1.the author of this game is entitled to all legitimate rights and interests of the game software (including but not limited to, involving computer software copyright, art copyright and patent and other intellectual property rights, the operation of this game software rights, etc.), or has obtained from the legal holder of the legal authorization, and shall have the right to provide users with the game software and this game service.
2.The words and logos used in specific services to identify the name and source of the service (including but not limited to the name, LOGO and ICON of the game service and the name, LOGO and ICON of the game software developer) belong to the trademarks or registered trademarks of the game author in China or other countries and regions.
3.The Game Service may involve intellectual property rights of third parties. If such third parties have requirements for your use of such intellectual property rights in the Game Service, the author of the game will inform you of such requirements in an appropriate manner, and you shall comply with such requirements.
4.All rights not expressly granted herein are reserved by the author of the game.