This License Agreement (the “Agreement”) regulates the relations between the “MOBITECH” LCC (the “Administration”) of multiplayer online interactive game Stay Out (the “Game”), located at the Internet address, and user of the game (the “User”).

In case, if under your state law it is forbidden for you to play online games or there are any law restrictions, including access age restrictions, which do not allow you to play the Game, you have no right to use the game or other services, offered within the Game, and should immediately stop using the Game or in-game services.

1. The User must carefully read the Agreement in full before creating an account (register) of Game. By creating a new Stalker account (registering), the User fully and unconditionally accepts all terms and conditions set out in the Agreement in accordance with article 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

2. The Agreement may be unilaterally modified by Administration without prior notification of User at any time. It is recommended that the User regularly checks terms and conditions of the Agreement to determine if any changes have been recently made. The following use of the Game by the User means that the User agrees with any changes and/or modifications of the Agreement.

3. Only the Administration has the right to provide any public or additional (paid) services and/or any other services offered within the Game. Using services provided by a third parties may cause refusal to provide any Game services (or some of them) to the User.

4. All rights to the Game and to the web site of the Game (including without limitation any audio-visual effects, characters, computer code, objects, stories, dialogues, artworks, animations, sounds, musical compositions, texts) are owned by the Administration.

5. The User is hereby informed that all rights for the objects of author’s and related rights, rights for means of individualization, posted (as concealed or public information) on the website of the Game and in the computer code of the Game are owed by the Administration and are protected by the legislation of the Russian Federation and International law. The stated rights may be used only in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The User may use materials, content, software of the Game with personal, non-transferable, non-exclusive right for own non-commercial purposes only. Any attempt to turn User created properties into commercial properties is expressly forbidden. Copying or modifying the content of software of the game (except for information that is automatically copying at the User’s computer during use of the Game), creating any works based on the software of the Game, deriving source code from the program for the purpose of getting the program codes; performing Game contents and software sale, assignment, renting and transferring to third parties are also strictly forbidden. The User understands that the Game inspects and reports information about the computer on which it is installed to other connected computers and the User agrees to allow the Game to inspect and report such information about the computer on which the User installs the Game. The User understands and agrees that the information that may be inspected and reported by the Game includes, but is not limited to, devices and any files residing on the hard-drive and in the memory of the computer on which the Game is installed. Further, the User consents to allow the Game to transfer actual screenshots taken of the User's computer during the operation of the Game for possible publication. The User understands that the purpose and goal of the Game is to ensure a cheat-free environment for all participants in online games. The User agrees that the invasive nature of the Game is necessary to meet this purpose and goal. The User agrees that any harm or lack of privacy resulting from the installation and use of the Game is not as valuable to the User as the potential ability to play interactive online games with the benefits afforded by using the Game.

6. All the rights for results of additional (paid) services belong to the Administration. It is forbidden for User to copy, and/or modify, and/or replicate the results of additional (paid) services outside the Game and the web-site of the Game in Internet without the written permission of the Administration.

7. Rights and Obligations of the Administration:

7.1. Administration operates the Game and game play at own and sole discretion.

7.2. Administration has the right to change (modify) the Game and/or game play on a unilateral basis without any special notice of User.

7.3. Administration has the right to close and/or limit the functionality of the Game at any time without any special notice of User.

7.4. Administration has the right to ask for, collect and store personal information of User in accordance with the “Personal Data Protection” Federal Law, including information about name, surname, paronym, sex, age, registered or residence address, contact numbers, and/or email addresses, and/or any other means of electronic communication; and also information about User's payment details, including information about debet and/or credit cards and/or other means of payment provided that User uses additional (paid) services provided.

7.5. Administration will not disclose personal information of the User to any third parties, except as requested by the Laws of the Russian Federation to receive such information, and when it is necessary for performance of the Agreement.

7.6. Administration on a unilateral basis and without any special notice of User has the right to block User's access to the Game fully or partially if User violates the Agreement and/or the Rules of the Game, which are an integrant part of the Agreement. Administration has the right not to disclosure the inside information of the company (screenshots with evidences, Game logs, etc.)

7.7. Administration on a unilateral basis and without any special notice of User has the right to delete and/or edit any information posted by User in the Game or on the official website of the Game.

7.8. Administration has the right to email User, using the address given when creating an account (registering) in the Game.

8. Rights and Obligations of the User:

8.1. User has the right to use the Game and all services provided for non-commercial purposes in full accordance with the Rules of the Game, which are an integrant part of the Agreement.

8.2. User individually and at User’s expenses pays for User's computer software and access to the Internet needed for using the Game.

