================ Chetz! Steam EULA ================
End User License Agreement.

Last updated: 21 July 2021

These end-user license terms are intended to protect LeblatGames (the Company), its products, as well as members of the community.

By purchasing, downloading, playing, or otherwise using "Chetz!" (the Software), you (the user) acknowledge that you have read the entirety of this agreement, and agree to be bound by the terms herein.

LeblatGames retains intellectual property and commercial rights, as well as ownership rights of the Software.
The only permissions users have in relation to the Software are the ones laid out in this EULA.

---Rights of the User---

By purchasing the Software, the user has the right to install, and play the Software on the user's own personal devices, for their personal use.

The user may not:
-Distribute or make copies of the Software, or any of its components
-Use the Software or its components for their own commercial use
-Use or access any part of the Software in an unfair or illegal way
-Lead other individuals use or access any part of the Software in an unfair or illegal way
-Sell or distribute license keys, with the exception of the ones that are explicitly allowed by LeblatGames through Steam Keys.

The user may create videos of gameplay content of the Software within the bounds of reason, "fair use" and the applicable law.
The user may monetize videos of gameplay content of the Software within the bounds of reason, "fair use" and the applicable law.

The user shall not, in connection, relation or association with the Software, the Company, or related social media engage in abuse or harrassment.
Said abuse or harrassment includes but is not limited to written or verbal harassing, threatening, deceiving, pirating intellectual property, or spreading illegal material.

---Rights of the Company---
The Company accepts no liability for any ill effect, including but not limited to death, injury and harm, that may results from the Software or its interpretations.

The Company might make updates to the Software from time to time, but isn't obligated to do so.
The Company is not obligated to provide any ongoing support or maintenance for the Software.
The Company retains the right to release the Software in "early access", "beta" or "alpha" states, and it remains at the Company's discretion at which point the game is fully released.
Should the Company make an update or a change in a way a user or third party individual suggests, the Company is not liable to give any compensation to the said individual, unless another agreement between the Company and the individual explicitly states so.

By notifying the users on available social media, websites or forums, the Company has the right to amend or modify the terms of this EULA.
Such changes may affect the users under the previous EULA under certain conditions.

The Company is not liable in case the user finds the game unsatisfactory,


The Company has right to terminate this EULA if the user is found in breach any of its terms.
Termination this way would revoke this license and the permission to use or play the Software.

The user no longer has any rights guaranteed by this EULA, including but not limited to the installion and use of the Software, in the event of a termination.

The user is aware and agrees to use the Software at their own risk.

The terms of this EULA is limited by the local law that applies in the user's location.
Lawsuits regarding this agreement are to be filed at the location of the Company.