Welcome to QUDO

QUDO is a product brought to you by Block Bastards, a company registered with the Portuguese Companies Registry under no. PT514804637 having its registered office at Avenida Calouste Gulbenkian, 118 4dt, 3750-102 Águeda, Portugal and operations office at Avenida Doutor Lourenço Peixinho, 96D, 4 andar, 3800-159 Aveiro, Portugal and with a share capital of 5000.00€. Block Bastards is the data controller responsible for the processing of your personal data on this Website, QUDO SDK and all QUDO adhering games, hereafter implied in every reference to “we”, “us”, “our”, “BB”, “QUDO”, “BLOX” and similar terms.
By using our website and SDK (which is used in every adhering game), you confirm that you accept the following terms and conditions of use (hereafter referred to as “Terms” or “T&C”) and that you agree to comply with them. If you do not agree to these Terms, you must not use QUDO, including our website, dashboard and SDK features inside adhering games.
These terms and conditions govern your use of QUDO as a product, software, website, SDK, APIs and other services adherent to QUDO. When you create an account on QUDO or use our services, you agree to these terms.
QUDO is one of the products provided by Block Bastards (BB). Therefore, these terms and conditions constitute an agreement between you and Block Bastards.

1. Accepting the Terms
• In order to use QUDO, you must firstly agree to the Terms. You must not use our products and services if you don’t accept these Terms.
• You can accept the Terms by simply using QUDO. You understand and agree that Block Bastards will treat your use of our product as acceptance of the Terms from that point onwards.
• You may not use QUDO or accept the Terms if you are not of legal age to form a binding contract with Block Bastards, or if you are a person who is either barried or otherwise legally prohibited from receiving our services or using our product under the laws of the country in which you are resident or from which you access or use our products and services.

2. Who Can Use QUDO
• You must be at least 18 years old.
• You must not be prohibited from receiving any aspect of our product and services under applicable laws.
• Your account must not have been previously disabled for violation of law or any of our policies.
• You must not be in a country where the use of QUDO and other Cryptocurrencies is not legal.

3. General User Conduct
You agree not to use our products and services to:
• Obtain or attempt to obtain unauthorized access to the QUDO products and services, systems, network or data.
• Make available any content that is harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, torrious, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable.
• Impersonate any person or entity, forge or manipulate headers or identifiers to disguise the origin of any content transmitted through our product.
• Make available any content that you do not have the right to make available or that infringes any trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights of any person or entity.
• Post content containing advertisement or other commercial solicitations without our prior written permission.
• Make available viruses, scripts or any other malicious computer code, files, programs or content designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of our product or affect other users.
• Interfere with or disrupt our products and respective servers, systems or networks connected to our products and services, including denial of service or any other attack.
• Try to cheat the system by accessing the platform with automated means of any nature without prior consent, excluding the QUDO SDK that is part of our product.
• Develop extensions, plugins or applications, unless you were explicitly requested to do so by the Block Bastards team.
On becoming aware of any potential violation of these Terms, Block Bastards reserves the right (but shall have no obligation) to decide whether the content complies with the requirements set out in these Terms, resulting in its removal and/or the decision to terminate a user’s access to QUDO product in general and block respective access to QUDO token/Blockchain account. This action may be taken at any time, without prior notice and at its sole discretion.

4. Governing Law and Venue
These T&Cs shall be interpreted in accordance with the Portuguese Law. The Aveiro Judicial District Court is hereby established as the venue before which any litigation arising therefrom shall be discussed, with express waiver of any other.
These Terms will be binding on and will insure the benefit of the legal representatives, successors and assigns of the parties hereto.

