Please be sure to read the following End user license agreement before using this computer game software program.
Upon installation of the Program by the user, this Agreement becomes effective as a contract between the User and sep-neko-ya.
In the event that the User is a minor or a person with limited capacity, the User shall install the Program after obtaining the approval of the appropriate administrator (e.g. a person with parental authority) regarding the contents of this Agreement.
1. Limited License
(1) sep-neko-ya grants the User a non-exclusive right to install the Program on the User's computer and use it only for private gameplay, provided that the User complies with the terms of this Agreement.
(2) The User shall not sublicense the rights granted in accordance with Paragraph 1 to any third party.
(3) The right under clause (1) is unique to the user who has purchased the program, and the user may not transfer the right to a third party.
2. intellectual property rights
(1) The intellectual property rights to the Program belong to sep-neko-ya or a legitimate third party and are protected by the Japanese Copyright Act, international treaties and agreements, and other laws. If the user does not comply with this Agreement and infringes the intellectual property rights of the Program, the owner of those intellectual property rights may take necessary legal measures, including but not limited to injunctions and compensation for damages, against the user in order to protect his or her rights.
(2) This Agreement is intended to permit sep-neko-ya to use the Program and does not transfer all or part of the intellectual property rights of the Program to the User.
3. Prohibitions
When using the Program, you are not allowed to do any of the following.
[1] Any act which may infringe the intellectual property rights of sep-neko-ya such as to copy (except for the purpose of installing the Program), modify, alter, translate reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, extract or otherwise attempt to discover the source code of the Program or any part thereof, except and only to the extent that this activity is expressly permitted by the law of the user’s country of residence.
[2] Analyzing the communication protocol or other data used in the Program and using them for other purposes.
[3] Use of the Program, in whole or in part, for commercial purposes in Internet cafes, game centers or other places without the prior consent of sep-neko-ya.
(4) Organize and provide events, competitions, etc. for commercial purposes using all or part of the Program (excluding private use within the family or among friends, etc.) without the prior consent of sep-neko-ya.
(5) Intentionally use the Program in the event of any defect in the Program.
[6] Interfere with the contents and functions of the Program or the services provided by the Program.
(7) Any other actions similar to or similar to those described above that are detrimental to sep-neko-ya.
4. Provision of additional or modified programs
(1) sep-neko-ya may provide additional or modified programs for the purpose of changing the contents of the Program or fixing bugs. The provisions of this Agreement shall also apply to such additional or modified programs.
(2) The additional or modified program will be provided free of charge or for a fee.
(3) The provision of the Additional or Corrective Programs is done at sep-neko-ya's discretion and sep-neko-ya shall not be obliged to provide the Additional or Corrective Programs to the Users.
5. Access to platforms provided by third parties
(1) In using this Program, you may access game platforms and servers provided by third parties other than sep-neko-ya (hereinafter referred to as "Third Party PF") in order to use functions necessary for gameplay, such as license management, achievements, statistics and leaderboards.
(2) You may be required to log in to the Third Party PF at the time of initial activation or each time the Program is activated.
(3) In the case of the preceding paragraph, the User must use the Third Party PF in accordance with the terms of use and other compliance matters set forth by the Third Party(In the event that the use of the Program requires login to a Third Party PF, the Program may not be launched in countries or regions other than those specified at the time of purchase of the Program subscription.).
(4) Except for cases directly related to the use of the Program, sep-neko-ya will not be involved in the use of the Third Party PF by the Users, and will not be responsible for it in any way. The User shall make inquiries regarding Third Party PF to the service provider.
6. Disclaimer
(1) sep-neko-ya provides this program as is, and does not guarantee the completeness, operational stability, compatibility with the user's purpose of use, or any other matters.
(2) sep-neko-ya shall not be liable for any damage caused by the use of this program.
(3) The preceding paragraph does not apply to damages caused by sep-neko-ya's intentional or gross negligence. However, sep-neko-ya's liability to the user is limited to the amount of money the user has paid for the subscription to the Program.
(4) If the application of the preceding paragraphs is limited in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, sep-neko-ya shall reduce or exempt the User from liability to the maximum extent permitted by such laws and regulations.
7. Modification of this agreement
(1) sep-neko-ya may freely change the contents of this Agreement at any point in time by posting the amended contents on the game screen of The program's distribution site or this Program.
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, if the content of this Agreement is changed to the detriment of the User, sep-neko-ya shall take reasonable measures, such as posting the changed content in advance.
8. Termination
(1) The User may terminate this Agreement at any time by uninstalling the Program from his or her computer.
(2) sep-neko-ya may terminate this Agreement if the User violates any one of the provisions of this Agreement. In such a case, the user shall immediately stop using this program and uninstall this program from his or her computer.
9. Privacy policy
sep-neko-ya stipulates the following privacy policy regarding the handling of information including personal information regarding users of the services provided by sep-neko-ya.