8.3. As required by Administration, User shall give true and full information about themselves, which allows to identify the owners of accounts.

8.4. User is obliged not to give information and/or software which contains viruses or any other malicious software, and take any actions that are incompatible with the Laws of the Russian Federation or International Law. If User's actions violate the Agreement or the Laws of Russian Federation, the Administration has the right to report about User's actions and disclose their personal data to the law-enforcement authorities or equal foreign agencies if the User is outside the Russian Federation.

8.5. User must not use software bugs and is obliged to immediately report about them to Administration.

8.6. User must not edit the source code, get unsanctioned access to the computing system, get the access to the database of the users of the Game or materials of the official website without specific permission of Administration.

8.7. User has the right to use additional (paid) services provided. User is obliged to follow all instructions on order and method of payment, including the rules on inputting short text messages (SMS), including without limitation the order of inputting small and/or capital letters, white spaces, input language. Administration is not liable for User's accuracy of fulfillment of rules of payment for additional (paid) services. User can use such services only if User pays for them, Administration has the right to limit additional (paid) services or access to the Game and/or ban the access at all until the confirmation of payment is received.

8.8. If User uses additional (paid) services, they are still obliged to follow the Agreement, and to take the responsibility for the applicable measures of full or partial access limitation, in case the Administration has the right to apply these restrictions to the User.

8.9. User must adjust their account (registration) by the rules of safety requirements, currently valid. If the User doesn’t follow the safety rules during keeping the access passwords to account, e-mail or another data, the Administration is not liable for refunding the money, items or other in-game valuables and services missing as a result of the User’s loss of access to their account.

8.10. Users must keep the passwords to their accounts, mailboxes and phone numbers safely. The Administration is not able to reset the access to account.

9. Liability Restrictions and Notifications:




9.4. Administration does not give any guarantees that all software bugs were revealed or all errors were considered, thus Administration does what it takes to reveal and correct those errors and/or bugs. If User finds such bugs and/or errors and uses them to get some features of the Game beyond the rules and/or publicly mentions about them, without informing Adminstration about those bugs and/or errors, they must be deprived of all rights provided by the Agreement.

9.5. User hereby notified that none element of the Game, including without limitation, in-game mail and chat, is not a reliable, safe, providing privacy of correspondence means of communication; and all messages sent by User to other Users can be recorded and studied by Administration in order to prevent violations of the Agreement and fraud.

9.6. User hereby notified that the rights on copyright and all related right, as well as the right on means of personalization on the official web site and within the source code are owned by Administration and protected by the Laws of Russian Federation and International Law. Using stated right are possible in the circumstances and under the procedure established by law. Administration authorizes User to individually and non-transferably use the content and software of the Game with noncommercial purposes, provided that User or any other persons with the assistance of User don't copy, except for the information that is automatically copied to the operating terminal while using the Game, or edit the software; make programs, based on the software of the Game; hack the software for the purpose of getting source codes; sell the content of the Game or give it to any third party or modify the service.

9.7.The user hereby is acknowledged and accepts the terms of the log storage information on the in-game values of User's account to the administration of the project: a list of in-game valuables (items, characters, experience, etc.) and data on the interaction with the in-game valuables stores no longer than 3 month (90 days) since the last time the user logs into the game under a specific account.

9.8. The user can shoot gameplay videos of the Game and upload them to the Internet. However, the project Administration reserves the right to revoke permission on publication of such videos. Such videos must be removed by User from the public access per Administration's demand as soon as possible.

10. Other Terms:

10.1. The rules of the Game are an integrant part of the Agreement. Following the Rules of the Game and instructions of Administration representatives (which are not in violation of the Agreement) is necessary for User.

10.2. The invalidity of one or more provisions of this Agreement recognized in the established procedure, the court decision that came into force, does not charge for invalidity of this Agreement as a whole for both parties.

10.3. All disputes of the parties on the present Agreement are subject to provide permission for correspondence and negotiations. If it is impossible to obtain permission to conduct negotiations, the dispute may be referred to any interested person in a court of general jurisdiction at the location of the Administration.

10.4. All interaction between the parties under this Agreement must be in Russian.

10.5 By accepting the terms of this Agreement, a User confirms that they are legally competent and physically capable, and the laws of the state of his location do not forbid them to receive online gaming services or there are no other legal restrictions, including access age restriction on such services.

10.6. For the persons that did not reach the age of majority their legal representatives must conclude this Agreement. CREATION AN ACCOUNT (REGISTERING) IN THE GAME MEANS USER'S UNCONDITIONAL CONSENT AND CONFIRMATION OF GUARANTEES OVER ALL PROVISIONS OF THE AGREEMENT.


