All Rights Reserved

Health and Safety Warnings

Read and follow these Health and Safety Warnings and instructions. When you let other people play on your Cybershoes make sure to warn them, let them read these warnings, and always supervise them as they are new to the system and cannot assess the danger properly.

Obvious and less obvious dangers:

Besides the obvious danger (very slippery sole of the Cybershoes), there are less obvious dangers present as well, e.g.: It is possible to fall over with the chair, respectively to fall off the chair. The use of VR can heavily impact sensations or strongly stress the brain. This may lead to very dangerous situations – especially conjunct with Cybershoes. Read and follow all further Health and Safety Warnings and instructions as well. Use Cybershoes at your own risk.

Walking, Standing:

Don’t walk with the shoes around, don’t stand up. The Cybershoes are very slippery and the risk to stumble or slip or fall is very high. Only wear them while being seated. Make sure there are no dangerous objects around you, meaning when you fall you do not fall onto a sharp edge. Clear all space around you. It is possible to lose balance.

Seated use:

Depending on the size of the mobile stand, it is possible to fall over with the chair, especially while being active in VR. It is also possible to fall off the chair. Do not completely forget yourself and your situation while using Cybershoes. Clear all space around you. When you fall, make sure you fall onto a soft surface.

3rd party bar stools:

We have tested bar stools with a mid-sized stand having a diameter of at least 41cm (16”) at various conventions and trade shows. They are relatively safe. Out of 4000 users, 3 fell over with the chair. Each time it was a tall and extremely active person.

We recommend using bar stools with a stand having a diameter of at least 55 cm (21½”). Please note that using a bar stool with a stand having a diameter of at least 55 cm (21½”) still imposes risks, but these risks are smaller as compared to using a bar stool with a stand having a diameter of less than 55 cm (21½”).

You may also use bar stools with a smaller diameter as long as you are aware of the risks and adapt your movements to the lowered stability of the bar stool. Some bar stools come with a very small stand, for example, with a diameter of 38cm (15”). Do not use them.

The barstools that we recommend on our website have a mid-sized stand with a diameter in the range of 41-45 cm (16”-17¾”).

We cannot be held responsible for using third-party bar stools and resulting injuries and damages. Before usage, check if the diameter of the stand is 41cm (16”) or more. When following our suggestion on how to modify the barstool to work better with Cybershoes, you do it at your own risk.

Cybershoes station bar stool aka Cyberchair:

The bar stool included in the Cybershoes Gaming Station has been optimized and tested for use with Cybershoes but may not necessarily provide more safety than third-party bar stools.

Cybershoes Arcade Edition and Cybershoes Business Edition:

The diameter of the steel base is 55cm (21½”). This diameter matches the effective diameter of regular office chairs. This diameter further reduces but does not eliminate the risk of overturning the chair. Overturning is very unlikely, and the carpet adds stability as well. The fact that we did not experience the case of falling over with the chair in extensive user tests when using a chair with a steel base of 55 cm (21½”) and more does not exclude the possibility that this case may happen. In any case, it is still possible to fall off the chair.


Keep in mind playing Cybershoes with VR can be very addictive. Take breaks, be responsible for yourself and others. This device is not for children.

Do not use Cybershoes or a bar stool that is damaged or has parts that are loose.

Privacy Policy Agreement / GDPR Policy:

Mileage/meters traveled on Cybershoes und usage time are stored on your physical Cybershoes receiver. Upon accepting this agreement those data may be sent to, processed by, and stored on Valve servers according to Valve’s Privacy Policy Agreement which you’re subjected to based on you Valve subscription:

Who has access to these data is described in paragraph 5 of Valve’s Privacy Policy Agreement, such as Cybershoes GmbH, or other players. Cybershoes GmbH, respectively its subsidiary Cybershoes, Inc. may store, process, and aggregate these data in order to create and share Leaderboards, Achievements for technical improvements, player feedback and marketing. Cybershoes GmbH, respectively its subsidiary Cybershoes, Inc. do not sell your data.

Valve’s Privacy Policy Agreement 5.5 reads: “We make certain data related to your Steam User Account available to other players and our partners through the Steamworks API. This information can be accessed by anyone by querying your Steam ID. At a minimum, the public persona name you have chosen to represent you on Steam and your Avatar picture are accessible this way, as well as whether you have received a ban for cheating in a multiplayer game. The accessibility of any additional info about you can be controlled through your Steam Community user profile page; data publicly available on your profile page can be accessed automatically through the Steamworks API. In addition to the publicly available information, game developers and publishers have access to certain information from the Steamworks API directly relating to the users of the games they operate. This information includes as a minimum your ownership of the game in question. Depending on which Steamworks services are implemented in the game it may also include leaderboard information, your progress in the game, achievements you have completed, your multiplayer game matchmaking information, in-game items and other information needed to operate the game and provide support for it. For more information on what Steamworks services a specific game has implemented, please review its store page. While we do not knowingly share Personally Identifying Information about you through the Steamworks API such as your real name or your email address, any information you share about yourself on your public Steam Profile can be accessed through the Steamworks API, including information that may make you identifiable.“

Right of Access:
You have the right to access your Personal Data that we hold about you (public persona name you have chosen to represent you on Steam, your total mileage/meters, your total usage time, as well as aggregates of your total mileage/meters and usage time as per Steam game played with Cybershoes), i.e. the right to require free of charge (i) information whether your Personal Data is retained, (ii) access to and/or (iii) duplicates of the Personal Data retained. If the request affects the rights and freedoms of others or is manifestly unfounded or excessive, we reserve the right to charge a reasonable fee (taking into account the administrative costs of providing the information or communication or taking the action requested) or refuse to act on the request.

Right to Rectification:
If we process your Personal Data, we shall endeavor to ensure by implementing suitable measures that your Personal Data is accurate and up-to-date for the purposes for which it was collected. If your Personal Data is inaccurate or incomplete, you can change the information you provided via the Steam Privacy Dashboard. Mileage/meters or usage time on Cybershoes may not be verifiable or rectifiable and we cannot be held responsible for the correctness of such data. These data are collected on a best effort basis. If you think these data (your total mileage/meters, your total usage time, as well as aggregates of your total mileage/meters and usage time as per Steam game played with Cybershoes) are incorrect, you have the right to request the erasure of these data.

Right to Erasure:
You have the right to obtain deletion of Personal Data concerning you (your total mileage/meters, your total usage time, as well as aggregates of your total mileage/meters and usage time as per Steam game played with Cybershoes) if the reason why we could collect it (see sections above) does not exist anymore or if there is another legal ground for its deletion. For individual items of Personal Data please edit them through the Steam Privacy Dashboard or request the deletion via the Steam support page. You can also request the deletion of your Steam user account via the Steam support page.