This game was created and developed by the Triple Eleven Game Studio team, and its content is the sole and exclusive property of its developers, illegal copying, or unauthorized third party marketing is prohibited.
There are merely honorable references that are not the original works of the Triple Eleven team and refer to the full and full-fledged content of their original creators.

At the beginning of the game an irritating audio and blurry, purposeful screen are presented, which may be inappropriate for sensitive people, or those with vision and hearing problems.
This game was developed to be played with keyboard and mouse, optimized for 1080p, and the audio part is necessary for the understanding of the game, being recommended, (but not fundamental) the use of headphones.
This is a short game, with an average of 5 (five) hours of gameplay, and should not be refunded after the player completes the game or exceeds this time.

By downloading and installing this game you agree to all the terms mentioned above, accept, and are aware of the respective terms.