By playing Disc League (DL), you agree to these Terms of Service (ToS).

This game is sold AS IS with no warranty, implied or explicit.

Virtually Invincible LLC (VI) will not be held responsible for any damage that occurs to your devices by using this game.

You promise to not do anything illegal with DL.

You may not resell DL.

You promise to not violate any copyrights, trademarks or patents of this game or of its contents.

Please be safe while playing in virtual reality. If you hurt yourself while playing this game, you hold yourself accountable and agree to not take any legal actions against VI.

If you do anything unethical, illegal or downright mean to someone while playing with them, or against them, online, you promise to be accountable for your actions and VI will not be held responsible.

If you are offended, upset or in any way hurt by someone else while playing with, or against, them online, you promise to not hold VI responsible for that.

You agree to the privacy policy, which also outlines how information is used.

The privacy policy for DL can be found here:

VI may change this ToS at any time.