[DMM Connect Chat Terms of Use]

Article 1 (General Provisions)
1. “DMM Connect Chat Terms of Use” (hereinafter referred to as “these Terms”) specifies the terms and conditions for the provision and use of “DMM Connect Chat,” a service (hereinafter referred to as “the Service”) provided by Limited Liability Company (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”). To use the Service, the User must read the full text of these Terms and agree to them.
2. These Terms apply to all activities in which Users use the Service.
3. By using the Service, the User shall be deemed to have agreed to all the contents of these Terms.

Article2 (Definitions)
The terms used in these Terms shall be interpreted in accordance with the definitions set forth in the following items in addition to the other provisions of these Terms.
(1) “The Service” refers to the “DMM Connect Chat service” provided by the Company, which is an application service that enables voice chat using VR avatars with other users, and the related websites.
(2) “Posted Content” means any content (including but not limited to text, images, 2D data, 3D data, etc.) that the User uploads to the Service in the manner prescribed by the Company.
(3) “User” means a person who uses the Service.

Article 3 (Installing the Application)
To use the Service, the User agrees to install the DMM Connect Chat application on a medium designated by the Company in accordance with the Company’s applicable procedures.

Article 4 (Uploading Posted Content)
1. The User may upload Posted Content to the Service and store it on the Service in the manner prescribed by the Company.
2. If the User wishes to use the Posted Content stored on the Service pursuant to the preceding paragraph for the Service, the User shall follow the methods prescribed by the Company.
3. The User hereby represents and warrants that the Posted Content uploaded and stored on the Service does not infringe any copyrights, trademark rights, design rights, patent rights, utility model rights, property rights, portrait rights, publicity rights, moral rights, honor rights, privacy rights or other legal right of the Company or any third party.
4. The Company may remove Posted Content that violates the warranty provided in the preceding paragraph from the Service without any notice to the User.
5. The User grants the Company the worldwide, non-exclusive, free of charge, indefinite, sublicensable and transferable right to use, copy, distribute, adapt, transmit to the public, display, modify, etc., the Posted Content uploaded and stored on the Service and the content and atmosphere of voice chats conducted on the Service to use, build, improve, maintain, advertise, etc. (including publication in magazines, television, and other third-party media; the same shall apply hereinafter) the Service or otherwise to the extent necessary for the provision of the Service.

Article 5 (Handling of Information)
1. The Company shall properly handle the personal information received from the User in accordance with “For the protection of personal information” ( ) stipulated separately by the Company.
2. The Company may disclose the User’s information and the contents of voice chats, etc., to the extent necessary to comply with laws and regulations, or to satisfy any orders, demands or requests from courts, government agencies or other public bodies.

Article 6 (Suspension of the Service)
The Company may suspend the Service, in whole or in part, without notice if it falls under any of the circumstances listed below. The Company shall not be held liable in any manner for damages suffered by the User due to the suspension of the Service.
(1) When inspection, repair, patching, etc., of the Company servers, software, etc., is necessary.
(2) When it is impossible or difficult to provide the Service due to maintenance, upgrade, or other technical reasons.
(3) In case of system equipment trouble due to fire, power failure, etc.
(4) When the Service cannot be provided due to natural disaster, war, disturbance, labor dispute, etc.
(5) In other cases where the Company deems it necessary to suspend the provision of the Service for operational or technical reasons.

Article 7 (Change and Termination of the Service)
1. The Company may change the content of the Service or terminate the provision of the Service for the Company’s own convenience. The Company shall notify the User in advance if the Company intends to terminate the provision of the Service.
2. The Company shall not be liable in any manner for damages suffered by the User in connection with any action taken by the Company under this Article.

