Quick Packer 2 (aka QP2) is provided without any guarantee or warranty/support. There will be bugs. I do NOT guarantee that I will answer your email.

- Do not distribute QP2 files to anyone.
- Feel free to make modifications to QP2 as long as you do not distribute them. (You can distribute mod 'installers as long as you do not distribute any or parts of the original binaries or data files; think minecraft). Mods cannot submit data to online leaderboards or content.
- If you make 'mod installers', 'plugins', etc following the mod rules do not do not make it seem official or sponsored (eg. using QP2 logo and name in a way that it would seem official).
- Feel free to make videos/media and monetize videos/media with quick packer 2 gameplay. Feel free to use the logo as long as you do not make it seem official or sponsored (eg. in your video thumbnail).
- Do not sue me if you are dissatisfied or have issues with the product. I do not guarantee that I will answer any emails or support requests but an email will probably be enough to resolve the issue.

Be reasonable. If it seems unethical it probably is and you shouldn't be doing it.