Kingso EULA game agreement
Version of March 31, 2023

This agreement is between the developer of the Kingso game and its user.
It contains basic instructions for using the product and its signing means that the user is familiar with the rules.

  • The main developer of this product is the RAD Team, all rights belong to Anatoly Sergeev (nickname UncleSergy), at the same time he is the publisher of the project, its licensor and presents the game through other platforms.

  • This limited software warranty and software license agreement ("Agreement") may be updated from time to time. The original contract must be provided with the files for this product, and may be provided otherwise. Continuing to use the Product after the publication of the updated version of the Agreement, you agree to such changes.

  • The term "Product" or "Program" includes all software mentioned in this agreement (including all related libraries), accompanying work and other files, documentation, as well as any copies of such software and its materials.

  • The software is licensed, not sold. By launching, installing, copying or otherwise using this program, you agree to the terms of this agreement with the developer of the game Kingso.

  • Please read this agreement carefully. In the event that you do not accept the terms of this agreement, you may not run, install, copy or use this Product.

  • You must be of the age of majority in your country of residence to enter into this License Agreement. You are legally and financially liable in connection with your use of our software and in connection with gaining access to it, including the action of any person, whom you allow to access your account. You acknowledge that you have reached the age of majority (including its dispute resolution terms). If you are under the age of majority, your parent or legal guardian must accept this agreement.

  • Subject to the terms of this Agreement, the Licensor grants you non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited and revocable rights and a license to use one copy of the Program for your personal non-commercial use for the purpose of playing on a single gaming platform (for example, a computer, mobile device or game console) as intended by the Licensor, unless otherwise specified in the documentation for the Program. The rights granted to you are subject to your compliance with this Agreement. Your license term under this Agreement begins on the date you install or otherwise use the Program and ends either the moment you uninstall the Program or the moment this Agreement terminates.

  • The Software is not sold to you, but licensed to you, and you hereby agree that there is no transfer or assignment of ownership or ownership of the Software and that this Agreement should not be construed as a sale or transfer of any rights to The program. The Licensor reserves all ownership or beneficiary rights regarding this Program, including, but not limited to, all copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, trade names, proprietary rights, patents, property, computer codes, audiovisual effects, themes, characters, character names, plots, dialogues, settings, graphics, sound effects, music, and moral rights. The software is protected by copyright and trademark laws as well as applicable international laws and treaties. It is prohibited to copy, reproduce, change, modify and distribute the Program in any form and by any means, as a whole or in parts, without the prior written consent of the Licensor. Any person who copies, reproduces or distributes this Program or any part of it, in any form and by any means, willfully violate copyright and may be subject to civil and criminal liability in their country of residence. The Program contains materials used under license, and the Licensor's licensors also have the right to defend their rights in the event of any violation of the terms of this Agreement. All rights not expressly granted to you by this Agreement are reserved by the Licensor and, as applicable, its licensors.

License terms
You agree (including not to provide any natural or legal person with assistance or instructions to perform the following actions):

  • Not use the Program to generate income.

  • Not distribute, lease, license, sell, convert into currency, or otherwise transfer or assign the Program or any copies of the Program (including, without limitation, exchange for Virtual Goods or Virtual Currency), without the prior written permission of the Licensor, or otherwise than in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.

  • Not copy the Program and any of its parts (except in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement).

  • Not open network access to copies of this Program for use or download by multiple users.

  • Unless otherwise explicitly stated in the Program or this Agreement - do not use or install the Program (and do not provide such an opportunity to other persons) on the network, for network use or on more than one computer or game console at the same time.

  • Do not copy the Program to a hard disk or other storage device in order to circumvent the requirement to run the Program from the supplied CD-ROM or DVD-ROM (this prohibition does not apply to full or partial copies that may be created by the Program itself during installation for more efficient execution ).

  • Not use or copy the Program in computer gaming centers or any other organization with a permanent location; provided, however, that Licensor may provide you with a separate licensing agreement for organizations in order to authorize commercial use of the Program.

  • Not to perform engineering analysis, decompilation, disassembly of the Program, not to display or prepare derivative works based on the Program, or otherwise modify the Program, both as a whole and in parts.

  • Not to delete, block or circumvent the display of any indications of ownership, labels and logos contained in the Program or on its packaging.

  • Not to prohibit or interfere with other users to use the Program and its functions.

Technical Remedies
  • The Program may include those designed to restrict access to certain functions or to restrict access to certain functions or to prevent unauthorized copying, other measures included in the suppression of violations by any persons with limited rights and licenses granted under this Agreement. Such measures may include license controls, product activation and other technologies, including other controls over time, date, access and metrics, counters, serial numbers, and other means of preventing unauthorized use. access, use and copy the Program and any of its parts and components, including violation of this Agreement. The Licensor reserves the right to monitor the use of the Program at any time. You do not have the right to interfere with the operation of access control measures, try or circumvent them; if you disable technical protection means or otherwise, interfere with their work The program will not work correctly. If the Program allows access to a Special Function, only one copy of the Program at a time is allowed to access such a function. The licensor has the right to restrict, suspend or terminate the license under this Agreement, as well as restrict, suspend or terminate access to the Program, including other, access to related services and products within thirty days after notification or immediately for reasons beyond the control of the licensor, and if you violate any terms of the agreements governing your use of the Program, including the Agreement, Licensor's Privacy Policy and User Agreement.