This document is an integral part of the User Agreement.
These rules are binding on all users of the project.

We draw your attention to the fact that the rules and restrictions are not exhaustive and
do not cover all possible abusive or inappropriate behavior.

1. Rights and obligations of the parties:

1.1. The administration reserves the right to make any changes on the servers without prior notice to the players.
1.2. Ignorance of the rules does not exempt from liability for their violation. Confirming the registration on the server, you automatically agree to the rules.
1.3. All players must independently track changes to the rules.
1.4. The administration is not responsible for damage caused by the game on this server.
1.5. The administration is not responsible for the temporary or permanent impossibility of playing on the server by a specific person or group of persons.
1.6. The administration is entitled at any time, without giving reasons, to stop providing access to the server to a specific user or the subnet as a whole.
1.7. The administration is not obligated to refund money, things, accounts, characters or their parameters and other services lost by players if they violate the rules of the current agreement, the players do not provide security or transfer access data from their account to third parties or for any other possible reason.
1.8. Players must comply with the requirements of the Administration and the provisions of this agreement.
1.9. Responsibility is borne by the account owner, regardless of who committed the actions under this account.
1.10. All players are obliged to track the absence of software prohibited by paragraph 3.1 of the rules on computers that access game servers.
1.11. In case of violation of any clauses of this agreement by the other players or a representative of the Administration, the user of the service has the right to file a complaint to the personal account, providing evidence of the violation (screenshots, videos).
1.12. The accounts and all their contents are the property of the Server Administration.

2. Interaction with server administration:

2.1. It is forbidden to contact the Administration without extreme necessity. Any appeal to the Administration must contain a clear statement of the player’s problem or a question specifically regarding the server’s work (the server’s administration reserves the right not to answer questions).
Punishment: up to blocking the chat for 24 hours.

2.2. Forbidden disrespect to the administration of the server.
Punishment: from blocking the chat for 1 day to a ban account for an unlimited period.

2.3. Prohibited threats, prayers, etc. to the Administration of the server both on the forum and in the game.
Punishment: toughening punishment up to the ban of the account on the forum and in the game.

2.4. Forbidden to interfere with the administration of the server.
Punishment: from blocking the account for 7 days.

2.5. It is forbidden to annoy, argue and challenge the actions of the Administration in the game. It is forbidden to discuss the penalties imposed by the Administrator. For appeals and appeals there is a Personal Account.
Punishment: at the discretion of the administration.

2.6. Forbid deception administration.
Punishment: at the discretion of the administration up to the lifetime lock.

2.7. It is forbidden to publish conversations with the Administration, or their content without prior approval.
Punishment: at the discretion of the administration.

2.8. The administration does not interfere in the game process, except in cases of violation of the rules, scheduled activities or current work.

2.9. In the event of a dispute, the player has the right to file a complaint in his personal account, providing evidence of the violation (screenshots, video).

2.10. The administration has the right to not disclose private data of other players (screenshots with evidence, game logs, etc.), including during the proceedings through a personal account.

2.11. It is forbidden to spread rumors, slander about the server and the Administration.
Punishment: at the discretion of the administration.

3. Use of programs, gameplay:

3.1. It is forbidden to use programs that emulate the player's presence in the game, are used to spoof hardware identifiers or disrupt the normal functioning of server software. Such programs are programs that modify the client or replace it, and modify or facilitate the game process by non-game methods, including running the game client on virtual machines, as well as programs that allow you to gain an advantage not provided by the game process.
Punishment: blocking all accounts for an unlimited period, disabling access to game servers.

3.1.1 Playing together, helping, covering up and supporting players who violate clause 3.1 of the rules is equivalent to a violation and carries an appropriate penalty.
Punishment: blocking all accounts from a month to an unlimited period.

3.2. Unauthorized access to someone else's game account is prohibited.
Punishment: blocking all accounts for an unlimited period, disabling access to game servers.

3.3. Forbidden threats to the players, if the threat is not part of the roleplay.
Punishment: blocking a chat for a period of 10 days, until blocking all accounts for an unlimited period.

3.4. It is forbidden to sell to third parties or buy from third parties for real money, as well as “electronic means of payment” equal to them (WebMoney, YandexMoney, etc.), any gaming items (gold rubles, weapons, armor, resources, etc. ). Selling game accounts to third parties is prohibited in any form, for any game and non-game values. It is forbidden to mention or lead discussion of such transactions in the game, on the forum, as well as on third-party resources. It is forbidden to buy and sell money and other material values obtained as a result of errors, hacking an account or other non-gaming methods of obtaining these money and material values. The exchange of in-game values between third-party projects and the game, as well as between the game servers of MOBITECH LLC, as well as all similar transactions is prohibited.
Punishment: at the discretion of the administration, up to blocking accounts for an unlimited period.

