XIONGXIN Pass User Agreement

Important note: Guangzhou XIONGXIN Network Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "XIONGXIN" or "XIONGXIN Network", also known as "Party A" in the "Requiredential Terms of the Online Game Service Formatting Agreement of the Ministry of Culture") hereby reminds users (also known as "Party B" in the Essential Terms of the Network Game Service Formatting Agreement of the Ministry of Culture") to carefully read the various terms of this XIONGXIN Network Agreement for Users (hereinafter referred to as "User Agreement"), including but not limited to the clauses exempting or limiting XIONGXINing XIONGXIN Network Liability, the terms restricting user rights, and the terms of agreeing on dispute resolution and jurisdiction.

Please read this User Agreement carefully (minors should be accompanied by their legal guardians) and choose to accept or not to accept this User Agreement. Unless you agree to and accept all the terms of this User Agreement, you do not have the right to receive, download, install, launch, upgrade, log in, display, run, and take screenshot all online games owned by the company, nor do you have the right to use a function or part of the game software or otherwise use the game software. If you receive, download, install, launch, upgrade, log in, display, run, screenshot an ambitious online game, or use a function or part of the game software, or otherwise use the game software, you are deemed to agree to and accept this User Agreement and be willing to be bound by all the terms of this User Agreement.

If you have a dispute or dispute with XIONGXIN Network over matters related to this User Agreement or its supplementary agreement, the two parties may resolve them through friendly negotiation. If the negotiation fails, you fully agree that either party can submit it to the people's court with jurisdiction in Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, where Guangzhou XIONGXIN Network Technology Co., Ltd. is located for litigation.

This User Agreement is divided into two parts. The first part is the Necessary Terms of the Online Game Service Formatting Agreement formulated by the Ministry of Culture in accordance with the Interim Provisions on the Administration of Online Games (Order No. 49 of the Ministry of Culture). The second part is the XIONGXIN Network XIONGXIN Pass Agreement formulated by XIONGXIN Network in accordance with the Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China, the Contract Law of the People's Republic of China, the Measures for the Implementation of Copyright Administrative Penalties, the Interim Provisions on the Administration of Online Games and other national laws and regulations. If the content of the first part and the second part conflicts with each other, the first part of the necessary terms of the online game service formatting agreement of the Ministry of Culture shall prevail. The body of the agreement reads as follows:

Part I Required Terms of the Formatting Agreement of Online Game Services of the Ministry of Culture

According to the Interim Regulations on the Administration of Online Games (Order No. 49 of the Ministry of Culture), the Ministry of Culture formulates the Necessary Terms of the Formatting Agreement for Online Game Services. Party A is an online game operator, and Party B is an online game user.

1. Account registration

1.1 Party B undertakes to register as a user of Party A in its true identity, and ensures that the personally identifiable information provided is true, complete and valid, and shall bear the corresponding legal responsibility for the information provided in accordance with the law and necessary terms.
1.2 If Party B needs to modify the personally identifiable information provided after registering as a user of Party A in its true identity, Party A shall provide the service to it in a timely and effective manner.

2. User account usage and custody

2.1 According to the provisions of the necessary terms, Party A has the right to examine whether the identity information provided by Party B's registration is true and valid, and shall actively take reasonable measures such as technology and management to ensure the security and effectiveness of the user's account; Party B has the obligation to properly keep its account number and password, and use its account number and password correctly and password correctly and safely. If any party fails to fulfill the above obligations and causes damage to the civil rights of Party B and others, it shall bear the legal liability arising therefrom.
2.2 Party B shall have rights and responsibilities in accordance with the law for the acts arising from the account held after logging in.
2.3 If Party B finds that its account or password has been illegally used by others or has abnormal use, it shall promptly notify Party A in accordance with the handling methods announced by Party A, and shall have the right to notify Party A of measures to suspend the login and use of the account.
2.4 If Party A takes measures to suspend the login and use of Party B's account in accordance with Party B's notice, Party A shall require Party B to provide and verify valid personal identity information consistent with its registered identity information.
2.4.1 If Party A verifies that the valid personal identity information provided by Party B is consistent with the registered identity information, it shall take timely measures to suspend the login and use of Party B's account.
2.4.2 If Party A violates the agreement of paragraph 2.4.1 and fails to take timely measures to suspend the login and use of Party B's account, thus causing losses to Party B, it shall bear its corresponding legal liabilities.
2.4.3 If Party B fails to provide its personal valid identity card or the personal valid identity document provided by Party B is inconsistent with the registered identity information, Party A has the right to refuse the above request of Party B.
2.5 In order to protect its legitimate rights and interests, when Party B provides Party A with valid personal identity information consistent with the registered identity information, Party A shall provide Party B with necessary assistance and support such as account registrant certificate, original registration information, etc., and provide relevant evidence information to relevant administrative organs and judicial organs as necessary.

3. Suspension and termination of services

3.1 If Party B publishes illegal information, seriously violates social morality, and other acts that violate the prohibited provisions of the law, Party A shall immediately terminate the provision of services to Party B.
3.2 If Party B commits improper behavior when accepting Party A's services, Party A has the right to terminate the provision of services to Party B. The specific circumstances of the improper act shall have a prohibited act that should be terminated as expressly agreed in this agreement or expressly notified by Party A in advance. Otherwise, Party A shall not terminate the provision of services to Party B.
3.3 If Party B provides false registered identity information or commits a violation of this agreement, Party A shall have the right to suspend the provision of all or part of the services to Party B; Party A shall notify Party B and inform Party B of the suspension period when it takes the suspension measures. The suspension period shall be reasonable, and Party A shall resume its services to Party B in time at the end of the suspension period.
3.4 If Party A suspends or terminates the provision of some or all of the services to Party B in accordance with this treaty, Party A shall bear the burden of proof.

4. User information protection

4.1 When Party A requests Party B to provide information and materials related to its personal identity, it shall disclose its privacy protection policy and personal information utilization policy to Party B in a clear and visible manner in advance, and take necessary measures to protect the security of Party B's personal information.
4.2 Without Party B's permission, Party A shall not provide, disclose or share personally identifiable information such as name, personal valid identity document number, contact information, home address and other personally identifiable information in Party B's registered materials to any third party, except in the following cases:
4.2.1 Party B or Party B's guardian authorizes Party A to disclose;
4.2.2 Relevant laws require Party A to disclose;
4.2.3 The judicial or administrative organ requires Party A to provide it based on legal procedures;
4.2.4 When Party A files a lawsuit or arbitration with Party B in order to protect its legitimate rights and interests;
4.2.5 When Party B's personally identifiable information is provided at the legitimate request of Party B's guardian.

Part II XIONGXIN Pass Agreement

5. Noun explanation

The following proper nouns used in the second part of this User Agreement and the terms of its supplementary agreement shall be interpreted as follows; except for the proper nouns "user" and "you", they are marked in bold fonts:

