Dungeon Werewolf
Terms of Service

Article 1 (Membership Enrollment)
Terms of Service for "Dungeon Werewolf"
These Terms of Service (hereinafter referred to as "these Terms") apply to all actions taken by customers when using the services provided by Sorairo Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company"). These Terms set forth the conditions for the use of the application (hereinafter referred to as "the App") provided by the Company for the use of "Dungeon Werewolf" (hereinafter referred to as "the Service"). Customers shall use the Service in accordance with these Terms.
By downloading the App, customers are considered to have enrolled in the Service and to have agreed to the contents of these Terms. Furthermore, each time customers use the Service, they are deemed to have agreed to these Terms.
The Company reserves the right to change these Terms at any time and for any reason at its sole discretion. The revised Terms will become effective when the App is updated. If customers do not agree to these Terms or the revised Terms, they must immediately uninstall the App from their smartphone.
If customers continue to use the Service after the revised Terms become effective, they are deemed to have agreed to all of the revised Terms. In cases where there has been no access for a certain period, customer registration related to the App may be automatically terminated.
If, after enrollment in the Service, the Company confirms that the member falls under any of the following categories, the Company may refuse to accept such enrollment. However, the Company is not obligated to accept enrollment in any other cases.

a. If the Company recognizes that there are false facts or content in the application for membership.
b. If the customer has been temporarily suspended from using the Service due to violations of these Terms, or if the customer has been disqualified from using the Service in the past.
c. If the Company determines that it is significantly inappropriate for the customer to become a member for any other reason.

Article 2 (Conditions of Use)
Customers shall download and install the App on their mobile devices at their own risk. The Company does not guarantee that the App will be compatible with all mobile devices.
Customers only have the right to use in-app currency, items, and other benefits (hereinafter referred to as "Items") within the scope defined by the App. They do not acquire ownership, intellectual property rights, or any other rights, and Items cannot be exchanged for money or goods outside the App.
The Service is an information service available for free, except for certain Items. The prices of Items may be changed without customer consent. Additionally, new Items may be added without customer consent.
There may be periods when the Service is unavailable due to server maintenance or data communication issues. Customers are responsible for any communication fees incurred by downloading and using the App, and it is recommended to subscribe to a flat-rate data service.
Even if the provision of the Service is temporarily interrupted, the Company will not refund any usage fees. If the Company is liable to customers due to negligence (excluding willful misconduct or gross negligence), the Company's liability for damages is limited to the amount of usage fees paid by the customer for the Service.
If a minor customer makes a payment for the Service, it must be done with the consent of a parent or legal guardian. If a minor makes a payment, it is deemed that the parent or legal guardian has consented to the payment.

Article 3 (Discontinuation of Items)
Customers acknowledge that Items used in the App may be discontinued at the Company's discretion. The Company will notify customers in advance of any discontinuation of Items, and after such notification, Items may become unusable.
The Company may change, add, discontinue, or otherwise render Items unusable, regardless of the reason, and may eliminate unused Items. The Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by customers due to the elimination of Items, except in cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence by the Company.

Article 4 (Withdrawal)
Customers may withdraw or uninstall the App at any time. If a user uninstalls the App, they will be considered to have withdrawn from the Service.
Customers agree that any in-app currency, items, and all other content remaining at the time of withdrawal will be forfeited upon withdrawal.

Article 5 (Suspension of Service Use)
The Company may immediately suspend the use of the Service by the customer if any of the following applies:

a. When the customer violates or is likely to violate these Terms of Service.
b. When the Company recognizes that the customer falls under the contents specified in Article 13 "Prohibited Acts" of these Terms of Service.
c. When the Company determines that the customer interferes with the execution of the Company's business operations.
d. When the user's ID, password, etc., have been leaked due to the customer's careless management, resulting in damage to the use of the service or unauthorized use by a third party.

If the use of the Service is suspended for any account based on the preceding paragraph, the Company may suspend the use of all accounts held by the customer.

Article 6 (Use of the Service by Minors)
If the customer falls under any of the following, the Company may immediately suspend the use of the Service by the customer. When a minor uses the Service, all use of the Service, including the purchase of items and paid services (including agreeing to these Terms of Service), requires the consent of a legal guardian (such as a parent).
When a minor uses paid services within the Service, the minor shall comply with the monthly usage limit separately specified by the Company. In this case, the usage limit shall be deemed as property "permitted for disposal for a specific purpose" by the legal guardian.
If a minor uses the Service by falsely claiming to have the consent of a legal guardian or by falsely claiming to be of legal age, or if the minor uses fraudulent means to convince the Company that they have legal capacity, the minor cannot revoke any legal acts related to the Service.
If a customer who was a minor at the time of agreeing to these Terms of Service continues to use the Service after reaching the age of majority, the customer is deemed to have ratified all legal acts related to the use of the Service.

