
for Pure Farming 2018

hereinafter referred to as the Program.

Note to the User

Very important: Read this document before you start using the attached software, hereinafter referred to as the Program. By installing and using the Program, you declare that you have read the following software license agreement and accept its conditions. This constitutes an official and legally binding agreement concluded between you (the User) and Techland.


Parties to this License Agreement are: the End User of the Program and Techland. By installing or agreeing to install the Program, the User becomes a party to this License Agreement. The License Agreement is subject to Polish law.

1. Grant of License
After the issuing of all applicable fees, the User is granted the right to run the Program on one computer, operating independently, belonging to the User or in the User’s possession. The Program is intended for non-commercial use. The User does not have the right to make any changes to or translate the Program or its documentation without the prior written consent of Techland. To prevent unauthorised use, some of Techland’s products are protected with an unlock code or require a security key. In such a case, the security key remains the property of Techland for the duration of the License Agreement.

2. Copying of the Program
The User may not copy the Program and the documentation related to it. Moreover, the User may not, in any way, share, distribute, or publicly display the Program without the prior written consent of Techland.

3. Copyright
The Program and any related documentation is the exclusive property of Techland and Techland’s licensors, and as such is subject to the same protection as intellectual property, regardless of any changes made by or for the User. The User hereby acknowledges that they have no rights to the Program and the documentation related to it, except for the rights under this Agreement. Techland hereby confirms that it has the right to grant the license to the Program.

4. DurationThe Agreement comes into force the moment the Program has been installed. In particular, the Agreement will lose its validity if you:
a) destroy all copies of the Program and all of the documentation in your possession, or
b) breach any of the conditions of this Agreement, or
c) lose or destroy the security keys, provided they are required for the proper operation of the Program, or
d) undertake actions that question Techland’s copyrights to the Program and related materials.

In the event that this Agreement expires, the User shall immediately destroy all copies of the Program and the documentation related to it that are in the User’s possession, and shall return the security keys that are in the User’s possession to Techland.

5. Limitation of liability
The Program is provided “as is”.

Techland warrants the original user that the media on which the Program has been delivered, as well as any security keys, are free from defects and ensures their proper functioning under normal conditions.

Techland’s only obligation under the warranty claims is to replace defective media or defective security keys returned to Techland. Techland will send a defect-less media or key to the provided return address within 30 days of receipt of the defective media or key.

Techland disclaims all warranties to the greatest extent permissible by law in relation to the Program, and any documentation and hardware provided. In particular, Techland gives no warranty in relation to any data provided with the Program and does not assume responsibility for any errors that may result from the use of these data when working with the Program or in any other way.

Any warranty rights given by Techland arise only from this License Agreement.

TECHLAND, its licensors and suppliers disclaim, to the fullest extent permissible by law, liability for any losses incurred by the User (including financial, organisational, informational and other losses) arising from the use of or inability to use the Program, even if Techland has been previously advised of the possibility of such damages. In any case, Techland’s liability is limited to the amount actually paid by the User for the license provided.

Techland does not guarantee proper operation of the Program in certain cases with respect to the Program and the documentation. The warranty does not apply to the total absence of errors in the Program, and in particular that it shall meet the requirements and the goals of the User or that it will be compatible with other programs selected by the User. The responsibility for proper selection and the consequences of using the Program shall always be borne by the User.

6. Updates
Any license granted for future versions of the Program is subject to the License Agreement and applicable fees that are in force at the time of the conclusion of the contract of sale of a given version of the Program.

7. The effects of the License Agreement
This License Agreement contains the agreement of the parties and replaces any prior agreements, oral or written, related to the Program. Changes to this License Agreement can be made only through agreement of the parties, concluded in writing.

8. In game MOD Importer function
The Importer is an integrated tool for loading and using new vehicle models created or modified by you or other users with third-party applications. Neither Producer nor Publisher provide any support with the creation or modification of new vehicle models or guarantee that they will work properly.

Producer and Publisher do not provide support with any third-party applications used to create or modify vehicle models. After loading a new or modified vehicle model, you may encounter some issues including but not limited to game crash or freezing for which neither Producer nor Publisher is liable.

User is obliged to create, modify and/or distribute new vehicle models only in accordance with applicable law and shall have no claims against Producer or Publisher in this respect.
Neither Producer nor Publisher provide any support with vehicle models created or modified by the community of players, in particular made available to the general public on the Internet. You shall use them only at your own risk.

9. In game Radio function
The radio player is an integrated tool allowing you to solely stream online radio stations. The radio player does not contain a predefined radio stations list. You may listen to selected radio stations by entering broadcaster’s appropriate URL.

Producer and Publisher do not provide any support in searching radio channels or guarantee that they will work properly.

Neither Producer nor Publisher shall be liable for any content broadcast by radio stations selected by you.

10. Disclaimer
Any rights not expressly granted to you are reserved by Techland.

You hereby acknowledge that you have read this agreement and fully understand its terms and confirm that you agree to all its conditions. You also agree that it is a legally binding agreement between you and Techland.