5.1 "Affiliated enterprises" refers to enterprises that constitute a relationship with Guangzhou XIONGXIN Network Technology Co., Ltd. that constitutes "one party controls, controls or exerts major influence on the other party, and two or more parties are controlled, jointly controlled or significantly influenced by one party" (hereinafter, Guangzhou XIONGXIN Network Technology Co., Ltd. and its affiliated enterprises are collectively referred to as "XIONGXIN Network").
5.2 XIONGXIN Network User Agreement, or this User Agreement, referred to as XIONGXIN User Agreement, refers to the current software license and service agreement between you and XIONGXIN Network regarding your rights and obligations in the process of using and enjoying all online game products and services provided to you by XIONGXIN Network.
5.3 "User" or "you", also known as "player", refers to a natural person who uses and enjoys all online game products and services under XIONGXIN Network. It is also known as "Party B" in the Necessary Terms of the Online Game Service Formatting Agreement of the Ministry of Culture, and is a party to this User Agreement.
5.4 A cooperative unit means the general term of the following six types of legal persons or other organizations, or a legal person or other organization in one of these legal persons or other organizations, depending on the context:
(1) Category I: Authorize XIONGXIN Network Agents to operate all games under XIONGXIN Network, or authorize XIONGXIN Network to apply its software or technology with intellectual property rights to all legal persons or other organizations under XIONGXIN Network;
(2) Category II: At the request of XIONGXIN Network, legal persons or other organizations that plan, hold, carry out and execute (hereinafter collectively referred to as "organizing") various ground promotion activities (such as e-sports competitions) related to all online games under XIONGXIN Network;
(3) Category III: With the consent of XIONGXIN Network, advertising or other publicity and promotion activities in all online games and/or its official website under XIONGXIN Network, or both parties jointly carry out marketing on all owned by XIONGXIN Network and the brands of one or more products (or services) of XIONGXIN Network;
(4) Category IV: Legal persons or other organizations authorized by all copyright owners and trademark registrants under XIONGXIN Network and/or XIONGXIN Network to design, produce, produce (create), sell (or distribute) all game derivatives under XIONGXIN Network by using all LOGOs, names, trademarks under XIONGXIN Network or using or adapting all software elements of XIONGXIN Network;
(5) Category 5: Legal persons or other organizations that provide broadband, network access, server rental, computer room rental, information storage space, search, links and other services for all online games under XIONGXIN Network;
(6) Category 6: Other legal persons or other organizations other than the above five categories that have cooperated with XIONGXIN Network on all online games under XIONGXIN Network.
5.5 XIONGXIN Online Game Platform is a general term for all online games currently in operation by XIONGXIN Network, or refers to one or more online games currently operating by XIONGXIN Network (specifically referred to, depending on the above and below), including but not limited to:
(1) An online game independently developed by XIONGXIN Network and currently operated by XIONGXIN Network;
(2) XIONGXINal online games operated by network agents;
(3) XIONGXIN network and cooperative units jointly operate online games (also known as "cooperative operation").
5.6 All online games under XIONGXIN Network also include the software corresponding to the game and subsequent software upgrade packages or software patches, online upgrades, etc. The specific meaning depends on the context.
All game software under XIONGXIN Network can be divided into sealed beta version, internal beta version, file deletion internal beta version, public beta version, official operation version, external beta version and other versions. They are composed of two parts: client software and server (i.e. servo) software.
5.7 Software element work, which refers to a general term for a single work that can be used separately from the game software, is an integral part of the game software, including but not limited to:
(1) Electronic documents, text, databases, pictures, charts, graphics, icons, photos, programs, music, dance, colors, layout frames, interface design;
(2) Computer programs, art pictures, text content, music, songs and dances that can separately constitute works in the sense of copyright law (also known as software element program works, software element art works, software element text works, software element music works, software element song works and software element dance works respectively).
5.8 Game data refers to the general term for various numbers, letters, symbols and analogues recorded and stored in real time by the server software generated by you or other users in the process of using and enjoying all online game products and services under XIONGXIN Network. It reflects the process and results of using and enjoying all online game products and services under XIONGXIN Network in the form of computer language, including but not limited to game logs that records the process of users using and enjoying all online game products and services under XIONGXIN Network and the security logs detected and recorded by the game security system.
5.9 Game derivatives refer to items based on a game software and made by direct use, modification, adaptation or other means using the game software elements, LOGO, name and/or trademark of the game software. From the perspective of the existence and value realization of items, game derivatives can be divided into two types: physical derivatives and work derivatives. From the perspective of game software utilization and item formation process, game derivatives can be divided into three types: game process derivatives, game editing derivatives and game adaptation derivatives.
5.9.1 Physical derivatives: refers to derivatives with external tangible entities, mainly through the transfer of ownership and the collection of purchase prices, such as toys, paper-cuts, clothes, etc.
5.9.2 Works derivatives: refers to derivatives that can separately form works in the sense of copyright law, mainly through the transfer of copyright or copyright license, and the collection of copyright transfer price or license fees, such as comics, novels, stories, etc.
5.9.3 Game process derivatives: that is, in the process of using and enjoying all online game products and services under XIONGXIN Network, all electronic documents, text, databases, pictures, charts, icons, photos, programs, music, dance, colors, layout frames, game interfaces and other game elements that can be used separately, as well as screenshots, videos, recordings and other derivatives formed by them.
5.9.4 Game editing derivatives: that is, the maps and/or game rules made by you or other users through compilation, editing, dubbing, tampering or other means, using the editing functions (if any) of all maps, scenes, game rules and storylines set by XIONGXIN Network are all or partially different from all new games under XIONGXIN Network.
5.9.5 Game adaptation derivatives: that is, non-game items, such as toys, paper-cuts, folding fans, clothes, comics, novels, movies, etc., based on all online games and/or characters, game props, game scenes and other elements of XIONGXIN Network through copying, imitating, borrowing, adaptation or other means.
5.10 XIONGXIN Network Forum refers to the electronic bulletin board called "XIONGXIN Network Community" set up by XIONGXIN Network on the official website of XIONGXIN Network for users to communicate about XIONGXIN Network.
5.11 Intellectual property refers to any and all of the following intellectual property rights and all of them, derivative and/or related rights:
(1) Procedures, designs, inventions, discoveries and patents that have been applied for and are being applied for;
(2) Copyright, copyright and rights derived from software, software element works, work derivatives, game process derivatives, game editing derivatives and other works;
(3) The rights arising from the name, trademark rights and other forms of company or product logo of software, software element works, work derivatives, game process derivatives, game editing derivatives and other works.
5.12 Real-name registration, that is, according to Article 21 of the Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Games promulgated by the Ministry of Culture, XIONGXIN Network requires you to use a valid ID card to register your personal information with your real name, so as to establish a corresponding matching relationship between your personal information and the game accounts used in all online games under XIONGXIN Network.
5.13 The real-name registration system, also known as the "XIONGXIN Network Account Real-Name Registration System", that is, in accordance with the requirements set out in Item (8) of the Notice on the Implementation of the Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Games promulgated by the Ministry of Culture, XIONGXIN Network develops a computer software system for real-name registration for you and other ambitious network users.
5.14 Real-name registration information, that is, the general name of your personal information that you filled in for the first time when you registered with your real-name registration in the real-name registration system, and your personal information that has been modified after filling in for the first time, may only refer to your final personal information currently displayed in the real-name registration system. Specifically, it depends on the context.

6. Purpose of the agreement

6.1 This agreement is a general term applicable to users when accepting ambitious network products and services.
6.2 The user understands and agrees: As long as the user clicks the "Agree" button and completes the registration, the user has accepted the user agreement, the attachments to this agreement, the supplementary agreement and the service rules published by XIONGXIN Network (including but not limited to the online game anti-addiction system and the real-name authentication service agreement) and is willing to be bound by it. In the event of a dispute, the user shall not defend it on the grounds of not reading carefully.
6.3 Users understand and agree that as the business situation changes, XIONGXIN Network has the right to change this user agreement and related service rules at any time. When modifying this user agreement, XIONGXIN Network will announce the modification in a prominent position on the official website or relevant pages of XIONGXIN Network, and has the right not to make individual notifications to users. Users should check the relevant announcements of the official website of XIONGXIN Network before logging in to the XIONGXIN Online Game to understand the changes in this user agreement and other service rules. If the user does not agree to this user's agreement or relevant service rules, or does not agree to the modifications made by XIONGXIN Network, the user shall actively stop using the products and services provided by XIONGXIN Network. If the user continues to use the products and services provided by XIONGXIN Network 15 days after Ambiting Network modifies the agreement or service rules, the user agrees to all modifications made by XIONGXIN Network to the user's agreement and related service rules. Due to the loss caused by the user's failure to be familiar with the announcement after the change of the user agreement, XIONGXIN Network will not bear any responsibility.