Article 7 (Support)
The Company will provide support for the Service and the App in Japanese only.
The Company is not obligated to respond to all inquiries from customers regarding the Service and the App.
Customers must inquire about the Service and the App using the method specified by the Company.

Article 8 (Termination of Contract)
The Company may terminate the contract for the use of the Service by notifying the customer through the method specified by the Company if, despite receiving a notice from the Company specifying a period, the customer whose use of the Service has been suspended pursuant to Article 5 "Suspension of Service Use" of these Terms of Service, still fails to resolve the reason for such suspension. In this case, the Company may also terminate all other service usage contracts provided based on these Terms of Service in the same manner.
The Company may immediately terminate the contract for the use of the Service without prior notice if the circumstances specified in Article 13 "Prohibited Acts" of these Terms of Service or Article 5 "Suspension of Service Use" cause interference with the Company's business operations, as determined by the Company. In this case, the Company may also terminate all other service usage contracts provided based on these Terms of Service in the same manner without waiting for the specified suspension period. The Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the customer due to the termination of the service usage contract based on this article.

Article 9 (Intellectual Property Rights)
All copyrights and other intellectual property rights related to the content provided by the Company to customers in the Service, including images, videos, music, text, programs, and information (hereinafter referred to as "Content"), belong to the Company or licensors licensed by the Company. Customers shall not use or disclose Content to third parties without the permission of the Company and licensors.
Customers may only use the downloaded Content from the Service on compatible devices on which this App is installed. Customers shall not reprint, replicate, modify, store, reverse engineer, or transfer the App without the permission of the Company.
Customers shall not engage in any acts that infringe upon the rights of the Company or third parties regarding the Service, or acts that may cause such infringement.
Except as provided by copyright law for private use, customers shall not use Content beyond the scope of private use as defined by copyright law, except as provided by copyright law for private use.

a. When using it as a top image or icon for personal social media accounts.
b. When creating derivative works for personal use, not for profit, and passing them to family members in exchange for production costs.
c. When posting derivative works created for personal enjoyment on social media, etc.

Furthermore, it shall be clarified that it is a derivative work and shall not be used for criminal or malicious purposes.
If a problem arises due to the customer's violation of this provision, the customer shall resolve the issue at their own expense and responsibility and shall not cause inconvenience or damage to the Company or third parties.
The Service is targeted for provision in Japan, and the Company makes no warranties and assumes no responsibility for the intellectual property rights of rights holders outside Japan.
The Company may freely reproduce, quote, disclose, provide, publish, distribute, or otherwise use the information (such as chats) input by the customer during the use of the Service without notifying the customer, and may do so free of charge.
Customers shall not exercise moral rights related to the information mentioned in the preceding paragraph against the Company or persons designated by the Company.

Article 10 (Trademarks, etc.)
Trademarks, logos, and service marks (collectively referred to as "Trademarks") displayed in the Service are registered or unregistered trademarks of the Company or third parties.
The Company does not transfer or license any Trademarks to customers or other third parties under these Terms of Service, and customers shall not register trademarks for unregistered trademarks of the Service.
Furthermore, customers shall not apply for registration, or exercise rights related to patents, utility model rights, design rights, trademark rights (including the right to receive patents, utility model rights, and design rights), or apply for copyright registration or transfer registration (rights of programs, document rights, rights of routines, modules, etc.) related to the Service.

Article 11 (Prohibition of Assignment of Rights)
Customers shall not transfer or assign any rights or obligations related to these Terms of Service to third parties.

Article 12 (Disclaimer of Liability)
Customers shall use the Service at their own risk, and the Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by customers.
All information provided in the Service and all data obtained in the in-game environment are not guaranteed to be provided permanently.
The Company shall not be liable for any damages, including but not limited to the loss of any information provided in the Service, data obtained in the in-game environment, or any other damages arising from the use of the Service (such as delay, failure, or incorrect operation of data transmission, delay, modification, suspension, temporary interruption, or any other obstacle).

Article 13 (Prohibited Actions)
Users must not engage in the following actions when using this service.

Regarding the service in general:
a. Intentionally exploiting bugs in the Service, tampering with parameters, modifying programs, disassembling, or analyzing by other means
b. Exploiting program bugs or glitches for fraudulent purposes, encouraging other users to exploit such bugs or glitches
c. Tampering with or deleting information posted on the Service, unauthorized access, or any other illicit acts, or attempting to do so
d. Actions that disrupt the operation of the Service or network systems
e. Interfering with communications of the Service, intercepting communications, intruding servers, or stealing information
f. Posting or sending harmful programs such as viruses
g. Using devices, equipment, or tools to automatically move characters
h. Deliberately ending online or multiplayer games by turning off power, etc.
i. Following instructions displayed by our or other companies' apps instead of making your own decisions during online or multiplayer games (soft hitting)
j. Posting or sending compressed URLs, shortened URLs, or redirect URLs to induce unintended posts or accesses
k. Posting or sending links or URLs to sites not permitted by the Service
l. Using the same communication terminal, user ID, or password for multiple customers
m. Re-enrolling customers who have been forcibly deleted due to violations
n. Manipulating headers to hide or impersonate the origin of content transmitted through our service
o. Holding multiple user qualifications by oneself
p. Using multiple terminals alone to use the app
q. Manipulating rankings illegally
r. Exchanging information with other users outside of the game to gain advantages

