

In order to protect Anarchy Legends Online (the "Game") and the members of its community, I (Diat Funa) need these end user license terms to set out some rules for downloading and using the Game. This license is a legal agreement between you and me, and describes the terms and conditions for using the Game. If you break these rules, I may stop you from using the Game. If I think it is necessary, I might even have to ask my lawyer to help out.

If you buy, download, use or play the Game, you are agreeing to stick to the rules of these end user license agreement ("EULA") terms. If you don't want to or can't agree to these rules, then you must not buy, download, use or play my Game. This EULA incorporates my Privacy Policy and my Fan Content Policy. By agreeing to this EULA you also agree to all of the terms of the foregoing documents, so please read through them carefully.

I grant you a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable limited right and license to install and use the Software on compatible devices you own or control for your personal entertainment use (the “License”). The License becomes effective on the date you accept this Agreement. The Game is licensed, not sold, to you under the License. The License does not grant you any title or ownership in the Game.

Although I license you permission to install on your device and play the Game, I am still the owner of it. I am also the owner of my brands and any content contained in the Game. Therefore, when you pay for the Game, you are buying a license to play/use the Game in accordance with this EULA - you are not buying the Game itself. The only permissions you have in connection with the Game and your installation of it are the permissions set out in this EULA. You do not own my code or content.

The one major rule is that you must not distribute anything I've made unless I specifically agree to it. By "distribute anything I've made" what I mean is:

- give copies of the Game to anyone else;
- make commercial use of anything I've made;
- try to make money from anything I've made;
- let other people get access to anything I've made in a way that is unfair or unreasonable;
unless I specifically agree to it.

"The Game" or "what I have made" includes, but is not limited to, updates, patches, downloadable content, add-ons, or modified versions of the Game, part of those things, or anything else I've made.

As an exception to this, individual fans are permitted to monetize web videos with advertisements, so long as those videos otherwise meet the requirements of this EULA.

If you make any content available on or through the Game, you agree to give me permission to use, copy, modify, adapt, distribute, and publicly display that content. This permission is irrevocable, and you also agree to let me permit other people to use, copy, modify, adapt, distribute, and publicly display your content. You are not giving up your ownership rights in your content, you are just giving me and other users permission to use it. If you don't want to give me these permissions, do not make content available on or through the Game. Please think carefully before you make any content available, because it may be made public and might even be used by other people in a way you don't like.

If you are going to make something available on or through the Game, it must not be offensive to people or illegal, it must be honest, and it must be your own creation. Some examples of the types of things you must not make available using the Game include: racist or homophobic language; bullying or trolling; offensive behaviors or that damage me or another person's reputation; contents that include porn or someone else's creation; or posts that impersonate a moderator or try to trick or exploit people.

Any content you make available on or through the Game must also be your creation or you must have permission or the legal right to do it. You must not and you agree that you will not make any content available, using the Game that infringes the rights of others.

I reserve the right to take down any content in my discretion.

Please watch out if you are talking to people in the Game. It is hard for either you or me to know for sure that what people say is true, or even if people are really who they say they are. You should think twice about giving out information about yourself: I am not responsible for any user behavior.

I might make upgrades, updates or patches (I call them all "updates") available from time to time, but I don't have to. I am also not obliged to provide ongoing support or maintenance of the Game. Of course, I hope to continue to release new updates for the Game, I just can't guarantee that I will do so. With updates come changes that might not work well with other software or earlier versions of the Game. This is unfortunate, but it is something I don't take responsibility for.

When you get a copy of the Game, I provide it "as is". Updates are also provided "as is". This means that I am not making any promises to you about the standard or quality of the Game, or that the Game will be uninterrupted or error free. I am not responsible for any loss or damage that it may cause. You bear the entire risk as to its quality and performance. You have to accept that I may release games well before they are complete and so they may have bugs.

Your local law may give you rights that this EULA cannot change; if so, this EULA applies as far as the law allows.

I may change this EULA from time to time, if I have reason to, such as changes to the Game, my practices, or my legal obligation. In that case I'll inform you of the change before it takes effect, either by posting a notice on my Website or by other reasonable means. I'm not going to be unfair about this though - but sometimes the law changes or someone does something that affects other users of the Game and I have to resolve the situation.

If you come to me with a suggestion for the Game, that suggestion is made for free and I have no obligation to accept or consider it. This means I can use or not use your suggestion in any way I want and I don't have to pay you for it.

