Software End User License Agreement

Please read this agreement carefully as it contains important information.
This Software End User License Agreement ("EULA") is a usage agreement between an individual or a single entity (the "User") and the Company for software products developed, sold, and distributed by D zard Inc. and its "Subsidiaries" and "Partners" (collectively, the "Company").
This "EULA" applies to all versions of all software (excluding country-specific versions) provided by D zard Inc.
The Company's software (the "Product") may include not only computer software, but also any assets, media, files, data, printed materials and online or electronic documents ("Software") accompanying the "Product."
By installing, copying or running the "Product," in whole or in part, on your computer or network, you agree to be bound by this "EULA" when using the "Product."
If the "User" does not agree to the contents of this "EULA," the "Product" may not be used.
※ "Subsidiary": A company that is substantially controlled by D zard Inc. through shares or other means.
"Partner": A business entity that has entered into a partnership agreement with D zard Inc.

- Software Product License -

1. License

1.1. Upon acceptance of this "EULA," the following rights are granted to the "User" for each "Product."
1.2. "ASURAJANG" may be used anywhere by an individual user or company, for/non-profit corporation, public institution, educational institution, internet cafe, etc.
1.3. For "ASURAJANG", the right to use the "Product" is granted to "Users" who have legitimately purchased the "Product," limited to the scope of use and period of use specified in the certificate included in the "Product." For individuals not seeking profit, the right to use the "Product" without restriction is granted.
1.4. The scope of use of the "Product" includes both local computers and terminals in a desktop virtualization environment that provides an independent desktop environment for each user through a centralized server (the "Virtualization Environment"), and the total number of uses, including local computers and terminals in the "Virtualization Environment," may not exceed the number of licenses purchased.
1.5. The"User" may download or copy the "Product" in order to legitimately use the "Product." The "User" may also make copies of the "Product" for backup or archiving purposes. However, the installation of the "Product" on a network server and its use on multiple computers via streaming, and the simultaneous use of one PC by multiple independent users are not permitted in principle.
1.6. The "User" agrees that they may be audited by the "Company" for compliance with this "EULA." The "Company" may conduct audits to determine the Customer's compliance with this "EULA" during normal business hours by providing a reasonable period of advance notice. The "User" will provide the "Company" or its authorized representatives with access to their facilities, workstations and servers, cooperate fully with the Company's investigation, and take all commercially reasonable steps to assist the "Company" in accurately determining their compliance with this "EULA." The "Company" and its authorized representatives will comply with Customer's reasonable security regulations at your premises.
1.7. The "Product" is authorized for use in the Republic of Korea, and any use outside of the Republic of Korea must be separately authorized by D zard Inc. Any use of the "Product" outside of the Republic of Korea without separate authorization is an unauthorized use of the "Product" and infringes the Company's copyright.

2. Copyright and Use Restrictions

2.1. All genuine software and copies of the "Product" must display copyright information.
2.2. The "Company" possesses sole ownership over the copyright and intellectual property rights to the "Product" and all its included components, printed materials and software copies. These rights are protected by the copyright laws of the Republic of Korea and international copyright treaties.
2.3. The "User" shall comply with the copyright laws of the Republic of Korea, international copyright treaties and other applicable laws related to the use of the "Product," and shall not reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the "Product," copy, modify or adapt the components of the "Product," in whole or in part, except to the limited extent expressly permitted by applicable laws and regulations, shall not reproduce or copy and distribute the "Product" and related printed materials at will without the prior authorization of the "Company."
2.4. If the "User" infringes the copyright of the "Company" through any of the acts listed in the preceding clause, the "Company" may claim compensation for all damages caused by the infringement of the copyright from the End "User".

3. Scope of Warranty

3.1. Provide at least one year of technical support (Basic Support throughout the Sales Period and Additional Support for one year after the end of the Sales Period) according to the Sales Period of the "Product." Upon release of a new version (major update) of the "Product," the previous version will be discontinued. The scope of technical support is subject to change depending on the product characteristics and operating system environment, and the "User" may be required to update to the latest version in order to receive support.
- Basic Support (Within Sales Period): Customer support, security updates, bug fixes, and feature enhancements.
- Additional support (After Sales Perod Ends): Critical security updates (in response to official government security update advisories)
* "End-of-life products" do not accept requests to support the latest operating system.
* Support may be limited for operating systems on which security updates have been discontinued.

4. Automatic Updates

4.1. The "Product" has built-in functionality to communicate over the Internet as part of its normal operation for updates. Automatic updates will install random files on your computer on an as-needed basis, which may change at any time. You will not be asked for your consent prior to installation, which is superseded by your acceptance of this Agreement.

5. Provision of Advertising Content and Other Services

5.1. The "Company" may provide advertising content and additional services other than the "Product" directly to the "User" when the "User" installs, updates, or uses the "Product," and the "User" is deemed to have agreed to receive such services by installing or updating the "Product." However, advertising content will be limited to products that are made available to the general public.
5.2. The "Company" may take technical measures to bypass or ensure the product functions normally, if a third party's product or service blocks or prevents "Users" from using the services or settings provided by the "Company."

6. Provision of Services for Testing Purposes

6.1. The "Company" may provide a Beta Service for Testing Purposes to "Users" for a period of time before commercially releasing a new service. The Test Period, Scope, Eligibility, and related information will be announced separately through the Company's various announcement channels and services will be provided exclusively for "Users" who have applied for testing.
6.2. During the Beta Service Test Period, all data, etc. related to the service for testing purposes may not be recoverable. In addition, if unexpected problems occur during the beta service, the "Company" may suspend the beta service without prior notice.
6.3. The Beta Service is a temporary service provided free of charge, and the "Company" shall not be liable for any damages caused to the user due to the Beta Service. However, if the damage is caused to the user due to the intentional or gross negligence of the "Company," the "Company" shall compensate only for direct damages.

7. Data Collection and Use

7.1. The "Company" collects Non-personally Identifiable Information, such as information about the User's computer operating system, version of the "Product," and error information in order to improve the quality of the "Product."
7.2. In addition, in the case of publicly available Products, randomly generated identification keys, cookie files, etc. may be created on the User's system that do not identify individuals, and the "Company" collects usage patterns, ad impressions, and ad clicks (hereinafter referred to as "Non-personally Identifiable Information") in order to display advertisements contained in the Products and collect statistics for service improvement. The information collected by the "Company" is information that does not identify the "User" personally and is not disclosed externally. . However, we may provide "Non-Personally Identifiable Information" to our "Subsidiaries" for the purpose of providing and improving related online services. The "Company" will not use the collected information for any purpose other than the stated purpose, and will seek prior consent from the "User" if the purpose of use is changed. The "User" is deemed to have consented to the collection of such data by giving consent to it at the time of installation or update.
7.3. The collected data will be utilized for temporary statistical purposes and will not be permanently stored by the "Company."
7.4. In the case of "ASURAJANG", the error collection module that appears when the "Product" is abnormally terminated uses a module from EPIC GAMES, a "Partner" of the "Company". "If the "User" agrees to report an error, the information related to the error will be sent directly to the server of the "Partner." The information provided is "Non-personally Identifiable Information" such as comments made when reporting an error, error logs, operating system/CPU/memory capacity/screen resolution/system locale information, etc. If the "User" consents to the transfer of the error files, the related files will be transferred. If you are concerned that the error files contain personal and confidential information, please do not send them. The collected information will be used only for the purpose of generating aggregate statistics and for the "Company" to contact the "User" about the error via the collected email in the case of an unidentified error, and will not be used for any other purpose.
7.5. The Company's "Privacy Policy," found in the URL below, shall be followed for other personal information.

8. Redistribution of Software

8.1. The "Product" can be redistributed by downloading the latest version of the "Product" from the cloud URL provided by the "Company."
8.2. The "Product" must be distributed without any changes/modifications to the installation file, and the "Product" may not be reverse engineered, decompiled, or disassembled, and the components of the "Product" may not be copied, altered, or modified in whole or in part.
8.3. If you use the "Product" as an advertising keyword on a search engine to attract users or redistribute it for other commercial purposes without the permission of the "Company", you shall bear any civil or criminal liability resulting from this.
8.4. Even in the case of redistribution permitted by the "Company," if the authorized party redistributes in a way other than the permitted purpose or use, the "Company" may withdraw the redistribution permission at any time, and the authorized party may be held liable.

9. Liability for Consequential Damages

9.1. The results of the use of the "Product" are solely the responsibility of the "User," and the "User" is responsible for the suitability, quality, etc. of the "Product" for the User's purpose of use.
9.2. The "Company" shall not be liable for any incidental and indirect damages, including business damages such as loss of profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or pecuniary loss, resulting from the inability to use the "Product" or failure to properly recognize its use, even if the "Company" has been advised of the possibility of such damages, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws and regulations.
9.3. The Company's liability to the "User" who purchases the "Product" shall not exceed the amount actually paid by the "User" to obtain a license to the "Product," unless the "Company" has been intentionally negligent.
9.4. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, so the above limitation may not apply to some "Users."

10. Acknowledgment of Agreement

The "User" acknowledges that they have read, understood, and agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions set forth in this "EULA."

11. Termination and Cancellation of Agreement

11.1. If the "User" fails to comply with the terms of this "EULA," the "Company" may terminate the Agreement without prejudice to its other rights.
11.2. If the "User" does not agree to the revised terms, the "User" may terminate this "EULA" by uninstalling the "Software."
- To delete the Software: Uninstall the program from Start > Settings > Apps > Apps & Features.

12. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

12.1. This "EULA" shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of Korea, and the Seoul Central District Court shall be the exclusive court of first instance for all legal matters, including lawsuits regarding disputes between the "Company" and the "User."
12.2. In the case of a "User" with an address or residence abroad, the Seoul Central District Court of the Republic of Korea shall be the exclusive jurisdiction of the first instance for any dispute between the "Company" and the "User."

13. Inquiries about the Agreement

For questions regarding the purchase of a license to use the "Product" and this "EULA," please refer to the contact information below.

D zard Inc.
1005-1007, Building B, 670 Daewangpangyo-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, 13494, Korea (Sampyeong-dong, Uspace 2) | E-MAIL :

This program is copyrighted by D zard Inc. (