Basic Terms:

Using this application implies your acceptance of these conditions. If you do not fully accept them, your entry to this site will be considered unauthorized and you will have to stop using it immediately.

  • You must be 13 years or older to use this application and website.
  • You are responsible for any activity that occurs under your screen name.
  • You are responsible for keeping your account secure.
  • You must not abuse, harass, threaten or intimidate other Arcade Jukebox users. Inflammatory statements or remarks against other members or people are not allowed.
  • You are solely responsible for your conduct and any data, text, information, screen names, graphics, photos, profiles, audio and video clips, links ("Content") that you submit, post, and display on the Arcade Jukebox service.
  • You must not modify, adapt or hack Arcade Jukebox or modify another website so as to falsely imply that it is associated with Arcade Jukebox.
  • You must not create or submit unwanted email or messages to any Arcade Jukebox members ("Spam").
  • You must not transmit any worms or viruses or any code of a destructive nature.
  • You must not, in the use of Arcade Jukebox, violate any laws in your jurisdiction (including but not limited to copyright laws).
  • You must not use our website to advertise non-game/entertainment related products or services. Pages, groups or posts that advertise services, giveaways or any non-game related items are subject to removal. Political, controversial or off topic content are not allowed and may be subject to removal.
  • You must not abuse the tag system by posting spam topics or non game related topics or tags. One tag per topic is allowed.
  • Posting any information with the intent to harm or tarnish the credibility or reputation of any person, developer or company is not allowed. If you have any concerns or issues with any content posted on our website, contact us directly. Trolling or posting inflammatory statements of any kind against any of our moderators or about our website can get your account suspended or banned. Keep all discussions civil and fair.
  • You must not post any hateful or obscene images, videos or remarks, this includes nudity or vulgarity.
  • You must not post violent, bloody images, extreme horror or gore.
  • You must not submit or upload extreme horror or music themes of an explicit or mature nature to our platform.
  • All music uploads must be appropriate to the categories and tags posted. Do not put tags to your music that does not match the theme.
  • All music that is uploaded or submitted must be owned by the account owner or you must have explicit rights to be able to distribute and/or play the music being posted on our platform.

Violation of any of these agreements may result in the termination of your Arcade Jukebox account. While Arcade Jukebox prohibits such conduct and content on its site, you understand and agree that Arcade Jukebox cannot be responsible for the Content posted on its web site and you nonetheless may be exposed to such materials and that you use the Arcade Jukebox service at your own risk.

*IMPORTANT Notice: All music posted on our platform must be by the composers of the music or the account owner must have rights or permission to publish the music on our platform. All music posted on our platform must include the app id of the soundtrack or game that the music is being featured on Steam (display Steam widget). Any music posted on our platform that is not authorized by the original composers will not just be subject to removal from our platform, but the account holder may be subject to a ban of any further publications on our platform. Explicit, "adult" or sexual related content themes, soundtracks or games with explicit sexual content or extreme blood or gore is not allowed on our platform. We maintain the right to remove any content that we deem inappropriate.

Media uploaded to our platform should always be owned by their respective account owners. If you dispute any music, sounds or soundtracks that is on our platform that is being streamed or published without your permission or you may own the rights to any media that is published on our platform against your wishes, please contact us directly with proof of ownership, copyrights or distribution rights and a request for removal of content. We will investigate the situation and have the material removed if we discover the content has been published without consent or rights.

General Conditions:

We reserve the right to modify or terminate the Arcade Jukebox service for any reason, without notice at any time.

We reserve the right to alter these Terms of Use at any time. If the alterations constitute a material change to the Terms of Use, we will notify you via internet mail according to the preference expressed on your account. What constitutes a "material change" will be determined at our sole discretion, in good faith and using common sense and reasonable judgement.

We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason at any time.

We may, but have no obligation to, remove content and accounts containing content that we determine in our sole discretion are unlawful, offensive, threatening, libelous, defamatory, obscene or otherwise objectionable or violates any party's intellectual property or these Terms of Use.

Arcade Jukebox service makes it possible to post images and text hosted on Arcade Jukebox to outside websites. This use is accepted (and even encouraged!). However, pages on other websites which display data hosted on Arcade Jukebox must provide a link back to Arcade Jukebox.

Copyright (What's Yours is Yours):

We claim no intellectual property rights over the material you provide to the Arcade Jukebox service. Your profile and materials uploaded remain yours. You can have your account and all of its contents removed by contacting us. This will also remove any text, media and images you have stored in the system. We encourage users to contribute their creations to the public domain or consider progressive licensing terms.