5. Intellectual Property Rights
5.1 Developers Grant of License to QUDO
For the purposes of the provision of our Services and dashboard/website, you grant QUDO a non-exclusive license, free of charge, for the entire world and for the duration of your contractual collaboration with QUDO, to use the Content and data that you submit on the dashboard.
Specifically, you authorize us to display, distribute, publish, reproduce, represent, adapt, use and translate any content you provide, and to broadcast it via dashboard or the website and any other QUDO social media to all users worldwide.
5.2 Developers Intellectual Property
The intellectual property of all games included on the QUDO dashboard will remain a proprietorship of their game developers.
5.3 QUDO’s IP Rights / Limited License
The intellectual property of QUDO is exclusive to Block Bastards and the use of QUDO SDK into the developers' games does not grant them access to QUDO’s IP.
5.4 Remedies
If you consider that your legitimate Intellectual property rights have been breached by the introduction of certain content on the website or dashboard, you must notify QUDO and provide us with the following:
• Your contact information or, if the claim is on behalf of a third party, a proof of your right to represent them.
• Identification of the specific content that you consider protected by intellectual property rights, as well as its location on the website, if applicable, by indicating the URL.
• Accreditation of the aforementioned Intellectual Property Rights and reasons for the supposed violation.
QUDO will cooperate with you to attempt to deal with the matter the best way possible.

6. Role of Block Bastards / Limitation of Liability
We seek to provide our products and services to the best of our abilities and to specify clear guidelines for everyone who benefits from them.
These products and services, however, are provided “as is”, and BB makes no guarantees that they will always be safe, secure, or error-free, or that they will function without disruptions, delays, or imperfections. It is not feasible to predict when issues might arise with these products and services. Accordingly, Block Bastards liability shall be limited to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, and under no circumstance will be liable for any lost profits, revenues, information or data, or consequential, special, indirect, exemplary, punitive, or accidental damages arising out of or related to these Terms or to the Block Bastards products and services, even we have been commended of the possibility of such damages. However we are not responsible for the damages caused in case of any hacked systems or accounts. Nonetheless, we will do all the efforts to restore our system, but we cannot guarantee that your personal data and QUDO balance will be assured after the reboot.
In the event of Block Bastards being unable to perform its obligations under this Terms & Conditions because of natural disasters, pandemics, war, strikes, insolvency, equipement/transmission failure or damaged or other causes reasonably beyond its control, Block bastards shall not be liable for any damages caused from such failure to perform and maintain our products and services.

7. Operation, availability and functionalities of the Dashboard
We will try, as far as possible, to maintain the website and the QUDO dashboard accessible at all times. However, the use of the QUDO website and its dashboard or the use of certain features may be suspended or disrupted without prior notice, due to technical maintenance, migration or updates, or even due to issues regarding the Telos blockchain which affect our products and services directly.

8. Your Licence to Use Block Bastards Products and Services
BB gives you royalty-free, non-assignable and non-exclusive licence to use our products as part of our services. This licence has the sole purpose of enabling you to use and enjoy the benefit of the products and services provided by Block Bastards, in the manner permitted by these Terms.
Our products and services are protected by copyright and other laws. Nothing in these T&Cs gives you the right to use Block Bastards name or any of its service/product, logos, domain names, and other distinctive brand features.