3.4.1 Helping players who violate paragraph 3.4 is a violation of the User Agreement and is subject to blocking of accounts from one month to indefinitely.

3.5. It is forbidden to advertise, directly or indirectly, other games not related to the portal.
Punishment: blocking all accounts for an unlimited period.

3.6. The manifestations of racism and nationalism, as well as their propaganda and attempts to rehabilitate / deny the facts established by the verdict of the International Tribunal, are prohibited. The use of names associated with this in the names of characters and groupings is not a direct violation of the rule, as long as these characters and groups are not used in the game chat or by means of other communications, obvious signs of Nazism and racism. Any ambiguous or controversial situation within the framework of this rule may be regarded by the Administration at its own discretion.
Punishment: at the discretion of the administration, up to blocking the account for an unlimited period.

3.6.1 The propaganda of drugs, child pornography or other provisions governed by the laws of the Russian Federation is prohibited.
Punishment: at the discretion of the administration, up to blocking the account for an unlimited period.

3.6.2 Prohibited oppression, harassment and insults caused against the background of the political actions of any state. The project bears in itself exclusively entertaining character and is not connected in any way with other political events. Any ambiguous or controversial situation within the framework of this rule may be regarded by the Administration at its own discretion.
Punishment: blocking chat for a period of 1 month, until the account is locked.

3.6.3 Prohibited defame, abuse, harass, stalk, threaten or otherwise violate the legal rights (such as rights of privacy and publicity) of others.

3.6.4 It is forbidden to promote or publicly display Nazi paraphernalia or symbols, or paraphernalia or symbols of extremist organizations, or other paraphernalia or symbols, the propaganda or public display of which is prohibited by federal laws and symbols that can contribute to inciting ethnic hatred.
Punishment: removal of related items, logos and emblems. At the discretion of the administration, up to blocking the account for an unlimited period.

3.7. It is forbidden to deliberately create situations in which players can not allocate the NPC.
Punishment: blocking for up to 14 days.

4. Using server errors (bugs):

4.1. Prohibited the use of server errors (bugs).
Punishment: lock the game account from 120 hours.

4.2. It is forbidden to use dups \ exploits for any purpose, including: as a test for transmitting information to the Administration or for obtaining economic benefits.
Punishment: blocking all accounts for an unlimited period, disabling access to game servers. If you find a new bug, inform the Server Administration about this through your Personal Account. You should by no means attempt to reproduce this error! Clarification of the algorithm and the causes of the error is not the user's task.

4.3. It is forbidden to create multiple accounts with the same or similar (in the writing of mail different case of letters) email addresses, phone numbers and other account security tools. The project administration is not responsible for the loss of access to this account.

4.3.1. Exploiting other players is an equally serious offense. Scamming, account sharing, win-trading, and anything else that may degrade the gaming experience for other players will receive harsh penalties. The administration has the right to block all user accounts for an indefinite period of time at its discretion until the circumstances are clarified.
Punishment: blocking all accounts for an unlimited period.

4.4. The use of payment system errors, any other types of payment fraud is prohibited.
Punishment: blocking all accounts for an unlimited period, disabling access to game servers.

5. Conversation, naming:

5.1. It is forbidden to use obscene expressions and insult players in the game.
Punishment: blocking the chat, with its subsequent increase in time with repeated violations

5.2. Clan names, clan abbreviations that offend other players are not allowed. The names of characters that insult other players, as well as the names of characters and clans containing an explicit or hidden mate in the name are prohibited.
Punishment: at the discretion of the administration, prior to the removal of this content without reimbursing any loss to the violator.

5.3. When creating a character, it is forbidden to give him a name containing the reserved words: GM, Administrator, and administration names, both previously used and real.
Punishment: at the discretion of the administration, until the account is locked for an unlimited period.

5.4. It is forbidden to impersonate the Administration or the authorized representative of the Administration, and also to threaten users with blocking or any consequences whatsoever.
Punishment: at the discretion of the administration, until the account is locked for an unlimited period.

5.5. It is forbidden to argue and challenge the actions of the Administration. To do this, it is possible to file a reasonable complaint through your personal account.
Punishment: Before blocking the chat for 14 days.

6. Addition of rules:

6.1. These rules may be added without notice.
6.2. If a player commits an act that is clearly detrimental to the organization of the game and (or) the game process, but is not explicitly stated in the rules, the Administration has the right to impose a punishment adequate to the act committed (up to the deletion of accounts and restricting access to the game servers).

6.3. The administration does not unlink / change the phone number and / or email address of a blocked account.