1. The user agrees to use the monitoring data in the game program as a basis to determine whether the user is cheating in the game using plugins or other methods.
2. The user agrees that if the developer discovers any abnormalities in the user's behavior or data, they may observe and record the user's behavior, and use the observation and record results as the basis for determining whether the user has violated the user behavior guidelines under this agreement.
3. If a user violates the User Code of Conduct described in this article, the game developer has the right to impose one or more of the following consequences on the user based on the severity of the behavior, and the user shall bear such adverse consequences:
(1) Warning.
(2) Prohibition: Close some or all chat channels of the violating user, and force the online conversation function of the violating user role to be suspended, so that the role cannot communicate with other users until the punishment expires or is cancelled.
(3) Forced Offline: Force the violating user to exit the current game and end the execution of the user's current game program.
(4) Account closure: Suspend or permanently terminate the login of illegal users and lose access to the world.
(5) Delete Files: Delete the character files of users who violate rules in the game world and prevent that character from appearing again in the game world.
(6) Extraction of virtual game products: Virtual game products obtained by illegal users due to fraud or other illegal activities, or funds obtained through private offline transactions, including but not limited to virtual game currency and virtual products, shall be recovered.
(7) Change Name: Force the modification of the nickname, game character name, or gang name of the violating user forum.
(8) Dissolve organization: Dissolve guilds and other organizations established by illegal users.
(9) Deduction value: Deduction of the value of game characters, including but not limited to their level, money, experience, etc.
(10) Block IP: Temporarily or permanently prohibit illegal users from using abnormal IP addresses to log in to the game server.