7. Statement of intellectual property and ownership

7.1 Copyright, patents, trademarks, trade secrets, other intellectual property rights, ownership or other rights (including but not limited to text, software, sound, photos, videos, charts, all content in advertisements, business information provided to users, etc.) provided by XIONGXIN Network related to products and services (including but not limited to text, software, sound, photos, videos, charts, all content in advertisements, commercial information provided to users, etc.) are owned by XIONGXIN Network or its right holders, and are protected by the Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China, the Regulations on the Protection of Computer Software, the Regulations on the Protection of Information Network Dissemination, the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China and relevant international treaties and other laws and regulations. Users shall not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, copy, distribute, authorize, produce derivative works, transfer or sell any information, materials, software, products and services unless previously obtained the legal authorization of XIONGXIN Network or its right holders. If the user fails to comply with the above provisions of these Terms, without prejudice to other rights, Aspiring Network may immediately terminate the provision of products and services to users, and the user must destroy any information, materials, software or products that have been obtained. XIONGXIN Network owns the ownership of any data information (including but not limited to account information, game data and system derivative data, etc.) generated by users in the process of using XIONGXIN Network software or in the process of users accepting the services of XIONGXIN Network. Users only have the right to use the above data and information in accordance with the user agreement and relevant rules of the game.
7.2 Users have understood and agreed that all the data on all servers provided by the XIONGXIN Online Game Platform (including but not limited to virtual items, etc.) belongs to Guangzhou XIONGXIN Network Technology Co., Ltd. Without affecting the user's normal acceptance of the service, XIONGXIN Network has the right to decide whether to retain or not retain all or part of the data on the server.
7.3 The data of various virtual items in the products and services provided by the XIONGXIN Online Game Platform, including but not limited to gold ingots, silver ingots, gold, silver, game coins, props, equipment, etc., is part of the services provided by XIONGXIN Network, and its ownership belongs to XIONGXIN Technology. Users can only use them in accordance with the law and the provisions of this user agreement and the rules of the game, and can be allowed to use some virtual items through game behavior and recharge behavior. The player's "transfer/transfer of virtual goods" mentioned in this agreement refers to the exchange/transfer of the right to use virtual items, and the player does not have the right to exchange/transfer ownership of virtual items.

8. Rate policy.

8.1 When providing products and services, XIONGXIN Network may charge users a certain fee for some products and services. In this case, XIONGXIN Network will make a clear prompt on the relevant page. If the user refuses to pay such fees, the relevant products and services cannot be used.
8.2 For the paid products and services of XIONGXIN Network, users should purchase them in accordance with the rate policy determined by XIONGXIN Network; otherwise, XIONGXIN Network can immediately stop providing the products and services to users.
8.3 XIONGXIN Network will have the right to determine and modify the tariff standards and charging methods of the products and services provided at any time (including free to fee modification). XIONGXIN Network may establish different tariff standards and charging methods for different products and services, or different tariff standards and charging methods according to the different stages of the products and services provided. In addition, XIONGXIN Network may also modify tariff policies from time to time. XIONGXIN Network will place the tariff standards, charging methods, purchase methods or other information about the rate policy of the product and service prominently on the relevant web page of the product and service.

9. XIONGXIN Pass Account Number

9.1 The ownership of the game account belongs to XIONGXIN Network. After completing the registration application procedures, the user obtains the right to use the game account.
9.2 The user undertakes to register the XIONGXIN pass with his real identity, and ensures that the personally identifiable information provided is true, complete and effective, and bear the corresponding legal responsibility for the information provided in accordance with the law and this agreement. If the user needs to modify the personally identifiable information provided after registering the XIONGXIN Pass with his true identity, XIONGXIN Network shall provide the service to it in a timely and effective manner.
9.3 The right to use the game account only belongs to the initial applicant registrant, and it is prohibited to give, distribute, transfer, inherit or sell. If you are not the initial registrant of the account, XIONGXIN Network has the right to recover the account without prior notice to you. The resulting losses, including but not limited to user communication interruptions, loss of personal information and game props, and inability to log in to all online games under XIONGXIN Network, shall be borne by you.
9.4 XIONGXIN Network has the right to check whether the identity information provided by the user's registration is true and effective, and shall actively take reasonable measures such as technology and management to ensure the security and effectiveness of the user's account. Users have the obligation to properly keep their accounts and passwords and use their accounts and passwords correctly and safely. If any party fails to fulfill the above obligations and causes damage to the civil rights of users and others, it shall bear the legal liabilities arising therefrom.
9.5 After the user's successful application for registration, XIONGXIN Network has the right to allocate the user's XIONGXIN Pass account according to the commercial operation of each product of XIONGXIN Network. Users understand and agree that once the account is set, it can no longer be changed, and the password can be changed on the web page of the ambitious network.
9.6 Every time the user registers for an XIONGXIN pass account, that is, a contracting act, achieves an independent service contract. However, XIONGXIN Network has the right to manage different accounts under the same user individually or as a whole.
9.7 Users should provide complete, detailed and real personal information when registering. If the information provided changes in the future, users should log in to the account in time to update. If the personal information left by the user on XIONGXIN Network does not match the facts, XIONGXIN Network can stop providing it with products and services. When the user claims to XIONGXIN Network that it has an account, if the identity information record of the account on the XIONGXIN Network does not match the user's identity information, XIONGXIN Network has the right not to recognize the account as owned by the user.
9.8 If any user, including minor, provides incorrect, incomplete or false information to XIONGXIN, resulting in the inability or inability to use the XIONGXIN Service normally or any other loss, XIONGXIN Network shall not be liable.
9.9 XIONGXIN Network prohibits users from transferring game accounts privately or free of charge to avoid disputes over game account issues. You should bear any losses caused by violation of this requirement. At the same time, XIONGXIN Network reserves the right to investigate the legal liability of the above-mentioned actors. Without the permission and registration of the ambitious network, users shall not disclose or provide the account and password to others for knowledge, nor shall they lend or transfer the account to others for use. If the account number or password is leaked due to the user's own fault or the user's computer infected with a virus or Trojan horse, the user shall bear the losses caused by it. XIONGXIN network employees (including but not limited to websites and forum administrators of XIONGXIN Network, customer service personnel, etc.) will not ask for the user's password in any way, so users should not disclose the user's password by anyone, do not share the same account by multiple people, and do not install illegal or unknown programs. If the user loses the password, XIONGXIN Network reserves the right to claim additional fees for the services that deal with this problem.
9.10 If the user finds that the account or password has been illegally used by others or abnormally, he shall immediately notify XIONGXIN Network according to the handling published by XIONGXIN Network, and has the right to notify XIONGXIN Network to suspend the login and use of the account, but the user shall provide valid personal identity information consistent with his registered identity information at the time of application. If the XIONGXIN Network verifies that the valid personal identity information provided by the user is consistent with the registered identity information, it shall take timely measures to suspend the login and use of the user account. If XIONGXIN Network violates the above agreement and fails to take timely measures to suspend the login and use of the user's account, thus causing losses to the user, it shall bear the corresponding legal liability. If the user does not provide his or her valid personal ID card or the personal valid ID provided by the user is inconsistent with the registered ID card, XIONGXIN Network has the right to reject the user's above request.
9.11 In order to protect their legitimate rights and interests, when users provide users with valid personal identity information consistent with the registered identity information to XIONGXIN Network, XIONGXIN Network shall provide users with necessary assistance and support such as account registrant certificates, original registration information, etc., and provide relevant evidence information materials to relevant administrative organs and judicial organs as needed.
9.12 XIONGXIN Network will provide users with certain free or fee-based auxiliary tools to protect account passwords, but users understand and agree that these tools can only improve the security of accounts and passwords to a certain extent. XIONGXIN Network does not guarantee that users can guarantee the absolute security of account passwords after using such auxiliary tools.
9.13 XIONGXIN Network has always abided by the national laws and policies on the protection of the physical and mental health of adolescents, and has developed and built-in anti-addiction systems in all of XIONGXIN Network in accordance with the Development Standards for Online Game Anti-addiction Systems promulgated by the state. You fully understand that XIONGXIN Network may apply your real-name registration information to the anti-addiction system, that is, XIONGXIN Network may judge whether you have reached the age of 18 based on your real-name registration information, so as to decide whether to impose anti-addiction restrictions on your corresponding game account. You fully agree with this; if you do not agree, please contact XIONGXIN Network.