Regarding communication and personal information:
a. Disclosing personal information such as names, addresses, or photos of ours or third parties
b. Infringing upon the rights of honor, credibility, privacy rights, or publicity rights of ours or third parties
c. Unjust defamation, insult, harassment, or other actions causing economic or mental damage to third parties
d. Expressions or actions leading to discrimination based on ethnicity, race, gender, age, etc.
e. Impersonating others, deceiving other users with similar names, or falsely using content significantly different from reality to use the Service
f. Impersonating individuals, other organizations, etc., by using names of our employees or support personnel
g. Pretending to be our employees or support staff
h. Notifying others of impending harm for the purpose of causing fear
i. Using the Service for the purpose of dating
j. Inviting or soliciting for offline meetings, etc.
k. Posting or sending information such as phone numbers, email addresses, or IDs and passwords from other sites
l. Spam actions such as:
1) Sending spam messages (posting or sending the same or similar text by one or more customers in a writable area of the Service)
2) Posting or sending spam words (posting or sending multiple unrelated or loosely related words, meaningless long texts, or a large number of words in a writable area of the Service)
3) Other acts judged by us to be spam actions

m. Buying, selling, or exchanging contents provided in the Service (virtual currency, virtual items, etc.) for anything other than such contents (RMT or heterogeneous trading), as well as chatting, advertising, or other similar acts for such purposes
n. Collecting or accumulating personal information of other customers
o. Harassment actions, including delays or continuous transmission of comments, etc., that obstruct the smooth progress of the Service

Regarding public order and morals, religion, politics, and commercial actions:
a. Posting or sending information equivalent to obscenity, child pornography, or child abuse, or content that suggests such
b. Acts related to crimes such as fraud, drug abuse, child prostitution, illegal buying and selling of savings accounts and communication terminals
c. Providing, subcontracting, mediating, or inducing illegal acts
d. Posting or sending content depicting murder, injury scenes, corpses, or other cruel acts, or content that suggests such
e. Encouraging, inducing, or promoting suicide, group suicide, self-harm, or illegal drug use
f. Inviting to actions related to unauthorized groups, religious actions, or pyramid schemes not permitted by the Service
g. Pre-campaigning or election campaigning (including similar acts), as well as acts violating the Public Offices Election Act
h. Posting or sending information for commercial advertising purposes not permitted by the Service
i. Buying, selling, exchanging, or giving away goods, rights, or services not permitted by the Service, or acts equivalent to these
j. Posting or sending prohibited acts (Article 13, 3 a-i, etc.) by using puns or similar characters

a. Acts that infringe upon the copyrights, intellectual property rights, portrait rights, trademark rights, etc., of the company or third parties
b. Acts judged by the company to violate laws, public order, morals, general norms, individual provisions, or infringe upon the rights of third parties
c. Any other actions deemed inappropriate by the company

Article 14 (Changes, Termination, and Suspension of the Service)
The Company may, without prior notice to the Customer, change all or part of the content of the Service.
The Company may terminate the provision of all or part of the Service at its discretion. In this case, except in cases of urgent necessity, the Company shall publicly announce or notify the Customer in advance by the method deemed appropriate by the Company.
The Company may, without prior announcement or notification to the Customer, temporarily or permanently suspend the provision of the Service for a short or long term if any of the following reasons occur. In this case, except in cases of urgent necessity, the Company shall publicly announce or notify the Customer in advance by the method deemed appropriate by the Company.
a. Maintenance or repairs to hardware, software, communication equipment, facilities, or any other resources used to provide the Service, whether performed regularly or urgently.
b. Disruption of communication lines such as Internet connections, mobile phone lines, etc.
c. Force majeure events such as natural disasters.
d. Fires, power outages, or other unforeseen accidents.
e. War, conflicts, disturbances, riots, labor disputes.
f. Any other situation where the Company determines that interruption of the Service provision is necessary.

Except in cases where the Company has intentional or gross negligence, the Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the customer due to changes, termination, or interruption of the Service based on this clause.

