VALIANT TACTICS EX license agreement

This VALIANT TACTICS EX license agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "agreement") describes the license conditions for use of the VALIANT TACTICS EX service provided by THINKGAMES Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the "company") as well as the software required for use of this service (hereinafter referred to as the "software") (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "service"). Please read this agreement in its entirety and agree to the conditions therein before using this service. If you do not agree to the terms and conditions outlined in this agreement, you will be unable to use this service.
Minors or persons with qualified legal capacity are required to have permission from a guardian (or legal representative with parental authority) before installing the software. Installing the software will render this agreement a valid contract between the user and the company.

1. Attribution of Rights to this Software
(1) All copyrights and related intellectual property rights to this software belong to our company or a third party with legitimate authority (hereinafter referred to as the "licensor"), and are subject to Japanese copyright law and other applicable international treaties. If the user does not comply with this agreement and violates the intellectual property rights of this software, the owner of those intellectual property rights will file an injunction preventing further use and may take further legal measures such as requiring compensation.
(2) This software is licensed from our company to the user, and is not to be sold or transferred to a third party. All rights not granted to the user under this agreement are reserved by the company or licensors.
(3) The company may set and change the specifications, rules, design, parameters, and other aspects of the service as they see fit, and the user consents to this in advance.

2. Provision of Additions/Patches
(1) The company may provide additions or patches to the software for the purpose of updating, expanding functionality, adding content, fixing bugs, etc. involving the service. The provisions of this agreement shall also apply to any such additions/patches.
(2) Provision of additions/patches shall be made at the company's discretion, and we are not obligated to provide additions/patches to our customers.

3. Provision of Services
(1) The company reserves the right to change, suspend, or terminate this service at any time. Should the company decide to terminate this service, we will announce it in the news section of the website, etc. two months before the termination takes effect.
(2) Should this service be terminated as outlined in the preceding paragraph, the users' play data in this service will be deleted.
(3) Alongside the use of this service, users may purchase electronic virtual currency (hereinafter referred to as "in-game currency") that can be exchanged for content provided in this service.
(4) Once paid by the user, fees cannot be refunded or redeemed in any other way unless the company explicitly agrees or advises otherwise. However, this does not apply if required by law.
(5) In-game currency purchased by the user may only be used with the account the in-game currency was purchased with, and may not be transferred or sent to any other account.
(6) The user agrees that they do not own the rights to any content, in-game currency, in-game items, or anything else associated with their account, whether purchased from us or earned in-game.
(7) If any user is suspected to have committed a deliberate illegal act or obtained or used in-game currency or in-game items via fraudulent means, the company may remove or alter the in-game currency and/or in-game items at our sole discretion. The company reserves the right to terminate or suspend the use of accounts that engage in illegal or fraudulent activities.

4. Use of the Service by Minors or Persons with Qualified Legal Capacity
(1) Minors or persons with qualified legal capacity must obtain the consent of a legal representative, such as a parent or guardian, before purchasing the in-game currency that is provided for a fee.
(2) If a minor or person with qualified legal capacity uses the service via deceptive means such as by falsely claiming consent of a legal representative or by falsely claiming to be an adult, or other means by which to misrepresent their capacity to act, the company will be unable to cancel any legal actions related to this service.
(3) If a user who was a minor at the time of consent to this agreement continues use of this service after reaching the age of majority, the user will be deemed to have ratified all legal actions in relation to this service.

5. Prohibitions
Users shall not engage in any acts specified below when using this service.
・Modification or alteration of the software.
・Combining the software with other software.
・Publication, broadcast, or the posting of images or videos (including music, audio, and song data) of the software or copies thereof through any means without express permission from the company.
・Decompiling or Disassembling of the software. This includes any actions that analyze the software using methods such as reverse engineering.
・Any act that utilizes defects or bugs within the software for illegal purposes. This includes the use of data obtained in a manner not intended by the company due to any such defects or bugs.
・Any actions prohibited by the Terms of Service.
・Acts that violate public order and morals.
・Illegal or unlawful acts, or any other acts that violate laws and regulations.
・Use of the software for commercial purposes.
・Acts that damage the credibility of the company, or other acts that infringe on the company's intellectual property rights or other rights or interests.
・Acts that intentionally hinder the customer service for the software.
・Any actions that cause or may cause trouble for the company and administration of the software.
・In addition to what is described in the preceding items, any acts that the company deems as inappropriate.
・Acts that encourage the acts outlined in the preceding items.
・Acts that the company reasonably judges to fall under or are likely to fall under the preceding items.

6. Disclaimer of Warranties and Liabilities
(1) The company provides no guarantee that the software will be usable or work properly in all usage environments. Furthermore, the company is not responsible for making the software usable in the user's usage environment.
(2) The company will only provide this software in its current state. Therefore, the company makes no guarantees regarding the safety, reliability, operational stability, etc. of the software.
(3) The specifications of the software may be changed without prior notice or consent. In addition, the company may provide additions or patches for the purpose of expanding functionality or fixing bugs. The provision of additions/patches shall be made at the company's discretion, and the company is not obligated to provide such programs to users.
(4) In the event the user incurs any damage or expense, either direct or indirect, due to the use of this software, the company shall bear no responsibility for any such damage or expense, regardless of whether it was foreseeable or unforeseen.

7. Cancellation of This License Agreement
(1) In the event the user violates any of the provisions within this license agreement, the company may immediately terminate the license agreement without prior notice or notification to the user. In the event of termination, the user shall immediately destroy the software and any copies thereof (in whole or in part).
(2) Even if the agreement is terminated pursuant to the preceding item, the company shall not be liable for any damages or expenses incurred by the user in relation with the use of the software or the termination of this service, regardless of the reason, whether directly or indirectly.

8. Termination of Agreement
(1) This agreement may be terminated by the user at any time by uninstalling the software from their device.
(2) The user may use the service for the period of time determined by the company. The end of the period shall be announced on the official website for this service at least 60 days before the end of said period.
(3) Please note the following even if the service is still within the usage period.
・The period of use may be shortened due to unforeseen circumstances.
・This service may be temporarily unavailable due to unforeseen circumstances within the company, communication equipment, or other reasons.
・Should the user violate any of the prohibitions within this agreement, they may be unable to use the service even during the usage period.

9. Prohibition Against Transfer of this Agreement
The user may not transfer this license agreement, or any rights and obligations acquired by the user under this license agreement to a third party.

10. Alteration of this Agreement
(1) The company may freely alter the contents of this agreement at any time by posting the revised contents on the official website for this service or within the game provided in association with this service.

11. General Provisions
(1) This license agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan. In the event that any part of this license agreement is denied validity under Japanese law, only that provision shall be made invalid, and all other provisions whose validity is not denied shall remain valid.
(2) In the event that a dispute arises between the user and the company regarding this license agreement, the Osaka Municipal Court or the Osaka Summary Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction. This is, however, provided that any action must be commenced within one year following the cause of such action, and after one year, any action based on the cause shall be permanently barred.

In the event of any discrepancy with the Japanese license agreement, the Japanese version shall take precedence.

Effective November 28, 2023