Wee Tanks EULA

Hey Tanker!
The following is an overview of the permissions and restrictions that apply to your use of our game upon purchasing and continuing to use them. Let's dive in!


  • (a) These are the (legally binding) rules for Wee Tanks!.
  • (b) There are rules about what you can and cannot do with Wee Tanks!
  • (c) We own Wee Tanks!, our forums and website, you only have a personal license to play / use them.
  • (d) There are rules on liability and disputes – take a look at the bottom of these Terms.
  • (e) If you break these rules, we may suspend or cancel your access to Wee Tanks!.

1. First off:

1.1. Hello, we’re Studio Kit (address is Wateringweg, Noord-Holland, Haarlem, Netherlands). This legally binding agreement (“Terms”) applies to Wee Tanks! and our website at If you don’t agree to these Terms, please don’t access our Services.

1.2. Please note that any purchases made apply solely to the PC, Mac, and Linux desktop versions of the current game. They do not extend to any future sequels, offshoots, or ports that may be related to the game.

1.3. We reserve the right to modify these Terms or our Services for various reasons, such as reflecting changes in applicable laws or implementing technical improvements. Minor changes should not significantly impact you, while more significant changes will be announced by posting amended Terms on our site (as well as anywhere else relevant), and they will take effect after a reasonable period of time. If you have any questions about these changes, please contact us at


When you purchase Wee Tanks!, this document outlines what actions you are permitted to take.

As a general principle, you are free to use our services in any way that promotes Wee Tanks! or Studio Kit, provided that it is not for commercial gain (unless you have received our prior approval) or for malicious/illegal purposes.

We have provided some examples below to clarify what we mean. If you are unsure about whether a certain action is allowed or not, please contact us at for clarification before proceeding.


2. We give you a license to:

2.1. You are welcome to modify or distribute the base files and contents of Wee Tanks! to suit your needs, but please ensure that any changes made do not enable you to distribute or make the game available to others for download or play (this includes making it open source). Additionally, any modifications should not be for the purposes of cheating, unauthorized hacking, exploits, or griefing other players, nor should they be malicious or illegal in nature.

2.2. If you use any third-party contents, intellectual property, software, or tools in conjunction with Wee Tanks!, it is your responsibility to ensure that you have obtained all necessary licenses and permissions. We cannot be held responsible for any issues that may arise from your use of such third-party materials.

2.3. We permit mods if they comply with the Wee Tanks! Modding Policy which is available here. Please note the Modding Policy may be updated from time to time, so we recommend you check it periodically.

2.4. Your license to use our Services is non-exclusive, non-transferable and for personal use only. All rights in Wee Tanks! are reserved to us except as explained in these Terms.

2.5. This means that our company retains ownership of the Services and all of its contents. However, we are granting you the right to interact with the game as described above.

3. In case it wasn’t clear, you are not permitted to:

3.1. Tamper with the base files of Wee Tanks! or attempt to compromise our Services by introducing malicious code or other harmful content.

3.2. Distribute Wee Tanks! yourself, or host its download. In order to ensure the game’s integrity, we recommend it should only ever be downloaded from established portals on which we’ve placed it (e.g. Steam).

3.3. You are not allowed to create, use, make available, distribute, or direct users to hacks or cheats for Wee Tanks! unless permitted under the Modding Policy. Additionally, you are prohibited from creating or directing users to unauthorized websites that distribute pirated versions of Wee Tanks!.

3.4. Maliciously target other users, such as disrupting another player’s server through a DDOS attack, or making any other deliberately disruptive attacks.

3.5. You must not engage in any behavior or communication on our Services, including toward our team or other users, that is threatening, harassing, discriminatory, abusive, defamatory, racist, sexist, or otherwise offensive or illegal.

3.6. Breaking these rules could result in suspension or cancellation (temporary or permanent) of your access to our Services.

4. Responsibility to you:

4.1. We will not be responsible or liable for any losses or damages that you may suffer, except in cases where it is unlawful for us to exclude or limit our liability. Our Services are provided only for domestic and private use, and we will not be liable to you for any loss of profits, loss of business, business interruption, or loss of business opportunity that may arise from your use of our Services for any commercial or business purposes, including resale.

4.2. Subject to 4.1 above: (a) We limit our liability to you to the amount you have paid us under these Terms during the twelve (12) months prior to the event giving rise to the liability; and (b) Our Services are provided "as is" and we make no warranty or representation regarding their quality, completeness, or accuracy.

5. Termination:

5.1. You may terminate these Terms at any time by permanently stopping your access to our Services. Termination will not affect any existing rights or obligations of either party.

5.2. In the unlikely event that we suspend or permanently discontinue any of our Services, we will notify you in advance via email, a post on our website, or an in-game notification. We may also discuss any appropriate next steps with you.

5.3. We reserve the right to suspend or terminate (temporarily or permanently) your access to our Services if you breach these Terms (including, for example, if you hack or cheat in Wee Tanks!). If we take this action, we will not have any obligations or liabilities to you, but we will explain why we have done so where reasonably possible and provide any available next steps.

6. Any other business:

6.1. If you have a dispute with us, we encourage you to try to resolve it informally with us for a period of 30 days. If you are unable to resolve the dispute within this period, you have the legal right to commence legal proceedings against us if necessary. Any legal claim against Studio Kit should be sent to Please note that as Studio Kit is based in the Netherlands, any disputes or legal matters related to our Services will be governed by Dutch law and fall under the jurisdiction of the Dutch courts. This does not affect any mandatory rules or remedies available to you under the laws of your country of residence. We may also seek to resolve any disputes through alternative dispute resolution methods, such as mediation, where appropriate.

6.2. We can assign, subcontract or transfer these Terms to a third party or another member of our group (as part of any reorganization or merger or for other business reasons), provided that this does not affect your legal rights (or with your consent).

6.3. If any part of these Terms is found not to be legally enforceable, this will not affect any other part of it.

6.4. Our Privacy Policy explains what information we collect and how we protect it.

6.5. We have made every effort to keep our rules simple and clear while also reflecting our commitments to you. However, these rules serve a purpose, and we reserve the right to suspend or revoke your access to our services or take any other necessary action to protect ourselves, our players, or our services, if any of these rules are violated.

If you have any questions feel free to get in touch with us at