  • The software is provided “as is” and there is no guarantee on the part of the developer that there will be future updates or fixes.
  • The developer is not responsible for any damages that the use of the software may cause.
  • The developer is not responsible for providing support of any kind for the use of the software.
  • The developer is not responsible for any software failures, which may cause system freezes, loss of information, related or not to the software in question, will render the system unusable, or any consequences on the equipment and systems that this software will be used, whether directly related or not to the software.
  • The developer is not responsible for the images generated through the software, whether intentionally generated by the user or not.
  • The developer is not responsible for any files lost while using the software.
  • User cannot distribute this software.
  • User cannot resell this software.
  • The use of reverse engineering to obtain the software's source code is prohibited.
  • The disclosure of the source code or any part of the software code is prohibited.
  • The software can only be used by the legal purchaser, with the rights of use already existing on the Steam platform being maintained.
  • This term of use of the software can be changed at any time, its use after any modifications, implies full acceptance of such changes.