Netmarble F&C End User Software License Agreement

Please read this End User License Agreement (the "Agreement") prior to installing games and related services provided by Netmarble F&C Co., Ltd. (the "Company"). The installation and copying of this Game Software or other use means that you agree to the terms and conditions of the contract set by Netmarble F&C located in Guro-gu,Seoul, Republic of Korea.The use of this Game Software may also apply to conditions set forth in VALVE CORPORATION regarding STEAM™ SUBSCRIBER AGREEMENT and STEAM™ services, and other third party platforms (the "Third Party Marketplace"). If you agree to the terms of the Company and Third Party Marketplace set forth in this Agreement, you will be deemed to understand and agree to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the use of the Game Software by installing the Game Software by selecting "I Accept". If you do not agree to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, select "I do not Accept" and the Company will not license this Game Software (as defined below). When using the License of Netmarble F&C, Game Software service policies such as the Company's terms and conditions, personal information handling policy, and player sanctions policy are applied together.

The term "Game Software" means any software contained in a video game, related media, any software related to the online mode of the video game, any print, manual, online or electronic document, and any copies of such software and materials. The company grants you non-exclusive and non-transferable limited rights and licenses to install and use a copy of the Game Software on one computer hard drive (including an SSD) for personal use only (the "License"). All rights not expressly granted to this License shall be retained by the Company and, where applicable, by the licensee. You are licensed for the Game Software, which is not a direct sale of the Game Software. This License does not grant you ownership of the
Game Software and does not constitute a sale or transfer of any intellectual property or other rights to the Game Software.

You agree and acknowledge that all rights, ownership and intellectual property rights related to the Game Software and all its copies, including but not limited to the derivative works, titles, computer code, video, music, images, graphics, operational methods, printed materials, animations, sounds, illustrations, texts, “applets” and all related documents incorporated into the Game Software, are owned by the Company or its licensors.

(a) You may not commercially use, copy, advertise, lend or distribute any or part of the Game Software without the written consent of the Company and produce or sell any secondary work or derivatives based on the Game Software.
(b) You may not reverse design, reverse engineer, replicate, change, modify, decompose, extract source code, decompile, or disassemble the Game Software.
(c) You may not remove or modify any title, copyright or trademark in the Game Software or any associated printed matter.
(d) You may not remove or bypass some or all security programs or security systems of the Game Software.
(e) You may not transfer the Game Software online or offline without the permission of the applicable law or Company.
(f) You may not create data or executable programs that mimic the data or features of the Game Software.

The Company may provide updates, patches, and other modifications to the Game Software that you need to install to play the game normally. The Company can access the Game Software installed on your computer to apply these updates, patches, and other modifications. You shall authorize the Company to distribute and apply these patches, updates, and other modifications to the Game Software installed on your computer.

Very few people can develop photosensitivity seizures as a result of exposure to visual images, such as the irregular flickering lights or patterns seen in games. There is a possibility of seizures regardless of past medical history, so if you experience such symptoms, stop playing the game immediately and consult a doctor.

The Game Software and related services are provided "as is". You understand and agree that you are responsible for any problems arising from the use of the Game Software and related services, and the Company does not guarantee that system access and software execution will proceed without blocking or error unless there is intentional or gross negligence on the part of the Company. In addition, your computer or hardware might not be compatible with your hardware and software.
Also, some states or countries do not permit indemnification for implied warranties, and the foregoing disclaimer may not apply to you.

The Company shall not be liable for any incidental, indirect or incidental damages resulting from your use, non-use or possession of the game software (including, but not limited to, damage to property, loss of data or files, loss of goodwill, exposure to privacy, damage caused by personal injury, equipment failure or error, failure to perform obligations, and negligence), unless there is intentional or gross negligence on the part of the Company or its licensors. In addition, the Company shall not be liable for such damages or the possibility of such damages, regardless of whether it has been recognized in advance. The Company shall not be liable in excess of the price paid for the Game Software, unless there is intentional or gross negligence on the part of the Company. The foregoing shall apply even if any remedy provided for in the Agreement fails of its essential purpose.

This User License shall remain in effect for as long as you use the Game Software, and will automatically terminate if you destroy or delete the Game Software, violate any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement and any policies related to the game software service, such as the Company's Terms of Use, Privacy Policy and Player Sanctions Policy. In such a case, you must delete and destroy all copies of the Game Software. You may terminate this Agreement at any time by destroying or deleting the Game Software from your computer or other applicable hardware. However, “Ownership”, “License conditions and restrictions”, “Limited warranty”, “Limitations of damages”, “Term and termination”, “Injunction”, Indemnification”, “Dispute resolution” and “Miscellaneous” provisions shall survive the termination or the end of this Agreement.

You agree that the Company shall have the right to take any necessary action without any bond, deposit, or other collateral or evidence of damage, as there is a risk of irreversible damage to the Company if the terms of this Agreement are not specifically enforced. Such rights include the right to seek prohibition orders and other fair remedies in addition to other remedies that may be taken under applicable laws. Any action that may deteriorate the user's overall service experience is prohibited.
① Any act of imposing a huge burden on the system without any special
② Any act of modifying or changing the service use and content methods with software produced by the user or a third party;
③ Any act of achieving an abnormal level of game items, currency, abilities, or abnormally high scores through software, macros, or automatic input keys owned by the user or a third party; or any act of obtaining an abnormal level of items, objects, abilities, rankings, or benefits by manipulating user interface or service data;
④ Any act of posting the offensive content including harassment, violence, intimidation, defamation, harmful material, pornography, and intellectual property infringement in chats or in public communities;
⑤ Characters, character stats, items, currency, and objects cannot be traded, and service assets must not be used, transferred, or distributed for speculative gambling operated by other companies. You may not (or attempt to) purchase, sell, or auction any characters, character stats, items, currency, or objects through online auctions, newsgroups, bulletin boards, etc. Such conduct is prohibited by the Terms and Conditions and is defined as an infringement of the Company's ownership.

Except for the Company's intentional or gross negligence, you agree to indemnify the Company and its partners, affiliates, contractors, licensors, executive directors, employees and agents from any special, indirect, incidental, consequential, punitive or exemplary damages (including lost profits or data loss) and related costs or expenses (including legally recognized attorney's fees) incurred by you or any third party in connection with your use of the Game Software. In addition, the Company is not responsible for the accounts, systems, software, services, in-service content, user content, terms, and materials.

In the event of a dispute between you and the Company, the Company will provide you with a neutral and efficient means to resolve the dispute quickly. The Agreement and relationship between you and the Company shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of Korea, regardless of international law conflicts or United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. You and the Company agree to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located in South Korea. Therefore, you agree to apply for a prohibition order and other remedies through the court of Company’s choice.

The Company reserves the right to change the contents of this Agreement at any time at its sole discretion, and publish the modified contents through the Steam page and communicate the amendment to the user through in-service notification. If you do not agree to any changes to this Agreement, you may terminate the Game Software Services Agreement. The continuation of the installation or use of any updates or modifications to the Game Software or the continued use of the Game Software shall be deemed that you agree to any changes to this Agreement.

This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between you and the Company with respect to your right to use the License and the Game Software, and supersedes all prior agreements, declarations of intention, warranties or settlements between you and the Company (including cases caused by negligence or nonattention, but excluding cases due to fraud). If any part of the terms is determined to be invalid or unenforceable, the law that best reflects the intent of the parties set forth in these terms and conditions shall apply. Existing terms and conditions shall apply if deemed enforceable. If any provision of this User License Agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, that provision shall be removed from this Agreement, and the remaining provisions shall remain in effect and unaffected.