Article 8 (Prohibited Acts)
1. The User shall not engage in any of the following acts when using the Service.
(1) Acts that infringe on the copyrights, trademark rights, design rights, patent rights, utility model rights or other intellectual property rights or trade secrets of the Company or a third party.
(2) Acts that infringe on the property rights, portrait rights, publicity rights, moral rights, honor rights, privacy rights, etc., of the Company or a third party.
(3) Acts that are contrary to public order or morals.
(4) Acts that are contrary to laws and regulations.
(5) Criminal acts, acts that lead to criminal acts and acts that promote criminal acts.
(6) Acts in violation of laws and regulations regarding the distribution of child pornography, pornography, obscene materials, etc.
(7) Acts that overburden the Company’s servers.
(8) Acts that obstruct the operation of the Service.
(9) Acts of using the Service for purposes different from the original purpose of providing the Service.
(10) Acts that cause disadvantage to the Company or a third party.
(11) Acts of defamation, intimidation, or harassment of the Company or a third party.
(12) Acts that discriminate or promote discrimination against a third party.
(13) Acts of collecting and disclosing trade secrets, personal information, or privacy information without the consent of a third party.
(14) Pre-election campaign, election campaign or similar acts, and acts in conflict with the Public Offices Election Act.
(15) Acts of using the Service for the purpose of advertising the business of the User or a third party.
(16) Acts of using the Service for the purpose of soliciting pyramid schemes or multilevel marketing.
(17) Acts of posting a link that lands on a page outside the Service.
(18) Acts that interferes with the Company’s business.
(19) Acts of using the Service by technical means such as bots (including the intentional use of defects in the Service’s system).
(20) Any other acts that the Company deems inappropriate.
2. The determination as to whether an act falls under the prohibited acts set forth in the preceding paragraph shall be made at the Company’s discretion, and the Company shall not be held accountable for said determination.

Article 9 (Property rights of the Company)
Property rights relating to any and all content and information contained in the Service belong to the Company.

Article 10 (The User’s Own Responsibility)
If any dispute arises between the User and a third party in connection with the use of the Service, the User shall resolve such dispute at its own responsibility and cost. In addition, if the User causes damage to a third party in connection with the use of the Service, the User shall compensate for such damage at its own responsibility and expense.

Article 11 (Damages)
If the User causes any damage to the Company in connection with the use of the Service, the User shall immediately compensate for such damage in accordance with the claims made by the Company.

Article 12 (Method of Notice or Communication)
Any notification or communication from the Company to the User regarding the Service shall be made by posting in the appropriate places within the Service or by other means as the Company deems appropriate.

Article 13 (Changes to these Terms and Use)
If the Company deems it necessary, it may amend these Terms in accordance with Article 548-4 of the Civil Code. The fact that these Terms will be changed, the content of these Terms after the change and the effective date will be publicized by posting on the website, e-mail, push notification of the application or other appropriate method before the effective date.

Article14 (Disclaimer, etc.)
1. The Company makes no warranty that the Service will meet the specific purpose of the User or that the Service will have the functionality, commercial value, accuracy, or usefulness expected by the User.
2. The Company shall not be held liable in any manner for any damages suffered by the User arising from the Service.
3. If the contract between the Company and the User concerning the use of the Service is a consumer contract under the Consumer Contract Act, the provisions of these Terms which completely exclude the Company’s liability for damages shall not apply. In such case, if the damage incurred by the User is due to the Company’s default or tort, the Company shall be liable for damages up to 10,000 yen. However, this shall not apply in the event that the Company is willful or grossly negligent.

Article 15 (Transfer of Rights)
The User shall not transfer or assign to a third party, create a security interest in, or otherwise dispose of its position in these Terms or its rights or obligations under these Terms without the written prior consent of the Company.
If the Company transfers its business concerning the Service to a third party (regardless of the form including business transfer and company split), it may, in conjunction with such transfer, also transfer its position in these Terms, its rights and obligations under these Terms, and information of the User to the transferee of such transfer, and the User shall be deemed to have agreed to such transfer.

Article 16 (Survival)
Even after the User terminates its use of the Service, the provisions of paragraph 5 of Article 4 and Articles 10, 11, 16, and 19 shall survive such termination and continue to be effective.

Article 17 (Separability)
Even if any provision of these Terms or any part thereof is determined to be invalid or unenforceable under the Consumer Contract Act or other laws and regulations, the remaining provisions of these Terms shall remain in full force and effect.

Article 18 (Consultation)
If any doubt arises as to any matter not stipulated in these Terms or as to the interpretation of each provision, the Company and the User shall resolve the matter through consultation in good faith.

Article19 (Governing Law and Jurisdiction)
The governing law of these Terms shall be the Laws of Japan, and any dispute arising out of or in connection with these Terms shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court in the first instance.

Article20 (Language)
These Terms is made in Japanese. The Japanese text is the original, the English text is for reference purposes. If there is any conflict or inconsistency between these two texts, the Japanese text shall prevail.
(Japanese text:

End of Document

Established on January 22nd, 2021

Last updated on February 10th, 2022