End User License Agreement
Assault Commander Rearmed

Effective date: 5 September, 2024;
The following End User License Agreement (“EULA”) regulate the terms and conditions of the services provided in relation to “Assault Commander Rearmed” software product (“Game”) by VTDev Informatics Limited Liability Company (having its registered seat at 2083 Solymár, Párkány utca 17., registered in the Hungarian company registry under the number 13-09-143349; hereinafter referred to as “we” or as the “Service Provider”). This EULA sets out the rights and obligations of the Service Provider and the person using the Game (hereinafter referred to as “you” or “User”) in connection with the use of the Game at the online distribution platform operated by Valve Corporation, a Washington corporation, with offices located at 10400 NE 4th Street, Bellevue, WA 98004 ("Valve"), regardless of the place of performance or the location of the User.

1. Introduction
Assault Commander Rearmed is a turn-based strategy war game played on a hexagonal map.

2. Download, install, restrictions of use
You may use our Game after downloading the Windows or Mac version, which is hosted by Steam, an online distribution platform operated by Valve. In order to use the Game, obtaining a Steam account and concluding Valve’s Steam Subscriber Agreement between you and Valve is required. By registering an account with Steam, you are agreeing to all terms and conditions of use and privacy policies set forth or amended by Valve, which Service Provider has no control over. You acknowledge that we are not responsible for your use thereof. This EULA is in addition to the terms and conditions which apply between you and Valve (“Platform Terms”), and the EULA does not change the Platform Terms.

Before installing and using the Game, please carefully read this EULA, which governs your use of the Game. Except as otherwise set out in this EULA, you may not use the Game for any purpose other than in relation to the operation of the Game.
You shall not: (a) copy the Game; (b) rent, lease, sub-license, loan, translate, adapt or modify the Game including all of its contents; (c) not make alterations or modification of the whole or any part of the Game, nor permit the Game to be combined with any other games or other type of software; (d) disassemble, decompile, reverse-engineer or create derivative works based on the whole or any part of the Game, nor attempt to do any such thing; (e) exploit any part of the Game commercially or in return for any valuable consideration or (circumvent, disable or remove any copy protection technology, copyright or trade mark notices from the Game.
Any applicable territory or geographical restriction is noted on the Game’s Steam Store page.

In order to access the Game, you have to accept this EULA and our privacy policy available at:

You warrant that the information provided during the Steam account’s registration process is correct and up to date, and that you maintain and update your account with any the relevant information when necessary.

3. License, ownership
Service Provider is the sole owner and operator of the Game. All visual interfaces, graphics, designs, compilations, data, information, software, services and other elements are protected by intellectual property and other laws. Service Provider warrants that no third party has the right (especially under intellectual property law) over the Game that would limit your right to use the Game or prevent you from using the Game (warranty of title).

We hereby grant you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable licence to install the Game on your computer, and to use the Game in accordance with conditions and restrictions published by Service Provider in this EULA for your personal, non-commercial purposes. This license does not grant permission to use our trade names, trademarks, service marks or product names.
The provisions regarding your license and intellectual property rights in this section do not affect the license rights granted to Valve by the Service Provider.

4. Prices and payments
The Fee for the Game is payable on the basis of the current price list and other payment information published by Valve on the Game’s Steam page containing the description, system requirements, and other relevant information in connection with the Game.
The Game is fully functional without in-app purchases or microtransactions, therefore the Game does not include such options for users.
By purchasing the Game, the provisions regarding payment and billing terms set out in the Steam Subscriber Agreement shall apply for this EULA.

5. Term and Termination
This EULA is concluded for an indefinite period of time.
We are entitled to terminate your agreement and access to the Game with immediate effect if we have reason to believe that you or a person unknown to you is using the Game without permission or you have otherwise breached these EULA, in particular the followings.
You may only use the Game for your personal use. You shall refrain from the following conduct:
a) using the Game for commercial purposes, or otherwise making the Service available to the public, in particular in places of entertainment;
b) using the Game in an unlawful or improper manner or in any other manner that is not in accordance with this EULA;
c) copying, reproducing, lending, selling, broadcasting or otherwise distributing, editing the content of the Game;
d) circumvent, render unusable, modify, or alter any technical protection measure or security device that is part of the Game.
Upon termination for any reason: (a) all rights granted to you under this EULA shall cease; (b) you shall immediately cease all activities authorized by this EULA; and (c) you shall delete and remove the Game form all computer equipment in your possession.

6. Limitation of liability
You acknowledge that the Game has not been developed to meet your individual requirements, and that it is therefore your responsibility to ensure that the facilities and functions of the Game meet your requirements.
We only supply the Game for domestic and private use. You agree not to use the Game for any commercial, business or resale purposes, and we have no liability to you for any loss of profit, loss of business, business interruption, or loss of business opportunity.
You acknowledge that the Game may not be free of bugs or errors and agree that the existence of minor errors shall not constitute a breach of this EULA . We do not offer any warranty or guarantee in respect of the operation of your Steam Account, and we shall have no liability to you resulting from the operation of your Steam account and the effect that has on the Game.
We shall have no liability under or in connection with this EULA whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty or otherwise. This does not apply to the following types of loss: death or personal injury resulting from our negligence; fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; or any other liability that cannot be excluded or limited by Hungarian law. In addition no liability exists if the cause of damage is beyond the control of the Service Provider (force majeure).
This Licence sets out the full extent of our obligations and liabilities in respect of the supply of the Game. Except as expressly stated in this EULA, there are no conditions, warranties, representations or other terms, express or implied, that are binding on us. Any condition, warranty, representation or other term concerning the supply of the Game which might otherwise be implied into, or incorporated in, this EULA, whether by statute, common law or otherwise, is excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.

7. Right to modify terms
We are entitled to unilaterally modify this EULA at any time and in the light of the provisions of Platform Terms. We shall inform you of any such amendments in the form of a notice when you start the Game.

If you do not wish to accept the amendments, you shall be entitled to terminate this agreement no later than the date on which the amendments enter into force. If you do not terminate the agreement before the entry into force of the amendment, it shall remain in force between the parties with the amendments.

8. Data protection
Our Privacy Policy related to the data processing activity is available at:

9. Governing law, jurisdiction, complaints
If you are concerned about an alleged breach of law, contact us by sending an email to:
The parties shall attempt to settle all disputes arising out of this EULA primarily by amicable means. The present EULA shall be governed by Hungarian law, and the Hungarian authorities and courts shall have jurisdiction to settle any disputes arising therefrom.
The provisions of Platform Terms shall be also applicable to the Game.
If you are unable to settle your consumer dispute with us, you may enforce your rights in the following ways:
a) Filing a complaint to the consumer protection authorities: if you notice a violation of your consumer rights, you have the right to file a complaint with the consumer protection authority, based on your place of residence.
b) Initiation of conciliation body proceedings in Hungary (alternative dispute resolution): in order to settle consumer disputes relating to the Service out of court, you may initiate such proceedings before the conciliation body of the professional chamber of our seat in Hungary as follows:
Contact details of the Budapest Conciliation Board:
- 1016 Budapest, Krisztina krt. 99., III. floor. 310., Hungary
- postal address: 1253 Budapest, PO Box 10., Hungary
- email address:
- fax: +36 1 488 21 86
- telephone: +36 1 488 21 31

10. Contact us
If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact us:
name: VTDev Informatics Limited Liability Company
address: Hungary, 2083 Solymár, Párkány utca 17