If I want I can terminate this EULA if you breach any of the terms. You can terminate it too, at any time; all you have to do is uninstall the Game from your device and the EULA will be terminated. If the EULA is terminated, you will no longer have any of the rights to the Game given in this License. You do still have the right to things you have created yourself with the Game of course. The paragraphs about "License Conditions" and "General Terms" will continue to apply even after the EULA is terminated.

Except to the extent required by law, all payments and fees are non-refundable under all circumstances, regardless of whether or not this Agreement has been terminated.


Your privacy is important to me (Diat Funa) and I take my responsibility of caring for it seriously. This Privacy Policy describes how I process the personal information I collect about you when you use Anarchy Legends Online (the "Game") and its services.

I will or could collect and use the following information about you:

- Information you give me when you set up your profile for the Game.

- Information I collect about you, including your IP address and device information (such as device type, network data, operating system) and information regarding your use of the Game, such as date and time stamps of actions.

- Information you generate and display in the course of using the Game. You may provide additional information as part of your profile. You may also provide or generate information when you communicate with other users in the Game (e.g., chat log). You acknowledge and agree that information generated within the Game should not be considered private and communications within the Game may be viewed/heard by other users. Please avoid revealing any personally identifiable or sensitive information during such commutations.

The Game is not intended for children and I do not knowingly collect information from children. If you believe that I have unintentionally collected your children’s personal information, you may request the deletion of the information by contacting me at contact(at) In some cases I may ask the user to provide me with their birth date. If such information indicates the user is under the age stipulated by the applicable laws and deemed as child under such laws, I will not collect further personal information from the child until a parent/guardian‘s verifiable consent is obtained.

I will or could use the information in the following ways and in accordance with the following legal bases:

- Registration Information to set-up user accounts and allow users to log-in to the Game.

- Device Information (such as: device ID, device type, operating system, CPU, RAM, IP address, MAC address) to provide and improve the Game.

- Game Data (such as: level, legends, scores, chat logs and etc.) to provide services to users.

In order to perform my contract with you, your personal information will be accessible from and will be processed on cloud servers such as Amazon Web Services. Your information may be transferred to and processed in countries outside the country you are located. In particular, your information will be transferred to and processed in Europe where the central database is based.

I share your personal information with selected third parties in and outside your country, including:

- Third-party vendors that provide services in support of the Game, such as Amazon Web Services (“AWS”) for the purpose of hosting the Game Data. These third party vendors have limited access to your personal information and are contractually bound not use it for other purposes.

- Related group companies, with whom I share your information to operate the Game. The transfers contemplated above are made pursuant to my contract with you.

- Law enforcement agencies, public authorities or other judicial bodies and organizations. I disclose information if I are legally required to do so, or if I have a good faith belief that such use is reasonably necessary to: (i) comply with a legal obligation, process or request; (ii) enforce my terms of service and other agreements, policies, and standards, including investigation of any potential violation thereof; (iii) detect, prevent or otherwise address security, fraud or technical issues; or (iv) protect the rights, property or safety of me, my users, a third party or the public as required or permitted by law (including exchanging information with other companies and organizations for the purposes of fraud protection).

Cloud servers such as Amazon Web Services deploy several security measures commensurate to industry standards to prevent unauthorized access to your personal information. Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. Although I will do my best to protect your personal information, I cannot guarantee the security of the information transmitted to the Game; any transmission of your information is at your own risk.

I will retain most of your personal information for the lifetime of your use of the Game (i.e. until account deletion in accordance with your request).

In the event that the processing and retention period have terminated, but personal information is required to be retained continuously for other reasons including for the purposes as prescribed under applicable laws, the relevant personal information will be stored and maintained separately from other types of personal information. If you require me to destroy your personal information before the end of its life cycle, I will destroy your personal information in accordance with local laws.

You have the right to access personal information I hold about you, how I use it, and who I share it with. If you believe I hold any other personal information about you, please contact me and complete the corresponding request form.

You have the right to receive a copy of certain personal information I process about you. This comprises any personal information I process on the basis of your consent or pursuant to my contract with you, as described in the section “How I use your personal information”. You have the right to receive this information in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. You also have the right to request that we transfer that personal information to another party.