10. User's rights

10.1 Users can accept the products and services provided by XIONGXIN Network in accordance with this user agreement and other rules published by XIONGXIN Network.
10.2 Users have the right to supervise whether the staff of XIONGXIN Network and XIONGXIN Network provide products and services to users in accordance with the standards published by XIONGXIN Network during the period of accepting the products and services provided by XIONGXIN Network. They can also make comments and suggestions related to XIONGXIN Network's products and services at any time.
10.3 With a legitimate account, users can upload the information necessary to use the service on the server of the ambitious online game platform, but the information shall not contain the following:
(1) Infringe on the intellectual property rights, copyrights or public/private rights of any third party;
(2) Violation of any law or good customs;
(3) Contain any content that defames others, sexual harassment, racial discrimination, or adversely affects minors;
• (4) Contains viruses, Trojan programs, time bombs and other content that may cause damage to the ambitious network or affect the stability of any person's computer system.
10.4 If the user publishes illegal information, seriously violates social morality, and other violations of the prohibited provisions of the law, the XIONGXIN Network will immediately terminate the provision of services to users. XIONGXIN Network has the right to take any action according to the seriousness of the uploaded content, including but not limited to blocking or deleting the information uploaded by users according to the claims made by third parties.
10.5 Due to the privacy protection terms, the user hereby authorizes XIONGXIN Network to use any content uploaded by users free of charge.
10.6 If users are dissatisfied with the products and services provided by XIONGXIN Network, users can stop using XIONGXIN Network products and services at any time. If users choose to stop using the products and services of XIONGXIN Network, XIONGXIN Network will no longer assume any obligations and responsibilities to users.

11. Obligations of users

11.1 Users need to equip themselves with the computers and network equipment needed to register and use the network, and bear the costs of surfing the Internet.
11.2 The products and services provided to users by XIONGXIN Network are commercial in themselves, and users need to pay corresponding fees for charging items.
11.3 Users are obliged to properly keep the account number, password and other identity information and documents related to the XIONGXIN Pass. The user shall have rights and responsibility for the acts arising from the account held after logging in in accordance with the law. The person who uses the account is regarded as the user himself, and any behavior he makes will also be regarded as the user's behavior. The user shall be responsible for all acts of the account user.
11.4 Users understand and agree that XIONGXIN Network has the right to formulate different security level strategies according to the importance of the service, and require users to provide the corresponding level of authentication information and materials, including but not limited to: account number, password, copy of ID card, original, household registration certificate, etc. When the applicant of a service passes authentication in the established way of XIONGXIN Network, XIONGXIN Network can regard it as a user of the account and provide services according to his application. All consequences arising therefrom shall be borne by the user who owns the account.
11.5 The user agrees to abide by the terms of the XIONGXIN Online Game Platform and the Customer Service Center (FAQ). Users should check the terms published by the XIONGXIN Online Game Platform every week, including but not limited to administrator (GM) service policy, plug-in processing process, number theft processing process and other specifications. These specifications are also an effective part of this contract and have the same effect as this contract.
11.6 In using ambitious network products and accepting ambitious network services, users should follow the following principles:
(1) Comply with the relevant laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China;
(2) The service system shall not be used for any illegal purpose;
(3) Comply with all service-related network protocols, regulations and procedures;
• (4) Websites including but not limited to ambitious networks and the software provided shall not be modified, reverse engineering, decompile, disassemble, copy or distribute;
• (5) Do not take any abnormal use of network services that may affect the ambitious network (including but not limited to damage, attacking or overloading the server, etc.), whether intentional or negligent;
(6) Do not use the products of XIONGXIN Network or accept the services of XIONGXIN Network through third-party software or with the assistance of third-party software; no act that undermines the rules of the game and violates the fairness of the game;
• (7) Without the written permission of XIONGXIN Network, no intellectual property rights of XIONGXIN Network shall be used to create or provide the same or similar network services, such as simulation servers, private servers, etc.;
• (8) Do not use XIONGXIN network products and network service systems to carry out any behavior that may adversely affect the normal operation of the Internet or interfere with the normal use of products and network services provided by XIONGXIN Network;
• (9) Do not use the ambitious network service system to transmit any harassing, slanderous, abusive, intimidating, vulgar obscene, fraudulent or any other illegal information;
• (10) Do not use the ambitious network service system to carry out other behaviors that are not conducive to the ambitious network;
• (11) Do not use data or information obtained from channels not designated by the ambitious network;
• (12) Customer service channels designated by XIONGXIN Network and other special communication channels should be adopted for the services, products and business consultation of XIONGXIN Network and cooperative business partners, and no negative publicity about XIONGXIN Network and its related services shall be published in public;
• (13) If you find any illegal use of the user account or security vulnerabilities in the account, you should immediately notify the XIONGXIN Network;
• (14) Users can only exchange or transfer the right to use virtual item data (including but not limited to virtual currency, virtual props and equipment, etc.) through the built-in exchange channels of XIONGXIN online games and third-party trading platforms officially certified by XIONGXIN Network. Game accounts, character characters, virtual currencies, virtual equipment and other data in games under XIONGXIN Network shall not be exchanged with real currencies or physical objects without the permission of XIONGXIN Network. Otherwise, it is deemed that the user will unconditionally give up the service of redemption. The user specifically agrees that in this case, XIONGXIN Network has the right to freeze, recover and delete the data involved in this service without being liable for any problems and losses arising therefrom;
(15) When the user account is suspected of illegal and illegal acts such as account theft and plug-ins, the user shall cooperate with the work of ambitious network employees and truthfully answer the questions raised by game managers related to the use of ambitious network products, so as to protect the legitimate rights and interests of themselves and other users in the game;
• (16) Do not obtain virtual items in the game (including but not limited to virtual currency, virtual props and equipment) in violation of the rules of the game;
• (17) Do not use the products and services provided by the XIONGXIN Network to gain benefits in reality;
• (18) The services or products of the XIONGXIN Network shall not be used to send or disseminate sensitive information and information that violates the national legal system, including but not limited to:
(A) Oppose the basic principles established in the Constitution;
(B) Endangering national security, divulging state secrets, subverting state power and undermining national unity;
(C) To harm the honor and interests of the country;
(D) Inciting national hatred, ethnic discrimination and undermining national unity;
(E) Undermining the country's religious policy and propagating cults and feudal superstitions;
(F) Spreading rumors, disturbing social order and destabilizing society;
(G) Spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or abetting a crime;
(H) Insulting or slandering others and infringing on the legitimate rights and interests of others;
(I) Containing other contents prohibited by laws and administrative regulations.
• (19) Users are prohibited from committing the following acts that violate the fairness of the game, including but not limited to:
(A) Use reverse engineering, compilation or reverse compilation, decompilation and other technical means to make software to analyze, modify and attack the game, and finally achieve the purpose of cheating;
(B) Use any plug-in program or game modification program (referred to in this agreement, "plug-in program" refers to all programs independent of the game software that can affect the operation of the game while running the game, including but not limited to all types such as simulating keyboard and mouse operations, changing the operating environment, modifying data, etc. If the plug-in definition stipulated in laws, regulations and government authorities or normative documents conflicts with this agreement, the game software shall be restored, compiled, decoded or modified, subject to the provisions of laws, regulations, departmental rules or normative documents, including but not limited to modifying any proprietary communication protocol used in the software, modifying or locking the data in dynamic random access memory (RAM);
(C) Use game synchronizers (including but not limited to the use of hardware synchronizers such as keyboards and mice, so that you can use a set of keyboards and mice, and simultaneously control the behavior of multiple computers to play games at the same time), and use various other hardware that can make users perform abnormally in game efficiency or revenue data (including but not limited to "connectors", hereinafter referred to as "cheating hardware")
(D) Using abnormal methods to log in to games, using plug-ins such as network accelerators or robot programs to maliciously disrupt service facilities and disrupt normal service order;
(E) Produce, disseminate or use plug-ins, packets, acceleration software, and other cheating programs, or organize, instigate others to use such software programs, or sell such software programs for financial gain for private individuals or organizations;
(F) Use any means or method to attempt to attack the relevant servers, routers, switches and other devices that provide game services in order to achieve any act of illegally obtaining or modifying unauthorized data, affecting normal game services, and other harmful purposes;
(G) Take advantage of possible technical defects or vulnerabilities in the game system to benefit yourself and others in various forms (including but not limited to copying virtual items in the game, etc.).