Article 15 (Disclaimer)
In the event any of the following circumstances arise, the Company may temporarily suspend or halt the provision of the Service without prior notice to the user:

a. Regular or emergency maintenance or repair of hardware, software, communication equipment, etc. used for the Service;
b. Difficulty in providing the Service due to force majeure such as natural disasters;
c. Difficulty in providing the Service due to fire, power outage, or other unforeseen accidents;
d. Difficulty in providing the Service due to war, conflict, civil unrest, riots, labor disputes, etc.;
e. Other circumstances deemed necessary by the Company.

The Company shall be liable for damages incurred by the Customer due to the intentional or gross negligence of the Company in relation to the use of the Service, limited to the service usage fees received by the Company from the Customer, and only for direct damages (loss of profits, consequential damages, and other indirect damages are not subject to compensation). Additionally, the Company shall not be responsible for any loss or damage incurred in connection with the use of the Service by customers who have not agreed to these terms.
The Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by customers in connection with the use of the Service (including delays, non-transmission, errors, system downtime, transmission failures, loss of data, items, or characters due to service interruptions, malfunction of communication terminals used by customers, or other damages). The Company shall not be responsible for any loss or disappearance of personal information or other customer-related data due to unforeseen circumstances beyond the Company's control, such as equipment failure, trouble, power outages, abnormalities in communication lines, etc. Furthermore, the Company shall not be held liable for any damages incurred by customers as a result of such occurrences.
In cases where the Company's exemption from liability under these terms is not recognized due to compulsory regulations or final judgments of a court of law, the Company shall be liable only for direct damages suffered by the Customer (loss of profits, consequential damages, and other indirect damages are not subject to compensation). Additionally, the liability shall be limited to the service fees paid by the customer to the Company for the Service (excluding fees charged by Apple Inc. and Google Inc.).
Customers are encouraged to avoid excessive use of the Service that disrupts a healthy living environment. The Company shall not be liable for any social, psychological, or physical damages resulting from customers deviating from appropriate usage.
Customers shall be responsible for all actions taken on the Service using their communication terminal or user ID, regardless of whether they personally performed the action.
Customers shall bear responsibility for all their actions and their consequences related to the use of the Service, and in case of causing damages to the Company or third parties through the use of the Service, customers shall resolve such matters at their own expense and responsibility.
The responsibility for any disadvantages arising from inaccuracies in the information provided by customers for the purpose of using the Service shall lie with the respective customers.
The Company shall not be obliged to reimburse customers for any expenses (telephone charges, communication charges, service usage fees, etc.) incurred due to the interruption of the Service.
The Company shall not be held liable for any defects or malfunctions in the Service that may affect customers or third parties. Additionally, the Service is provided as-is at the time of provision by the Company, and customers acknowledge that the Company does not guarantee the absence of defects in the Service. Therefore, the Company shall not be responsible for the completeness, accuracy, applicability, or usefulness of the information (including programs) obtained through the use of the Service by customers.
The Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by customers or third parties in connection with the use of the Service (including damages to applications, data, or hardware other than the app itself).
If customers cause or are likely to cause damages to the Company due to their actions related to the use of the Service, the Company may demand cessation of the violation and compensation for the damages from the customers.
The Company may inspect information sent by customers to protect customers and the gaming environment primarily against violations of the Terms of Service.
In cases where the Company determines that prohibited actions under Article 13 of these terms have been conducted within the Service, or when deemed necessary by the Company, the Company may share information about the customers concerned across all services operated by the Company. The Company shall not be held liable for any damages (including indirect damages) resulting from fraudulent actions within the Service.
The Company shall not be liable to customers or third parties for any consequences or results arising from actions taken by the Company in accordance with these terms, regardless of the cause.
The Company may disclose customer information to third parties in the following cases:

a. If the Company determines that the requirements for disclosure requests based on Article 4 of the Act on the Limitation of Liability for Damages of Specified Telecommunications Service Providers and the Disclosure of Information on Senders (Act No. 137 of 2001) are met.
b. If necessary to protect the life, body, property, reputation, or privacy of others, as determined by the Company.
c. If deemed necessary for the proper operation of the Service by the Company.

Article 16 (Matters for Consultation and Jurisdiction)
This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Japan, including its establishment, validity, interpretation, and performance, and shall be construed in accordance with Japanese law.
In the event of any doubt or dispute between the Customer and the Company regarding the Service or this Agreement, the parties shall endeavor to resolve it in good faith. However, if the matter remains unresolved, the Tokyo Summary Court or the Tokyo District Court shall be the exclusive jurisdictional court of first instance.

Article 17 (Amendment of the Agreement)
The Company may amend, partially delete, or revise this Agreement without prior notice to the Customer.
Customers who continue to use the Service after the amendment of this Agreement shall be deemed to have agreed to the amended terms of this Agreement.

* Steam and the Steam logo are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Valve Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.
* "Wi-Fi" is a registered trademark of Wi-Fi Alliance.
* Other company names, product names, service names, etc. mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

Enacted on June 1, 2024 (Effective on the same date)
Sorairo, Inc.