the service provider or encrypted on our server in Sweden. We do not share you data with anyone outside Catalope Games or the partners we work with.

Unity Analytics
Unity Analytics is build into Catalope Game’s products. It sends us events that happens in game, like where the player dies, when a level is completed and so on. The data is aggregated and used for balancing and patches. Crash reports are also collected. A random generated ID is used to keep track of players between sessions. Read more on Unity Analytics here:

If you sign up for our email list we use Mailchimp to store your email and deliver you news. If you’ve met us in person we also record at what event it was collected. You are free to unsubscribe from it at any time. Data is kept until you unsubscribe. Read more about Mailchimp here:

Google Analytics
To measure the effect of our marketing we use Google Analytics on our store pages. In most cases we look at referral links. Data is kept for 36 months. Read more about Google Analytics here: