Please carefully read this User License Agreement ("Agreement"), which sets forth your rights and obligations to use the game "Assia:Returning to Dreams" through the Steam platform, including any documents, software, updates, virtual items, and content (as defined below) (collectively referred to as the "Game"). You and Green Snow Game ("us" or "us") constitute a party to this agreement. If you click "I agree" when downloading or using this game, or indicate your acceptance of this agreement through other means, you agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement. If you do not agree or cannot agree to the terms of this agreement, please do not download or use this game. In this agreement, "content" refers to virtual objects (as defined below), art, titles, themes, items, characters, names, dialogues, catchphrases, locations, stories, animations, concepts, sounds, audio-visual effects, operating methods, music, and any other content in this game. The content includes anything generated, created, or otherwise formed by users (including you) in the process of interacting with the features of this game.

In order to use this game, you must also comply with the provisions of all relevant agreements you have signed with Steam (the "Steam Agreement").

1. License

(a) Grant License. On the premise that you strictly abide by this agreement and the Steam agreement, we grant you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, and non transferable limited right and license to (i) download and install this game to the devices allowed by the Steam agreement; And (ii) access and use this game and any of its contents, but only for personal entertainment purposes using the features of this game (the "License"). We and our licensors reserve all rights to this game that are not granted to you in this agreement.

(b) Cross regional restrictions. We may, at our discretion, (i) restrict your use of this game or any part thereof, and/or (ii) restrict or modify all or part of this game (such as the use of specific content or virtual items) based on your location.

(c) Retail purchases. We may provide codes or product keys from various third-party retailers that can be activated within the game or used to activate the game on Steam. These codes or keys must be purchased through our authorized retailer to be effective. If there are any issues with such codes or keys, you must solve them in accordance with relevant laws and authorized retailers, and we do not assume any responsibility for this.

2. License conditions

Regarding this game or any part thereof, you agree to:

(a) Will not use this game or any part thereof for commercial purposes, for promotional purposes, for the benefit of any third party, or in any way not permitted by this agreement;

(b) It will not provide the game with auxiliary functions (or Steam functions) that are not provided by default in the game, such as hosting, "upgrade" service, image game server, pairing, simulation, communication redirection, Chatbot (or any other automatic control function of the game), tunnel transmission, third-party program add ons, and any interference to online or online games;

(c) Will not access or use this game on multiple devices simultaneously;

(d) Not to copy, distribute, display, mirror, frame, or use this game or any part thereof (or any other materials, intellectual property or proprietary information of our party) in any way not expressly authorized by this agreement;

(e) Will not sell, rent, lease, license, distribute, or otherwise transfer this game or any content, including but not limited to virtual items or game currency;

(f) Will not attempt to modify, adapt or translate the game or any content, will not attempt to Reverse engineering, decompile or disassemble the game or any content, will not use the game or any content derived source code, will not mine any data of the game or any content, and will not create Derivative work based on the game or any content;

(g) We will not delete, disable, evade or modify any technical measures taken by us or the game developer to protect the game or any related intellectual property rights of the game;

(h) Will not create, develop, distribute, or use any unauthorized software programs for the purpose of benefiting from any online or other gaming modes, or for the purpose of cheating (as defined below);

(i) Will not violate any relevant laws and regulations;

(j) Will not attempt to detect, scan, or test vulnerabilities in this game or any part thereof, and will not violate any security or authentication measures;

(k) Will not access, tamper with, or use non-public areas of this game;

(l) Will not harm (in our sole judgment) the entertainment provided by us to other users during the gaming process, including but not limited to harassment, use of insulting or offensive language, abandonment of the game, destruction of the game, spam, social engineering, or fraud;

(m) Will not upload, publish, submit or transmit the following content: (i) any content that infringes or improperly uses a third party's patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret, Moral rights or other intellectual property rights, publishing rights or privacy rights; (ii) Any content that violates or encourages the violation of any relevant laws and regulations or causes civil liability; (iii) any content that is fraudulent, false, misleading or deceptive in nature; (iv) any defamatory, obscene, pornographic, vulgar or offensive content; (v) Any content that incites any individual or group to engage in discrimination, prejudice, racial discrimination, hatred, harassment or harm; (vi) Any content that is violent or threatening, or that promotes violence or threatens any individual or entity; Or (vii) any content promoting illegal or harmful activities or things;

(n) Will not interfere or attempt to interfere with the access of any user, host or network, including but not limited to sending viruses, overloading or overloading the game or any user, sending spam or conducting email bombardment;

(o) Without the explicit permission of other users of this game, no identifiable personal information will be collected or stored through this game;

(p) Will not impersonate or distort your relationship with any individual or entity;

(q) Will not use IP address proxies or other methods to conceal your place of residence, regardless of whether you are evading regional restrictions related to this game or for any other purpose;

(r) Will not use all or part of the features of this game in any way that may cause adverse or negative impact on us or the game, or prevent anyone from using all or part of the features of this game; or

(s) We will not encourage or assist anyone else to take any of the above measures.

During the game installation process, or at our regular discretion, the system will prompt you to install software to prevent specific users from gaining unfair advantages over other users (this phenomenon is called "cheating", and this software is called "cheating detection software"). If you do not agree to install cheating detection software, or if you remove or disable cheating detection software at any time, the license granted to you and this agreement will automatically terminate, and therefore you will not be able to continue using or accessing this game. This game and/or cheating detection software may collect and transmit detailed information about your game account, gameplay, and unauthorized programs or processes related to cheating, but will comply with our privacy policy and relevant legal regulations. If, in our sole discretion, we believe that you have engaged in cheating, you agree that we may exercise any or all of our rights under this agreement, including terminating this agreement and terminating your right to use this game.

Although we have no obligation to monitor the access or use of this game, nor to review or edit any content, in order to ensure the smooth operation and distribution of this game, we have the right to monitor, review or edit to ensure compliance with this agreement and relevant legal provisions. We have the right (but not the obligation) to delete or prohibit access to any content at any time without prior notice. We have the right to investigate any violations of this agreement or actions that affect this game.

3. Changes, updates, and patches to this agreement

We may update this agreement at any time at our discretion. If we update this agreement, you will be prompted to agree to accept the updated version of this agreement the next time you visit this game or notify you of the update. You must agree to accept the agreement update in order to continue using this game.

For your convenience in continuing to use this game, we may provide necessary patches, updates, or upgrades that must be installed. We can remotely update this game without notifying you, and you hereby agree to us installing such patches, updates, and upgrades. We can modify, pause, terminate, replace, replace, or restrict your access to any part of this game at any time. Subject to relevant laws and regulations, you hereby confirm that we may stop providing you with any character data, game progress, game customization or other data services related to your use of the game at any time without further notice, including but not limited to the above services after we apply patches, updates or upgrades. You agree that we do not assume any maintenance or support obligations for this game.

We can adjust the prices of this game, virtual items, game currency (as defined below), or content at any time for any reason.

4. Virtual Items and Game Currency

(a) Purchase or obtain virtual items and game currency. In this game, we can provide some upgrades and options that can be purchased using Fiat money, such as but not limited to in-game currency ("game currency"), character skin, experience enhancement, in-game character equipment, and other virtual additional items ("virtual items") that can improve your game experience in some way. Even if you don't purchase, you may still receive specific types of virtual items and game currency, such as through activities or in-game rewards. When you purchase game currency, virtual items, or the game itself (referred to as "transaction"), you will complete the transaction through the functions provided by Steam. You should ensure that you fully understand the Steam agreement related to the transaction before trading.

(b) Grant you permission for virtual items and game currency. Virtual items and game currency are digital items. On the premise that you strictly abide by this agreement and the Steam agreement, we grant you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, and non transferable limited right and license to use any virtual item or game currency obtained through purchase or any other means when accessing this game (and only for). Subject to relevant laws and regulations, all virtual goods and game currency belong to our property, have no monetary value, and cannot be exchanged or returned for any Fiat money or any article with any monetary value. We may revoke the license granted to you regarding virtual items and/or game currency at any time in accordance with the provisions of this agreement, without assuming any responsibility to you.

(c) Game currency and content changes. We may modify, replace, replace, suspend, cancel, or delete any game currency or content at our discretion without notice, including your permission to access or use the game currency or content, and we do not assume any responsibility to you, except as otherwise prohibited by relevant laws. You agree that you will not make any claims against us, our affiliated companies, directors, executives, employees, agents or licensees ("Green Snow Game Party") regarding the following matters: (A) claiming that you have exclusive rights in any virtual item or game currency; Or (B) claim that the economic value of the virtual item or game currency is lost due to (I) deletion or suspension of your account, (II) adjustment of this game, resulting in a change in the value of the virtual item or game currency, or (III) modification, termination, or expiration of this agreement.

5. Qualification and Registration

(a) Age. You can only use this game if you have reached the specific age required by this game (13 years old or above, in some cases 18 years old or above), have the ability to sign a binding contract with us, and relevant laws do not prohibit you from using this game. If applicable, we will indicate the age rating of this game or notify you of the age rating separately. You agree to use this game only if you have reached the required minimum age.

(b) Create an account. You may need to create an account within the game (your "game account") to access the content of this game. Your game account (if applicable) is independent of any account you have on Steam (your "Steam Account"). You can create this game account using your existing account with us or your email address. If you create a game account through a third-party account, we may access certain personal information, such as your email and name, to help you create a game account.

(c) Ensure that your information is updated. It is crucial that you provide us with accurate, complete, and up-to-date information about your gaming account. And you agree to update this information to ensure that it is accurate, complete, and up to date. Otherwise, we can suspend or terminate (or suggest terminating) your gaming account. You agree not to disclose your game account password to anyone. If anyone is found using your game account without authorization, you will immediately notify us. Regardless of whether you are aware or not, all activities under your gaming account will be your own responsibility.

6. Feedback

We welcome your feedback, opinions, and suggestions on the improvement of this game ("Feedback"). You can provide feedback to us via email or the game features (if applicable). If you provide us with any feedback, it shall be deemed that you have irrevocably granted us, free of charge, a globally valid, non-exclusive, paid up, transferable, and transferable license to use, copy, modify, perform publicly, display your feedback publicly, and distribute feedback copies in any country for any purpose Create Derivative work based on feedback and develop and utilize your feedback separately. If such rights (such as Moral rights and other personal rights) cannot be licensed according to relevant laws, you shall waive and no longer claim all such rights. You understand and agree that we do not have to use any feedback you provide. If we use your feedback, you understand and agree that you will not require us to sign or compensate you for it. You declare and guarantee that you have the relevant rights to any feedback you provide us, in order to fully grant the aforementioned rights to us and other relevant parties, including but not limited to intellectual property, publication rights, or privacy rights.

7. Ownership/Third Party License

We, our affiliated companies, and licensors own all ownership, ownership, and intellectual property rights of this game (including all content). You agree not to delete, change, or hide any copyright, trademark, service mark, or other proprietary notice contained in or accompanying this game. This Agreement does not grant licenses or other rights by implication or Estoppel.

This game may contain certain software ("Open-source software") subject to the "Open Source" license described in the appendix. If we use such Open-source software, please note that there may be provisions in the Open-source software license that take precedence over the terms of this agreement. In this case, in case of conflict, the terms of the Open-source software license shall prevail.

8. Third party websites or resource links

This game may include third-party websites or resource links. We only provide these links for convenience. We do not assume any responsibility for the content, products, or services displayed or accessible on these websites, resources, and links. You hereby confirm that you will be solely responsible and bear all risks for using any third-party websites or resources.

9. Disclaimer of Warranty

This game is provided "as is" without any form of guarantee. Without limiting the aforementioned provisions, Green Snow Gaming Party clearly states that it is not marketable