9. Account
9.1 Account Creation
In order to create an account and use QUDO services, you must comply with the points mentioned in section 2 and the points mentioned below and be responsible for all use of the account created in compliance with these Terms, including all purchases associated with that account, as well:
9.1.1 You must not create an account or use any of the QUDO services and features on behalf of any other person or legal entity.
9.1.2 If you surpass 5 successful account creations within 24 hours under the same IP address, your IP address will be temporarily suspended until we investigate the situation.
9.1.3 You may only create, own or control one account, unless you are a game developer, in which case you can also have a player account but not a service provider account. If you still believe your case can represent an exception to this, you can request an additional account through our support contact at
9.1.4 We are under no obligation to approve any additional account. If we find out that you have opened or operated (in the past or present) an additional account without our permission, we reserve all rights, including but not limited to, terminating all your accounts, revoking your limited license to use the platform and collect your stake as game developer or service provider (if applicable) and taking whatever other means we find necessary to protect our users, us and the platform.
9.1.5 Given its decentralized nature, the use of QUDO products is at your sole risk and we assume no responsibility for your transactions of funds, the actions or identity of any transfer recipient or sender. If any third party files a claim for a chargeback or we are otherwise informed of a dispute between you and another party, we are not responsible for intermediating, determining the veracity of claims or resolving the dispute. Issues between QUDO users should be resolved between themselves only.
9.1.6 When you create a QUDO account you will be awarded with a Telos wallet (if you don’t already have one) that will provide you the access to QUDO rewards. Keep in mind that the cost of each Telos wallet might change in the future. This Telos wallet will give you the means to manage your QUDO tokens, so we need to ensure that you are only using one Telos wallet. Therefore, we will need to confirm your account with your phone.
9.1.7 We highly recommend that you assume control of your wallet and save your keys in a safe place right after you register (instructions soon). Otherwise, this wallet will be under the supervision of Block Bastards until you decide to assume control of it or until you reach the maximum number of QUDO coins allowed under the supervision of Block Bastards (maximum per player: 500 QUDO, maximum per developer: 1500 QUDO, maximum per service provider: 1500 QUDO), causing your account to be disabled until you take over control. Beware that Block Bastards is not responsible for any loss of QUDO coins and system hacks while under the Block Bastards’ supervision. However, Block Bastards will implement security measures to avoid this from happening.
9.1.8 Once you are exclusively responsible for your own wallet, it will not be possible to recover the keys if you forget them, since Block Bastards will no longer save such information. We advise you to save your keys in a format and/or location that prevents fraud, damage or other form of data loss, if this is your case.
9.1.9 We recommend that you don’t sell, transfer or allow any other person to access your account or login credentials, or offer to do so, since we won't be able to help recovering QUDO coins resulting from any theft or fraudulent activity under these circumstances.
9.2 Account Termination
You may terminate or suspend your account at any time by contacting us at
We may terminate or suspend your account without notifying you, if we reasonably determine that:
9.2.1 You have breached any part of these Terms.
9.2.2 We have stopped offering our products or services in your region (though we will normally post advance notice on our website and/or game if we plan to stop offering a core feature of our services in your region).
If your account registers no activity for 3 years, we reserve the right to take the according measures, including suspension or termination with proper notice (informing you by email prior to our final action).
Note: In any case, the TELOS wallet originally created for you and the QUDO tokens present in it will remain yours, assuming you took or take control of the account keys before the termination. Only your QUDO registration as an off-chain user of the QUDO platform can be deleted. Again, the on-chain part, the tokens you have in your wallet will remain there, as long as your wallet is not under the supervision of Block Bastards by the time of termination, in which case we will burn the tokens or move them into an savings account to be used in marketing activities and airdrops (still to be defined at the time of this writing).