This clause is an introduction to the custom content clause that will be presented below.
  • You acknowledge that by using the "User Content" clause, you become part of the Program community and undertake to comply with all provisions of this clause and related to it. This does not mean that you become the Licensor or Developer of the Kingso game, and even less does it mean that you receive any rights in this direction. It only means that you become part of the fan developer environment and act independently of the main Developers.

Custom Content
  • The Program may allow you to create your own content (user content), including but not limited to: game card files, game interface files, music interface files, game interface files, screenshots or video processes, and other types. The licensor is an exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide right and license with full rights to transfer to third parties and sublicense to use your works in any way. and for any purpose whatsoever in connection with the Program and related goods and services, including but not limited to the rights of reproduction, copying, adaptation, modification, performance, publication, transmission via electronic communication channels and in accordance with international agreements for the provision to the general public by any means currently known and to distribute your works without notice. You hereby waive any personal non-property rights of authorship, publication, reputation or contribution in relation to Licensor's and other players' use of such materials in connection with the Program and related goods and services under applicable law. This license to the licensor, as well as the foregoing disclaimer of all applicable personal rights, will remain in effect upon termination of this License by any means.

Virtual Currency and Virtual Goods
  • This product does not include any kind of goods or currencies for real-virtual exchange; The program may offer to use exclusively virtual currency, only exclusively within the program itself.

  • No In-Game Items or In-Game Currency have an equivalent value in real currency and are not a substitute for real currency, but are only part of the gameplay.

  • You acknowledge that the Licensor may make any changes to the In-Game Economy without your consent; This part of the contract does not apply to non-game goods that are supplied from outside.

Terms applicable to the online stores
  • In the event that this Agreement, the Program and related services are purchased through the Online Store, they are subject to additional terms, rules and regulations set forth in this document or set by the relevant Online Store and incorporated into this Agreement through this link. The licensor is not responsible to you for any bank charges, withdrawals from your bank card or other costs of transactions made through the Online Store. All such transactions are governed by the Online Store and not by the Licensor. Licensor expressly disclaims any responsibility for such transactions, and you agree that such Online Store will provide you only with the means of reimbursement.

  • Except for the above, the Online Store, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, does not have any warranty of any kind with respect to the Program. Any claims in connection with the Program regarding product liability, non-compliance with applicable laws or regulations, claims under consumer protection or similar laws, and claims for infringement of intellectual property rights are governed by this Agreement, and the Online Store is not responsible for such claims. You must comply with the Online Store Terms of Service and other applicable Online Store rules and regulations. The license for the Program is a non-transferable license solely for the use of the Program on a device that you own or control. The online store is a third party beneficiary of this Agreement and has the right to enforce the rules of this Agreement against you.

Collection and Use of information
  • By installing and using this Program, you agree to the terms of collection and use of information set forth in this section and in the Licensor's Privacy Policy, including (where applicable) (i) transfer of any personal data and other information to the Licensor, affiliated companies, intermediaries and business Licensor's partners, as well as third parties such as government agencies in the United States and other countries outside the European Union or your country of residence, including countries with low privacy standards; (ii) publicly posting your data, such as identifier or user-generated content, or displaying your score, rankings, achievements and other gaming information on websites and other platforms; (iii) transfer of your gaming information to computer equipment manufacturers, platform owners and marketing partners of the Licensor; and (iv) other uses and disclosures of your personal data and other information in accordance with the above mentioned and periodically updated Privacy Policy. If you do not want information about you to be used in this way, do not use the Program.

Limited Warranty:
  • The Licensor warrants to you (if you are the original and original purchaser of the Program, but not if you receive the prerecorded Program and accompanying documentation from the original purchaser) that the original data carrier containing the Program will be free from material defects if handled correctly and manufacturing defects for 90 days from the date of purchase. The Licensor warrants to you that this Program is compatible with a personal computer that meets the minimum system requirements specified in the documentation for the Program. However, due to the variability of hardware, software, Internet connections and individual use, the Licensor does not guarantee the performance or normal operation of this Program on a particular computer. The Licensor does not guarantee you uninterrupted use of the Program; does not guarantee that the Program will meet your requirements; uninterrupted or error-free operation of the Program; that the Program will be compatible with third party software or hardware; as well as correcting any errors in this Program. No oral or written advice or advice from Licensor or any authorized representative is a guarantee. Because some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of implicit warranties or limitations on applicable consumer statutory rights, some or all of the above exclusions or limitations may not apply in your case.