9-1. Information to be acquired
The user information obtained by sep-neko-ya through this Program is as follows
- The usage history of the service (including the number of times the songs are played and the score of each song) which can be obtained through the Program.
sep-neko-ya uses a third party PF and acquires the following information from the external service
- IDs, language and regional information used by users in the third party PF
- Other information that the user permitted to be disclosed to sep-neko-ya through the setting of a third party PF
9-2. Purpose of use
sep-neko-ya will use the acquired user information for the following purposes
- To provide the service (including achievement functions and leaderboard functions)
- Identity verification and user authentication
- Measuring user behavior
- Implementation of important notices such as changes to the Program's terms and conditions
- To provide information and respond to inquiries about the program
- Other purposes specified in the services provided by sep-neko-ya
9-3. Provision of personal information to a third party
sep-neko-ya shall not provide a third party with any personal information among the User Information without the prior consent of the User. However, sep-neko-ya may provide User Information to third parties in the following cases
(1) When providing User Information to the operator of an external service for the purpose of cooperation with an external service or authentication using an external service.
(2) When it is necessary for sep-neko-ya to cooperate with a national agency, a local public body, or a person entrusted by such a body to carry out the affairs prescribed by laws and regulations, and obtaining the User's consent may interfere with the execution of the affairs concerned.
(3) For research and analysis purposes related to the measurement of user behavior (in this case, data provided to third parties will be anonymized)
(4) Other cases as permitted by law
9-4. Disclosure of personal information
When sep-neko-ya is requested by a User to disclose his/her Personal Information in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Law, sep-neko-ya shall disclose the information to the User without delay after confirming that the request is made by the User him/herself. However, this does not apply if sep-neko-ya is not obligated to disclose the information under the Personal Information Protection Law or other laws and regulations.
9-5. Correction and suspension of use of personal information
(1) When sep-neko-ya receives a request from a User for correction, addition, or deletion of Personal Information that is not true, sep-neko-ya shall confirm that the request was made by the User himself or herself and shall investigate the matter without delay, and based on the results of the investigation, sep-neko-ya shall correct the contents of the Personal Information and notify the User to that effect. sep-neko-ya shall notify the User.
(2) When sep-neko-ya is requested by the User to stop using or delete Personal Information for any of the following reasons, sep-neko-ya shall confirm that the request was made by the User himself or herself and shall investigate without delay, and based on the results of the investigation, shall stop using or delete the Personal Information. We will do so and notify the user.
[1] The reason why personal information is handled beyond the scope of the purpose of use announced in advance.
[2] The reason why the personal information was acquired through deception or other means.
(3) If sep-neko-ya is not obliged to correct or suspend the use of personal information according to the Personal Information Protection Law or other laws and regulations, the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article do not apply.
9-6. Contact information
If you have any comments or questions regarding sep-neko-ya's privacy policy or any other questions regarding the handling of user information, please contact us at the contact information provided on the Program distribution site.
10. Warning about photosensitivity and virtual reality
10-1. Photosensitivity warning
Very rarely, exposure to certain visual images (including, but not limited to, light patterns and flashes of light) may cause epileptic seizures or fainting in some people. If such persons are exposed to certain patterns or backgrounds on a computer, television or other screen, or while playing video games, epileptic seizures or fainting may be induced in such persons. In these situations, people without a history of seizures or epilepsy may be able to induce previously undetected epilepsy symptoms, fainting or seizures, even if they have no history of seizures or epilepsy. If you, your family member or anyone else in your household has epilepsy, has had a seizure or shows signs of seizure, please consult your doctor before using the Service or playing the game. If you experience any of the following symptoms while playing the game, stop using the game immediately and consult your doctor before you resume playing. Dizziness, changes in vision, eyelid or muscle cramps, cramps or tremors in the limbs, loss of consciousness, disorientation, confusion, involuntary movements or convulsions.
10-2. Virtual reality warnings
Certain health and safety precautions and disclaimers apply when the Game supports virtual reality gameplay and the use of third party VR headsets and related devices. Failure to read and follow the health and safety precautions set forth in the Terms of Service, the game's end-user license agreement and the precautions taken by the manufacturer of your VR headset or related device will result in damage to your property, bodily injury or death to you or to others. There are If you feel sick or have any of the following symptoms, you must stop playing immediately.
Epileptic seizures or loss of consciousness, changes in vision, motion sickness, dizziness, disorientation or nausea, repetitive motion disorder and eyestrain
Always be aware of the user's surroundings when playing on the VR headset. If the user is pregnant or has a history or medical condition, please consult with a medical professional before playing the virtual reality game. Handle the third party VR headset and related equipment with utmost care to avoid any damage. Carefully read and follow the health and safety precautions of the manufacturer of your VR headset before using it. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws and regulations and subject to your statutory obligations, sep-neko-ya shall not use or misuse the virtual reality game or the VR headset or related equipment (i.e., the use or misuse of the VR headset or related equipment by the user during gameplay with other people or objects in the vicinity of the play area). In no event shall sep-neko-ya be liable for any damage or death to property, bodily injury or death (or for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental or consequential damage) arising out of or in connection with the interaction (including, but not limited to, those arising from or related to the interaction). You release sep-neko-ya and all of its parties from all liability associated with the use of the VR headset, related equipment or software.
11. Miscellaneous
(1)This EULA is governed and interpreted in all respects by the laws of Japan.
(2)The users agree that all suits, actions, or proceedings relating to this EULA shall be finally settled and exclusively brought in the Tokyo District Court, as the court of first jurisdiction.
(3)If any provision of this EULA is held to be unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, then such provision will be eliminated from these provision to the minimum extent necessary and will not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.
(4) In the event of any discrepancy between the Japanese version and any other language version of this Agreement, the Japanese version shall prevail.
Effective as of July 24, 2020