12. Restricted use

12.1 If the user commits one or more of the following acts, XIONGXIN Network has the right to cancel the user's account or terminate or suspend all or part of the services to the user at any time (including but not limited to blocking all or part of the accounts under the user's name and prohibiting the relevant characters from logging in), and has the right to cancel or recover any benefits obtained by the user through violations in the game at any time:
• (1) Violation of this agreement;
(2) Abuse of rights;
(3) Provide false registration information (including but not limited to identity information and contact information);
(4) Violate other service rules issued by XIONGXIN Network or use ambitious network services through improper means;
(5) Acts that harm the rights and interests of the ambitious network and its rights holders, affiliated enterprises or partners, and the legitimate rights and interests of other users (including but not limited to monopolizing game scenes, unreasonably preventing other users from obtaining the benefits of the game normally, etc., any behavior that may undermine the fairness or balance of the game);
(6) Violation of the prohibited provisions of Chinese laws and regulations (including but not limited to the publication of illegal information);
(7) Acts that violate the good customs and morality of society;
(8) Other violations of the relevant regulations of the XIONGXIN Network;
• (9) In addition to the above, the user has committed other improper behavior when accepting ambitious network services;
Among them: If the ambitious network makes a decision to suspend the provision of all or part of the services to the user, it should inform the user during the suspension period. The suspension period should be reasonable, and the ambitious network should resume the service to the user in time at the end of the suspension period. However, at the end of the suspension period, the user's violation still exists, and XIONGXIN Network has the right to extend the period of the suspension of the service.
12.2 In subparagraph (9) above, the improper behavior committed by the user only refers to prohibited acts expressly agreed in this agreement or expressly notified in advance by the XIONGXIN Network. Otherwise, XIONGXIN Network shall not make a decision to terminate the service to the user in accordance with subparagraph (9).
12.3 If one or more accounts of the accounts registered by the same user violate the provisions of this agreement, XIONGXIN Network has the right to suspend or terminate the services of some or all accounts under the user's name, or cancel some or all accounts under the user's name according to the actual situation.
12.4 Users understand and agree that before they recharge an XIONGXIN pass account, XIONGXIN Network provides it with completely free services. Due to the cost limit of free services, XIONGXIN Network has the right to terminate the services of the account at any time according to operational needs.
12.5 The user understands and agrees that if the user fails to log in or use the ambitious online game for 180 consecutive days after registering the account (the user calculates from the expiration date of the package time of the package), XIONGXIN has the right to take measures to deal with the user's account according to the situation. XIONGXIN handling measures include but are not limited to clearing all records of the user in the XIONGXIN online game database (including but not limited to character information, level items, points, points information, etc.), freezing or deleting the user's account. When the user account is deleted, all information and records of the account will be deleted at the same time.
12.6 For users who have not logged in or used ambitious games for 180 consecutive days, resulting in the freezing or deletion of their accounts, XIONGXIN will not be compensated or compensated.
12.7 The user understands and agrees that XIONGXIN Network has the final right to interpret whether the user's behavior complies with this user agreement and relevant product and service usage specifications.

13. Network service outages

XIONGXIN Network has the right to interrupt the network services provided without any liability to the user regardless of notification in any of the following situations:
• (1) For the normal operation of the website, the necessary maintenance and construction of relevant website servers or game servers and other network equipment or related official websites of products and services provided shall be carried out regularly; XIONGXIN Network will announce the downtime of maintenance in advance, and users can inquire in the official website and game announcement of XIONGXIN Network;
(2) According to the judgment of the ambitious network, carry out the necessary maintenance and construction of relevant website servers or game servers and other network equipment or relevant official websites of products and services provided at any time in case of emergency;
(3) Failure, failure or human operation error due to XIONGXIN network, partner of XIONGXIN network or software and hardware equipment of telecommunications network system;
(4) Others invade the network of the ambitious network, tamper with, delete or forge, fabricate website data, or commit any behavior that affects the normal operation of the ambitious network computer system;
(5) Causes of force majeure;
(6) Due to the requirements of relevant institutions based on legal or legal procedures;
• (7) Other provisions based on laws or national policies.
Except in the first (1) above, XIONGXIN Network has the right to interrupt network services without prior notice. If the user suffers game data loss (including character data damage, character loss, character relationship loss, player game point loss, etc.), and only if the interruption of such network services is caused by the direct fault of the XIONGXIN network, it is verified that the XIONGXIN network can be restored at its discretion, but no real economic compensation will be made under any circumstances.

14. Termination of network services

XIONGXIN Network can terminate the network service at any time according to the actual situation. XIONGXIN Network does not need to be responsible for any user or a third party, but terminates the network service at any time, but will notify the user in advance. Users shall not require XIONGXIN Network not to fully terminate its operation for any reason, nor shall XIONGXIN Network bear any form of compensation or compensation liability (including but not limited to the ability to continue to use game accounts, virtual items in the game, etc.) due to the full termination of operation.

15. Test server and experience server

15.1 Test server (test server) refers to a server where an ambitious network game provides users with products and services during its published test phase (including but not limited to closed beta, internal test and public beta).
15.2 Experience server (experience server) refers to the server launched by XIONGXIN Network in some games to test the stability of the latest version of the game system and game content. Users can experience the latest product and service content in the experience server.
15.3 All information in the test suit and experience service will not be in the custody of the service. The user understands and agrees that once the user logs in to the test server or experience server and accepts the game service of the test server or experience server, he fully understands and voluntarily accepts the following terms:
• (1) The service content provided by the test server or experience server is in an informal version, which may be different from the official service content, and there may be procedural instability or data loss. XIONGXIN Network will not bear any responsibility for all abnormalities caused by users in the test server or experience server.
• (2) XIONGXIN Network will maintain the test suit or experience server from time to time, and delete all or part of the data of the test suit and experience server (including but not limited to the role, experience value, props and any relevant records and information in your account) or use it legally as needed.
• (3) Considering the instability of test and experience servers, XIONGXIN Network has the right not to provide users who log in to test and experience servers with various customer service announced on the official website of the game.
• (4) XIONGXIN Network will not be liable to anyone for any loss arising from logging in to the test or experience server, accepting the services provided by the test suit or experience server.

16. User privacy system

Respecting user privacy is a basic policy of ambitious networks. XIONGXIN Network will collect, store, use, disclose and protect users' personal information in accordance with the privacy policy published on the XIONGXIN website ( Please read the above privacy policy fully to help protect their personal information. If the user is a minor, please notify the guardian and be sure to seek the consent and guidance of the guardian before using the service and submitting personal information.

17. Liability for breach of contract

The user agrees to protect and maintain the interests of XIONGXIN Network and other users. If losses are caused to XIONGXIN Network or any other third party due to the user's violation of relevant laws, regulations or any terms under this user agreement, the user agrees to bear the liability for damages caused therefrom.
The user agrees to compensate the parent company, subsidiary, affiliated enterprises, employees, and all relevant personnel of XIONGXIN Network for all damages and liabilities arising from the user's violation of relevant laws and regulations or this user agreement.

