

This License Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into by and between Lost Nexus Studios ("Developer") and the end user ("You") of the computer game titled Illegal Simulator ("Game").

1. Grant of License

Developer grants you a personal, non-transferable, non-exclusive, and limited license to use the Game, subject to your complete compliance with the terms of this Agreement. This license grants you a limited right to use the Game and reserves all other rights of the Developer. This license does not include commercial use of the Game, and unauthorized use will render the license void.

2. Intellectual Property Rights

The Game is owned by the Developer in terms of copyrights, trademarks, and other intellectual property rights. All content in the Game may only be used with the permission of the Developer. This Agreement does not transfer to you any intellectual property rights in the content of the Game.

3. Restrictions

Any violation of this Agreement will result in the automatic termination of the license and the immediate cessation of your right to use the Game. Additionally, it is prohibited to reverse engineer, decompile, modify, distribute, or otherwise alter the Game.

4. Disclaimer of Warranties

The Game is provided "as is" and without warranty of any kind. Developer does not warrant that the Game will be uninterrupted, error-free, or secure.

5. Limitation of Liability

Developer shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages arising out of or in any way connected with the use or inability to use the Game. This limitation of liability shall apply to the fullest extent permitted by law.

6. General Provisions

This Agreement constitutes the entire and exclusive agreement between Developer and You regarding the use of the Game. Any modifications to this Agreement must be made in writing and shall only be effective with the prior written consent of Developer.

If any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable under applicable law, the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect to the maximum extent possible.

7. Acceptance

By installing or using the Game, you agree to be bound by this Agreement. If you do not agree to this Agreement, do not install or use the Game.