Please read the following license agreement before using the game OBSCURY : THE LAST. Using OBSCURY : THE last Means that you accept the terms of this license agreement.

OBSCURY : THE LAST may be distributed free of charge, provided that the distribution is preserved unchanged, WITHOUT the written permission of the copyright holder. You may not modify, rent, sell, or modify the actual game. Any such unauthorized use of the game will result in the immediate and automatic revocation of this license and may be subject to prosecution under criminal and/or civil law.

Limitation on warranty obligations

This software and related files are provided "as is" and without warranty of use or other warranties, expressed or implied. There is no guarantee of MERCHANTABILITY or fitness for a particular purpose. The user assumes the entire risk associated with the use of the program. The author is not responsible for any consequences, direct or indirect, special or other damages caused by this software (including, without limitation, losses from loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information or other financial damage).

All copyrights to OBSCURY : THE LAST belong solely to the company Joulion Studio