18. Disclaimer

18.1 All XIONGXIN Network, like other online Internet software, will suffer from various bad information, network security and network failure problems, including but not limited to:
(1) Other users may publish fraudulent or false information, or publish illegal statements containing abusive, cursed, slanderous, attacking content, or containing obscene, pornographic, obscene, reactionary, inciting national hatred and other disgusting and disgusting content;
(2) Other users may publish some pictures, photos, text and other materials that infringe the intellectual property rights, portrait rights, name rights, reputation rights, privacy and/or other legitimate rights and interests of you or other third parties;
(3) Face problems and threats such as hacker attacks, computer virus distress, system crashes, network drops, slow network speed, program vulnerabilities, etc.
18.2 You fully understand that the various bad information, network security and network failure problems mentioned in Article 18.1 above are not all caused by the problems under the XIONGXIN Network, Cooperative Unit or XIONGXIN Network, which may cause you to feel disgust, nausea, vomiting and other mental damage, or cause you other losses, which shall be borne by you. XIONGXIN Network and/or partners are not required to bear any responsibility to you.
18.3 You fully understand that there may be various risks in obtaining gold coins, coupons, points, game props, game equipment and other game items from third parties. You shall not obtain the above game items from a third party. If you insist on obtaining the above game items from a third party, you should bear the corresponding risks on your own. XIONGXIN Network does not guarantee that all these game items can be used normally under XIONGXIN Network, nor does it guarantee that these items will not be recovered.
18.4 You fully understand that the analytical judgments made by online game enterprises based on security procedures are not 100% accurate, and ambitious networks are no exception. XIONGXIN Network will do its best to improve the performance of security programs. However, the XIONGXIN Network does not guarantee or promise that its analysis and judgment through this security program must be 100% accurate. You fully understand and understand this. If XIONGXIN Network makes a wrong judgment based on which it makes a judgment that it has caused losses to you, you are willing to bear it yourself, and XIONGXIN Network will not pay any compensation.
18.5 If you have any objection to the measures taken by XIONGXIN Network on the game account you use, you should give feedback to the Customer Service Department of XIONGXIN Network within 7 working days from the date of knowing that XIONGXIN Network has taken such measures to provide corresponding information and explain the reasons for your objection. XIONGXIN Network will determine whether such measures should be terminated according to the information you provide and the reasons explained. However, this will not invalidate such measures, nor will it affect the implementation of such measures during the objection period. If XIONGXIN Network Customer Service Department does not receive any feedback within 3 months after taking these measures, it will be deemed that you have no objections and XIONGXIN Network will no longer accept any relevant feedback.
18.6 You fully understand that the measures taken by XIONGXIN Network in accordance with Article 12 of this Agreement may lead to the use-term game props and game equipment under your current game account that cannot continue to be used due to the expiration of the use period during the above measures taken by XIONGXIN Network, and the losses caused to you shall be borne by You, and XIONGXIN Network will not pay any compensation. In other words, the duration of the above measures taken by XIONGXIN Network is calculated in the service life of game props and game equipment with a service period; after the termination of these measures, the service life of game props and game equipment will not be extended.
18.7 All online games under XIONGXIN Network and/or game items sold in their affiliated malls do not indicate the term of use, or the term of use is "permanent", "indefinite" or "unlimited", only refer to all online games under XIONGXIN Network, which can be used indefinitely during the operation of XIONGXIN Network. The term of use is from the date you obtain the game item to the date of termination of all online games under XIONGXIN Network. Once this User Agreement is terminated or all online games under XIONGXIN Network are terminated for various reasons, you will not be able to continue to use these game items. XIONGXIN Network and/or partners shall not be liable for any damages to you or any third party.
18.8 You fully understand that XIONGXIN Network has provided you with a way to download all the online game client software of XIONGXIN Network. If you obtain all the online game client software of XIONGXIN Network from a way other than that provided by XIONGXIN Network, XIONGXIN Network does not guarantee its availability, nor does it guarantee that it necessarily contain computer viruses or other malicious programs. Any losses caused to you will be borne by you, and XIONGXIN Network will not pay any compensation.
18.9 You fully understand that, as stated in Article 9.10 of this User Agreement, XIONGXIN Network has provided you with the way to enjoy the customer service mentioned in this Article. If you enjoy this service from a way other than that provided by XIONGXIN Network, these services will never be provided by XIONGXIN Network. XIONGXIN Network, please carefully screen and distinguish it. If you enjoy these services from a way other than that provided by XIONGXIN Network, any losses caused to you will be borne by you, and XIONGXIN Network will not pay any compensation.
18.10 You fully understand that XIONGXIN Network does not guarantee that the introduction of all the rules of the game under XIONGXIN Network is complete, sufficient, without any errors, nor does it guarantee that all the XIONGXIN Network can fully, fully and without any errors in the rules of the game.
18.11 You fully understand that XIONGXIN Network may take downtime maintenance or fileback processing measures to effectively curb the use of bugs or plug-ins by all users under XIONGXIN Network. During the downtime maintenance, you may not be able to log in to certain game servers and/or certain game areas of all online games under XIONGXIN Network. Returning the game data under the user's game account is returned from the record of one moment to the record of the previous moment, which may lead to the permanent loss of gold coins, coupons, points, game props, game equipment and other game items and levels, points, honors and other game items and levels, points, etc. obtained through normal game behavior during this period, or cause you other losses. You fully understand and are willing to bear this, and XIONGXIN Network will not pay any compensation. XIONGXIN Network can restore the server's data to a certain point of time when there is an abnormality in the server's data (including the data anomalies caused by the program bug), and the ambitious network will not bear any responsibility for this.
18.12 You fully understand that the advertisements or other promotional content (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "cooperative unit advertising content") in all online games under XIONGXIN Network are provided by the partners themselves, and all the advertisements provided by XIONGXIN Network may only be links or built-in services. You should judge the authenticity of these partners by contacting them directly. XIONGXIN Network does not provide any express or implied warranty on the advertising content of the partners.
18.13 You fully understand that the goods or services corresponding to the content of the partner's advertisement are produced or operated by the partner separately. XIONGXIN Network does not and will not gain any income from such goods or services sold by the partners by sharing or in any other way, and XIONGXIN Network does not and will not make any express or implied guarantee of the quality of such goods or services. If you need to buy such goods or consume such services, please contact the partner directly to evaluate the quality and consideration of the goods or services by yourself, and decide whether to buy or consume them, which has nothing to do with the XIONGXIN network.
18.14 You fully understand that XIONGXIN Network may give you certain services provided by the partner (such as the limited use of certain software provided by the partner or travel services) or in kind as prizes. XIONGXIN Network will contact you according to the contact information you provide and provide these services or in kind to you. However, XIONGXIN Network does not provide any express or implied warranty on the quality of such services and/or services. If there is a quality problem with such services and/or in kind, please contact the corresponding partners directly and resolve relevant disputes or disputes with them on your own, all of which have nothing to do with XIONGXIN Network.
18.15 You fully understand that the recovery of your game account by XIONGXIN Network in accordance with the relevant terms of this User Agreement will cause you certain losses. You fully agree that these losses shall be borne by you, and XIONGXIN Network does not need to pay any compensation.
18.16 You fully understand that all stops or interruptors or user files under XIONGXIN Network may be completely or partially interrupted due to the failure, failure, failure, or artificial operation of XIONGXIN Network itself or the software and hardware equipment of the XIONGXIN Network itself or the Internet system software and hardware equipment of its partners. You shall not require XIONGXIN Network to give you any compensation or compensation or compensation.
18.17 You agree that you use and enjoy all online game products and services under XIONGXIN Network out of your personal will, and are willing to bear any risks and any direct, indirect or derivative damage caused to you. XIONGXIN Network and/or partners shall not bear any responsibility. If the liability for damage cannot be completely excluded according to law, the liability of XIONGXIN Network and its partners is also limited to returning the price paid by the user.
18.18 You fully understand that all online games under XIONGXIN Network may be set up with game areas that force you to fight with other users or all game characters of XIONGXIN Network (such as a server or a specific game area in a server, or all servers). If you do not agree to force the battle, please leave these game areas immediately. If you do not leave these game areas, you are deemed to agree to forced battles and accept the consequences of forced battles in the game.
18.19 XIONGXIN Network reserves the right to unilaterally suspend the performance of this User Agreement and terminate this User Agreement at any time without prior notice or without any reason. Such suspension and termination may be due to the dissolution, cancellation, merger and division of XIONGXIN Network Company, or because the cooperative unit transfers ownership or its operating rights under XIONGXIN Network to a third party. It may also be due to national laws, regulations, policies and orders of state organs or other force majeure events such as earthquakes, fires, tsunamis, typhoons, strikes, wars, etc., and may also be reasons other than the above reasons.

