# End User License Agreement
1. Acceptance of Terms
By using our game "The Liminal Space", developed by "GD.", you agree to comply with this End User License Agreement. Please read this agreement carefully.
2. License Grant
"GD." grants you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to download, install, and use our game for your personal entertainment.
3. Description of Service
"The Liminal Space" refers to the concept of threshold spaces, which refers to the areas or boundaries where a significant change or transition happens. In spatial design or architecture, it might refer to the transition between private and public, or between different functions or experiences. In data analysis or algorithms, it embodies the point at which an output shifts dramatically based on minor input variations. Threshold spaces are essential in creating dynamism, diversity, and depth in both physical and abstract concepts.
4. Service Changes and Updates
"GD." reserves the right to modify, temporarily or permanently, the services offered in the game. Your feedback might be applied to future versions of the game.
5. Third-Party Services
Our game may contain links to third-party services that we do not control. We are not responsible for the content or practice of these third-party services.
6. Restrictions
You agree not to:
Use our game for any illegal activity;
Violate the intellectual property rights of our game.
7. Disclaimer
Our game is provided "as is", without any express or implied warranties.
8. Refund Policy
Please refer to our refund policy to understand under what circumstances you can request a refund and the procedures involved.
9. Privacy Policy
Please refer to our privacy policy to understand how we collect, process, and protect your personal data.
10. Applicable Law
This agreement shall be governed by the laws of China.
11. Changes
We reserve the right to modify this agreement at any time. Please review it periodically.
12. Contact Us
If you have any questions about this agreement, please contact us.