If you wish for me to transfer such personal information to a third party, please ensure you detail that party in your request. Note that I can only do so where it is technically feasible. Please note that I may not be able to provide you with personal information if providing it would interfere with another’s rights (e.g., where providing the personal information we hold about you would reveal information about another person or our trade secrets or intellectual property).

You have the right to correct any personal information held about you that is inaccurate. If you believe I hold any other personal information about you and that information is inaccurate, please contact me and complete the request form.

You can delete your account, or remove certain personal information. If there is any other personal information you believe I process that you would like us to erase, please contact me and complete the request form.

You may request that I erase the personal information I hold about you in the following circumstances:

- you believe that it is no longer necessary for me to hold such personal information;

- you believe the personal information I hold about you is being unlawfully processed by me.

I may from time to time send you announcements when I consider it necessary to do so (such as when we temporarily suspend the Game access for maintenance, or security, privacy or administrative-related communications). You may not opt-out of these service-related announcements, which are not promotional in nature.

If I make any material changes to this Privacy Policy, I'll inform you of the change before it takes effect, either by posting a notice on my Website or by other reasonable means.

If you have any comments, questions or complaints regarding the processing of your personal information, you can contact me at contact(at)


I (Diat Funa) am extremely honored by the interest shown by you in Anarchy Legends Online (the "Game"), and I think it’s cool that you want to create artwork, websites, and other stuff based on the Game. At the same time, I spend a lot of time, thought, and money creating the Game and need to protect it.

In most cases, using the Game, artwork, videos, music, characters, logos, and other intellectual property without my permission is illegal and a violation of my rights. So I created this Fan Content Policy to explain what you may do regarding your Fan Content. In this Policy, “Fan Content” means: your personal, non-commercial (i) fan art (such as artwork, photographs, videos, and other materials) that is based on the Game; and (ii) the Game-related websites and apps that are freely accessible to the public.

Please read this Policy carefully before creating any Fan Content. I reserve the right to change this Policy and, in that case, I'll inform you of the change before it takes effect, either by posting a notice on my Website or by other reasonable means. Any existing Fan Content that no longer complies with this Policy due to a change in the Policy must be modified to be compliant with the Policy.

1. You may create Fan Content based on the Game as long as you comply with this Policy. Any Fan Content that violates this Policy is prohibited.

2. All Fan Content must be appropriate for the audience of the Game and consistent with the spirit and tone of Diat Funa. Fan Content must comply with applicable law, may not violate the rights of others, and must not be obscene, sexually explicit, defamatory, offensive, objectionable, or harmful to others.

3. Fan Content must have no commercial (i.e. monetary) objective. As an exception to this, individual fans are permitted to monetize web videos with advertisements, so long as those videos otherwise meet the requirements of this Policy.

4. I, in my sole discretion, can revoke your permission to create Fan Content at any time and for any reason.

5. You may not say nor imply that your Fan Content is endorsed or approved by me.

6. Your Fan Content may not include links to any website that promotes or exploits cheats or hacks to the Game or any other games.

7. You may not create or use any Fan Content in a manner that could cause people to believe that it is an official Diat Funa production. For example, a fan website may not be designed to look like an official website, and it must be clear to visitors that the website is not an official website.

8. You may not use the Game in any manner that is derogatory to Diat Funa and the Game or that may damage the value, reputation, or goodwill of me or my products or brands.

9. You must display the following disclaimer on or in connection with your Fan Content, including on any web page containing your Fan Content:
Portions of the materials used are trademarks and/or copyrighted works of Diat Funa. All rights reserved by Diat Funa. This material is not official and is not endorsed by Diat Funa.

10. If you use Game and/or Diat Funa brands, logos, game titles, character names, or other trademarks (“Marks”) in connection with your Fan Content, you must follow these rules:

- Marks must be used only in connection with discussion of the Game. Do not use Marks to identify or promote you, your Fan Content, or any other products or business.
- Marks must be used in a manner that will enhance and not damage the reputation and goodwill associated with the Marks.
- Do not use any Marks in the name of a website unless it is clear from the name that the website is not an official website.
- Do not register or use any domain name that is confusingly similar to the official domain names.
- Do not alter any Marks.
- The colors of a logo should not be altered, and the design and appearance of the logo should not be modified or adapted into a new logo.

Except for the limited permission described in the "General Rules" section, your use of the Game is subject to the End User License Agreement. EULA include important legal terms, so please review that agreements carefully before creating any Fan Content.

I reserve the right to take legal action against you for your misuse of the Game.