19. Jurisdiction by law

The interpretation and application of the relevant norms of this product and service, as well as the rights and obligations between users and XIONGXIN Network due to the use of XIONGXIN Network products and services, shall apply to the laws of the People's Republic of China (excluding the law applicable to foreign civil laws or other similar regulations). All disputes related to this agreement, including but not limited to disputes arising from the signing or performance of this agreement, disputes arising in the implementation of this agreement, and disputes arising from products and services under this agreement, shall be subject to the court of the place where Guangzhou XIONGXIN Network Technology Co., Ltd. is located. In addition, if any content of this user agreement conflicts with the law, it shall be subject to the law, and XIONGXIN Network will reinterpret or modify the relevant terms, and other parts of this user agreement will maintain legal effect on the user.

20. Delivery and notification

All notifications under this user agreement can be made through important page announcements, emails or regular mail transmission; such notices are deemed to have been delivered to the recipient on the date of sending.

21. Other provisions

21.1 XIONGXIN Network reserves the right to unilaterally amend this User Agreement at any time, without prior notice or without any reason. Once this User Agreement is amended, XIONGXIN Network will completely replace the previous version of the agreement with a revised version of the agreement and publish it to all users in the original way. You should pay attention to and keep abreast of the revision of this User Agreement. If you do not agree to the revised version of the agreement, please immediately stop using and enjoying all online game products and services under XIONGXIN Network, otherwise you will be deemed to agree to and fully accept the revised version of the agreement.
21.2 XIONGXIN Network built this User Agreement into all client software installers under XIONGXIN Network in the form of a dialog box. You can view and understand this User Agreement in the process of installing the client software. You can also express your full consent and acceptance of this User Agreement by clicking "I agree" or "I accept", or click "I do not agree" or "I don't accept" to indicate that you do not agree to this User Agreement.
21.3 In addition to the methods described in Article 16.2 of this User Agreement, you can also view and understand this User Agreement by logging in and browsing all official websites of XIONGXIN Network. In the form of the "Readed and Agree to the User Agreement" button, XIONGXIN Network provides you with a link address to all official websites of XIONGXIN Network in all login windows under XIONGXIN Network, so that you can directly check the current version of this User Agreement. Every time you log in to XIONGXIN Network, you can click this button to view and understand this User Agreement at any time. If you do not agree to this User Agreement, please cancel the "●" or "√" in the box in front of the button, otherwise you will be deemed to fully agree and be bound by this User Agreement.
21.4 XIONGXIN Network will supplement and amend this User Agreement from time to time in the form of supplementary agreements such as Player Regulations, User Codes, Block Rules, Announcements, etc. These supplementary agreements will be published on all official websites of XIONGXIN Network. They are an integral part of this User Agreement and have the same legal effect. You should review and understand these supplementary agreements in real time. Where there is a contradiction or conflict between such supplementary agreements and this User Agreement, such supplementary agreements shall apply; if there is no content involved, the relevant provisions of this User Agreement shall still apply.
21.5 If all XIONGXIN Network adopts third-party intellectual property rights other than XIONGXIN Network, and such third parties have requirements for you to use such intellectual property rights in all aspects of XIONGXIN Network based on this User Agreement, the requirements of the third party will be announced to you in the form of a supplementary agreement mentioned in Article 16.4 of this User Agreement, and you shall also abide by them.
21.6 In order to implement the provisions of Item (8) of the Notice on the Implementation of the Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Games promulgated by the Ministry of Culture, XIONGXIN Network has formulated the Personal Information and Privacy Protection Policy for XIONGXINal Network Users and has been published in the real-name registration system. For the content, please refer to the attachment to this User Agreement.
21.7 The XIONGXINal User Protection Privacy Policy, Supplementary Terms on Maintaining the Operating Environment and Fairness of Online Games, Player Code, User Instructions are an integral part of this user agreement and have the same legal effect as this user agreement. 16.8 If any content in this User Agreement is completely or partially invalid or not enforceable for any reason, the rest of this User Agreement shall remain valid and binding on the parties to the Agreement.

Guangzhou XIONGXIN Network Technology Co., Ltd
September 2022

Supplementary provisions on maintaining the operating environment and fairness of online games
I. Foreword
1. This clause is a supplement to the XIONGXIN Pass User Agreement, which is an integral part of the XIONGXIN Pass User Agreement and has the same legal effect.
2. This article clarifies its legal liability for acts that infringe on the operating environment and fairness of online games.
3. The purpose of these terms is to further achieve a fair environment for the game and ensure the quality of users' services.

II. Restrictive acts or activities
Prohibited behaviors that violate the fairness of online games include but are not limited to:
1. Use reverse engineering, compilation or reverse compilation, decompilation and other technical means to make software to analyze, modify and attack the game, and finally achieve the purpose of cheating.
2. Use any plug-in or game modifier to restore, compile or decode the online game software, including modifying any proprietary communication protocol used by the software, or modify or lock the data in dynamic random access memory (RAM).
3. Use abnormal methods to log in to games, use plug-ins such as network accelerators or robot programs to maliciously disrupt service facilities and disrupt normal service order.
4. Disseminate plug-ins, packets, acceleration, and other cheating software programs, or organize, instigate others to use such software programs, or sell such software programs for the economic benefit of private individuals or organizations.
5. Use any way or method to attempt to attack the relevant servers, routers, switches and other devices that provide game services in order to achieve any behavior that illegally obtains or modifies unauthorized data, affects normal game services, and other harmful purposes.
6. Take advantage of possible technical defects or vulnerabilities in the online game system to make profits for yourself or others in various forms.
7. Embezzle all or part of the data generated and stored in the ambitious online game platform in the process of using various paid or free online games provided by the XIONGXIN online game platform for the benefit of yourself or others in various forms.

III. Application of the law
1. XIONGXIN Network and its original licensors have all legal copyrights or use rights related to XIONGXIN Online Games and other paid services developed or represented by XIONGXIN Network, which are protected by the Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China. Any incident that infringes on the fairness of the game is regarded as an illegal act against this right and shall bear the corresponding legal liability in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China.
2. As a supplementary content to the XIONGXIN Pass User Agreement, this clause is the content of the contractual relationship with XIONGXIN Network formed after the user uses the game service. It is protected by the Contract Law of the People's Republic of China. Any incident that infringes on the fairness of the game is regarded as a violation of the XIONGXIN Pass User Agreement and these Terms, and shall bear the corresponding legal liability in accordance with the provisions of the Contract Law of the People's Republic of China.
3. Any incident that infringes on the fairness of the game will also be regarded as endangering information security. The perpetrator may violate the provisions of the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Security and Protection of Computer Information Systems, the Regulations on the Protection of Computer Software, and the Measures for the Administration of the Security Protection of Computer Information Networks and the Internet, and bear corresponding legal liabilities.
4. If the act that infringes on the fairness of the game is committed by other online game-related enterprises, or employs or abets others to commit it, the act shall also be regarded as a violation of the Anti-Unfair Competition Law of the People's Republic of China and bears corresponding legal liabilities.

IV. Corresponding measures
XIONGXIN Network has the right to take all necessary measures against any violation of the operating environment and fairness of online games, including but not limited to:
1. The contractual relationship between the user corresponding to the account that has the right to unilaterally terminate and commit such acts (hereinafter referred to as the "the perpetrator") shall be borne by the parties themselves.
2. Have the right to suspend, terminate the use of the account or directly delete the user account, role and all relevant information that such behavior occurs.
3. Have the right to take any other form of protective measures.
4. The perpetrator who violates the criminal and administrative laws and regulations of the state shall be investigated by the relevant state organs.
5. The right to bring a lawsuit against the perpetrator to claim compensation for economic losses.