  • If any defect is found in the storage medium or Program during the warranty period, Licensor will replace any such defective Program free of charge during the warranty period, as long as Licensor continues to release this Program. In the event that the Program is no longer available, the Licensor reserves the right to replace it with a similar program of the same or greater cost. This warranty applies only to the media and Program originally provided by Licensor and does not cover normal wear and tear on the media. If the defect is caused by abuse, mishandling or negligence, no replacement will be made and the warranty will be void. All implied warranties prescribed by law are expressly limited to the 90-day period specified above.

  • Except as provided above and provided that you are a resident of an EU Member State, the Licensor warrants that the Program is fit for its intended purpose and satisfies quality requirements, this warranty supersedes all other warranties, oral and written, express and implied, including any warranties merchantability, suitability for a particular business, and respect for the rights of third parties, and the Licensor is not responsible for any other statements or complaints.

  • When returning the Program pursuant to the above limited warranty, send the original Program only to the Licensor's address listed below, and include: your name and return address; a photocopy of the sales receipt with the date of sale; a brief description of the defect and the system on which you run the Program.

Your responsibility to the Licensor
  • to the extent permitted by applicable law, you agree that you are liable to the licensor, its partners, licensors, affiliates, contractors, administrators, directors, employees and agents in the event of any damage, loss and expense directly or indirectly as a result of your actions or omissions when using the program in accordance with the terms of this agreement.

  • to the extent permitted by applicable law, the licensor is not liable for actual, incidental or consequential damages arising from the ownership, use or failure of the software, including but not limited to property damage, financial losses due to loss of reputation, refusals or computer malfunction and, within the limits established by law, personal injury, property damage, loss of profits, punitive damages for any reason or action associated with this agreement or program, whether due to tort (including negligence), contract, strict liability or otherwise, even if the licensor was aware of the possibility of such damage. to the extent permitted by applicable law, the licensor's liability for any damages (unless otherwise determined by applicable law) does not exceed the actual amount you paid for using the program.

  • if you are a resident of an eu member state, then, notwithstanding the foregoing, the licensor is liable for any damages and losses that you may have incurred that are reasonably foreseeable as a result of the licensor's breach of the terms of this agreement or negligence on the part of the licensor, but is not liable for unforeseen damages and losses.

Termination of the agreement
  • Some clauses of this Agreement may not be valid if it contradicts the rules of the Distributor through which the product was purchased, but only if this Distributor has an official extract from the Licensor. Otherwise, you are not authorized to use this product or distribute it.

  • This Agreement is effective until terminated by you or the Licensor. If the Licensor has grounds that you are using the Program for fraudulent purposes, for money laundering or other illegal activities; or because of your failure to comply with the terms of this Agreement, including, but not limited to, failure to comply with the terms of that Agreement. If the Agreement is terminated due to a violation of the terms of this Agreement, the Licensor may prohibit you from re-using the Program. When the Agreement is terminated, you must destroy the physical copy of the Program and irrevocably destroy any copies of the Program, accompanying documentation, accompanying materials, and all components in your possession or control related to the Program. Termination of this Agreement terminates the use of the programs. Termination of this Agreement does not affect your rights and obligations arising from this Agreement.

Protective measures
  • You hereby acknowledge that if the terms of this Agreement are not expressly complied with, irreparable damage will be caused to the Licensor, and therefore you acknowledge that the Licensor, without a written commitment, without other warranties and without proof of damage, should be entitled to an equitable remedy against of this Agreement in addition to any other remedies available, including a temporary or permanent injunction.

Taxes and expenses
  • You are responsible to the Licensor and any of its affiliates, officers, directors and employees for the payment of taxes, duties and fees of any kind, including interest and penalties imposed on you by any government agency in connection with transactions related to this Agreement (excluding taxes on the Licensor's net income), regardless of whether they were included in a payment document sent to you at any time by the Licensor. If you have a tax exemption certificate, you must provide a copy of such certificate to the Licensor. You are solely responsible for all costs incurred by you in connection with the activities governed by this Agreement. You have no right to demand reimbursement of any costs from the Licensor, and you release the Licensor from such liability.

Terms of use
  • Any use of the Program and any access to it is governed by this Agreement and all provisions included in this Agreement. This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between you and Licensor with respect to your use of the Program and related services and products to this Program and supersedes any prior written or oral agreements between you and Licensor under this Program. In the event of a conflict between this Agreement and a newer one, this Agreement and its previous copies become invalid and replaced by newer ones.

Other provisions
  • In the event that any provision of this Agreement for any reason becomes invalid, such provision shall be changed only to the extent necessary for it to become effective again, while all other provisions of this Agreement will remain without changes.

For all questions of this Agreement, please contact the Licensor (Anatoly Sergeev, nickname Uncle Sergy):

  • or by email;

All other terms and conditions of the End User License Agreement apply to your use of the Software.