10. QUDO Network
10.1 Rewarding Model
Each minute, 2048 QUDO tokens are generated and distributed in the following way: 9% for all active games, 75% for all active players, 8% for the founders (Block Bastards), 2% for the selected founding partners and 6% for the stakeholders.
10.2 QUDO Rewards
10.2.1 QUDO constantly measures players activity and games being played, rewarding every minute the active players and respective games for this activity (game time). If you're a player, in order to get these tokens, you need to confirm your interest in receiving them via the QUDO dashboard or in-game SDK - otherwise, they will not be deposited in your wallet.). Users need to grab these tokens; otherwise, they will expire and won’t be issued. We use this method to avoid issuing coins that eventually won’t be used by users who don’t understand or value the QUDO token. Therefore, after one year, the possibility of grabbing these tokens will be cancelled and the user will lose the right to these tokens.
10.2.2 Players can also be given performance rewards (Achievement or Highscore rewards), but these are the responsibility of the game developers and it will work as a peer-to-peer (P2P) QUDO coins transfer from the game’s account to the player’s account.
10.2.3 The use or intention to use bots in order to simulate gameplay activity is strictly forbidden and, in case of any suspect of such kind of action, the account will be automatically blacklisted until further investigation. The user will have the possibility to explain or argue this accusation. However, if we do not receive an explanation under 15 days or consider the explanation invalid, the account will remain inactive and it will be eventually deleted after 1 year. The deleted account tokens will be burned or converted into additional rewards to share within the community.
10.3 Adhering Services
Qudo promotes a list of Service Providers for the Gaming Industry, which will be available to the adhering Game Developers and will offer their services in exchange for QUDO tokens as means of payment. These are curated services by BlockBastards and should represent a way to improve adhering Game Developers' games without them needing to use FIAT currency, or more specifically, using QUDO crypto currency earned on the platform.
10.3.1 We don’t collect any commission from the services acquired inside the QUDO platform nor we assume any responsibility for the success or failure of delivering these services. Nonetheless, we will do our due diligence regarding the service quality and applicability on our dashboard.
10.3.2 Service providers that use our platform to establish contact with potential developers (clients) and then sell them their services outside the QUDO platform without using QUDO as currency will be banned from the platform and their stake will be lost, but not before having the right to clarify the event to the QUDO platform management team.
10.4 Games & Game Developers
QUDO powered games will be promoted on the QUDO dashboard for the QUDO community to be aware of the games where they can earn and spend QUDO tokens. We are not a marketplace. Instead, we list the marketplaces and alternative means of downloading and/or playing these games, also providing information about the games (filled in by the respective developers) and creating a vibrant and engaged community via challenges and results in terms of rewards collected.
10.4.1 Similar to the section 10.3.1, we don’t assume responsibility for any defective games or malicious in-game actions towards players.
10.4.2 Game developers who acquire services under the conditions mentioned in the section 10.3.2 will eventually be banned and lose their stake, but not before having the right to clarify the event to the QUDO platform management team.
10.4.3 We are not liable for the eventuality of marketplaces banning QUDO and its adhering games. Nonetheless, we will perform all the necessary actions to be compliant with the main marketplaces and, in case of a game being banned from its marketplace, we will provide assistance in the best way we can.
10.4.4 In such an event, which we don't control, the studio/developer responsible for the affected game should temporarily disable the QUDO integration in the game version available for the specific platform/marketplace causing the problem until we help solve this situation. Other versions for other marketplaces should keep the QUDO integration and the respective rewards will continue being deposited on that game's wallet

11. Third Party Services and Applications
We may contract third party services to collaborate with QUDO, in order to improve the quality of our products and maintain a secure environment for all users. However, if you authorize a third-party application to connect to your account, you assume all risks associated with those connections and actions.

12. Electronic Communications
12.1 We may be required to provide you with certain periodic legal statements and other types of communications to you in a written form. Pursuant to these T&C, we will deliver such communications to you in electronic form.
12.2 By agreeing to these terms, you agree to receive all our communications regarding the access and use of QUDO electronically, either by email, text messaging, “in-app” messaging or by posting a communication on the QUDO platform.
12.3 You are responsible for opening and reviewing all communications that we deliver to you through the methods described above (section 12.2).

13. Taxes
13.1 Depending on where you live, you may or may not have to pay taxes in addition to the eventual fees for acquiring one or more services/products from Block Bastards. By making any purchase using QUDO, you agree that you are aware of the taxes in your country/area and will pay them in full.
13.2 Additionally, although QUDO is a free-to-use product, eventual in-app purchases (IAP) or QUDO tokens purchase may include taxes to third-party marketplaces that require a certain percentage from any purchase. As a result, whenever you, as a player, make an asset/product/service purchase, the value taken from your wallet/account may not be the same as the value received by the game's wallet, due to eventual applicable marketplace fees, which are not fees associated with QUDO. Again, QUDO is free to use and we take no royalties from purchases between its stakeholders. These marketplaces fees allow games to be available in the main marketplaces. However, we cannot ensure that the games are 100% protected from a possible marketplace ban, since we do not control the marketplaces decisions. Nonetheless, we will perform all the necessary actions to be compliant with the main marketplaces and, in case of a game being banned from its marketplace, we will provide assistance in the best way we can.
13.3 You agree that you will take all responsibility for determining any tax implications associated with the use of QUDO in your country as well as consulting an accountant, lawyer or tax authorities in your jurisdiction to determine any tax consequences.

14. Hyperlinks
Our QUDO Product platforms, including websites, SDK, etc, contain hyperlinks to other websites. We do not control those websites and we are not responsible for their content. By including these links, we are not endorsing the material on those websites or implying any association with their operators.

15. Contact Us
Block Bastards welcomes any comments, suggestions, questions, issue reports or concerns. You can contact us by sending an email to