Player's code
I. Interpretation of the basic methods of dealing with user violations
1. Turn off the chat function (forbidden): Force the suspension of the online conversation function of the user role, so that the user role cannot talk to other users until the penalty expires or is cancelled.
2. Force offline: Force the user account to log out, end the execution of the user's game program, make it exit the game, and unable to log in to the game for a certain period of time.
3. Imprisonment: Force the user role to be placed in an independent and inaccessible map until the penalty expires or is cancelled.
4. Delete Role: Force the deletion of a user's specific role.
5. Suspend the game account: Temporarily stop the user's right to use the game account and service.
6. Delete the game account: Force and permanently stop the user's game account and its game rights.

II. Several violations and penalties between users and users
1. Behavior: Insult, personally attack other players, and hinder other players from playing normally.
Penalties: If the circumstances are less serious, those will be imprisoned, and the recidivist suspends his account and various services.
2. Behavior: In addition to guild competitions, PK competitions and other missionary activities hosted by administrators (GM), use group forces or violent means to forcibly seize other people's belongings to undermine the fairness of the game.
Penalty measures: If you find that you will be imprisoned, and those who do not change repeatedly will suspend their accounts.
3. Behavior: Constant noise, repeated speeches, continuous advertising, malicious screen swiping and other infringement of the rights and interests of most users; maliciously blocking narrow intersections causes inconvenience to other users' actions, and other malicious continuous harassment of others, influencing others to play games and dissuasion.
Penalty measures: Depending on the seriousness of the circumstances, the account will be banned, imprisoned or suspended.
4. Behavior: Continuous malicious PK behavior for the purpose of harassing other users and dissuade those who do not listen.
Penalty: Force offline and suspend the account.

III. Several violations and penalties for users and the game itself
1. Behavior: Use character names that violate naming rules: including but are not limited to texts that contain personal attacks, obscenity, verbal abuse, reactionaries and other words that endanger the image of the game, and deliberately similar to the GM service character names that disrupt the normal service order, national interests and social morality.
Penalty measures: Suspend the account, users should take the initiative to contact the ambitious network to modify the role name. If the circumstances are serious, delete the account immediately.
2. Behavior: Vicious destruction of game service facilities, including but not limited to: using compilers to modify game data, attack or invade game servers in various ways, log in to games using abnormal methods, using plug-ins such as network accelerators or robot programs to maliciously disrupt service facilities, and disrupt normal service order.
Punishment: Delete the user's account directly, while retaining all legal recourse for this behavior.
3. Behavior: Take advantage of bugs and loopholes in the system for the benefit of yourself and others.
Penalty measures: Once found or verified by other users, XIONGXIN Network has the right to clear the improper profits of relevant users (including but not limited to experience points, virtual items, etc.). If the circumstances are serious, XIONGXIN Network has the right to delete the account directly.
4. Behavior: Use the functions provided by the game to carry out illegal transactions in violation of national laws and regulations.
Penalty measures: Once the above acts are found, they will be forced offline and referred to the relevant state agencies.

IV. Several violations and penalties between users and administrators
1. Behavior: Call GM in the game for no reason, or send harassing messages to GM frequently.
Penalties: Depending on the seriousness of the circumstances, the punishment shall be imposed on prohibition, imprisonment, suspension of account, etc.
2. Behavior: Disobey GM arrangements and abuse GM.
Penalties: Depending on the seriousness of the circumstances, imprisonment, suspension of accounts and other penalties shall be imposed.
3. Behavior: Impersonate GM or other customer service personnel in the game.
Penalty: Delete the character, and if found multiple times, the game account will be deleted.

V. Penalties for number theft and related acts
In order to ensure that players can experience the game happily and ensure that the legitimate interests of players are not infringed, the company will severely crack down on and punish account theft and account theft-related behaviors (including but not limited to theft of accounts, game data, players' personal information, assisting number thieves to operate and transfer game props, etc.). Once verified to be true or at the request of the competent authority, XIONGXIN Network has the right to immediately take mandatory offline, suspension of accounts, account deletion and other punishment measures according to the specific situation. If the circumstances are serious, XIONGXIN Network reserves the right to investigate the legal responsibility of the players involved in the case.

VI. Statement
Players are requested to abide by the above regulations. If they are punished for violations, the player shall be responsible for any losses arising therefrom. GM will have the right to immediately suspend the right to launch any game account that may endanger the game system without suing it first. All GMs will strictly follow the principles of neutrality and impartiality, no favoritism, and strictly in accordance with the provisions of this article, take into account actual violations, and do not mitigate and impose heavier penalties.
When there are players and their behaviors that are not mentioned in the above terms, but are contrary to the company's original intention to create a fair, just and healthy game and entertainment environment, the company has the right to carry out the penalty operation on the account as the company deems appropriate.
The final interpretation right of this player's code belongs to XIONGXIN Network and reserves the right to update. Please check it frequently and strictly abide by it.

Guangzhou XIONGXIN Network Technology Co., Ltd

Instructions for users

In order for players to better enjoy every wonderful moment in the ambitious online game, you should abide by the following rules:

First, everyone is equal among players, which is our guideline for serving you. We strive to get the same quality of service for each player, and you should also respect the rights of other players and refrain from any activities that may infringe on the quality of the game of other players.
Second, online games can be wonderful based on everyone's interaction. In order to make you have more friends in the virtual world, please pay attention to words, deeds and polite words in the game. For players with obscene language, the administrator (GM) will take measures such as prohibition after receiving the report.
Third, fair play is a prerequisite for enjoying the game. As everyone knows, there is a bug in any program. Although we try our best to solve the known bugs, we cannot rule out the possibility of other bugs. As a gamer, you should be able to actively report bugs to GM when they find them. It is strictly forbidden to use any bugs for abnormal profits, including but not limited to obtaining additional experience points, prop items, etc. Once found, GM will have the right to impose imprisonment on the player. If the circumstances are serious, the account will be deleted.
IV. Players shall not participate in the trading of virtual currency or virtual items in real currency or items (including not being able to buy game accounts in real currency, etc.), let alone trade and use virtual items or virtual currency generated by taking advantage of game vulnerabilities. We will not support or protect any problems arising in this kind of transactions. At the same time, we will take necessary protective measures against the impact of the game, such as deleting items, etc. V. Reduce PK activities between players. Although PK behavior is allowed in the program, any malicious PK will affect your normal communication activities with others in the game, and friendly treatment can make you more fun in the game.
V. Every player has the right to ask for GM help, but in order to get help from more people, each player should consciously not chat with GM. GM has the right not to answer gossip topics unrelated to work.
6. Each player has the right to supervise GM. If you find any violation of GM, you can use the screenshot provided by the game to obtain the scene (guaranteeing the authenticity of the picture) and submit the complaint content to XIONGXIN Network, which will deal with the GM.
7. Network resource space is the guarantee for the smooth operation of online games. The waste of network resource space will eventually affect each player's use of online games. Every player should cherish the network resource space, abide by the rules and regulations of the game, and avoid any waste of network resource space.
VIII. Game data damage (including character data damage, character loss, character relationship loss, player game points loss, etc.) caused by system technical problems (excluding problems caused by third parties or force majeure) will be recovered as appropriate, but no real economic compensation will be made.
IX. Special tips for young users: Teenage users must abide by healthy game advice - resist bad games and refuse pirated games; pay attention to self-protection and beware of being deceived; moderate games benefit the brain, addiction to games hurts the body; arrange time reasonably and enjoy a healthy life.
10. Understand and abide by the player codes and service commitments issued by XIONGXIN Network and other regulations.
Guangzhou XIONGXIN Network Technology Co., Ltd