End User License Agreement

Before beginning the Boot Camp Fitness exercise program you should undergo a full physical examination from your doctor. Even though Boot Camp Fitness has been made to be as safe as possible, by seeking the advice of fitness professionals throughout the entire development process, the developer of this game is not a qualified fitness professional; therefore any advice from a qualified fitness professional outside of the game should take precedence.

If you feel very out of breath, are dizzy or feel any pain or discomfort whilst exercising with Boot Camp Fitness, please stop immediately and consult with your doctor. Exercising comes with a certain amount of natural risk as you are pushing your body’s limits. You assume responsibility for all risks associated with exercising by agreeing to these terms and conditions. However, Boot Camp Fitness has been made as safe as possible to the best of the developer’s awareness with different intensities for different fitness levels, so risk of injury is extremely low. Conditions that someone may be unaware of could be dangerous however, which is why a full physical examination is very important before embarking on an exercise regimen.

If you have not exercised for a while, or are overweight, please start at’Beginner’ level as the algorithms will select lower impact exercises in general. You can work up to ‘Normal’ level in time, there is no rush, as consistency is what is really important. Only select ‘Advanced’ level if you are at an advanced fitness level and you find it very comfortable exercising at ‘Normal’ level.

If you allow any gamer, friend or family member to use your downloaded Boot Camp Fitness game copy, you assume responsibility for their well being. You should not allow anyone to use your copy of Boot Camp Fitness without being absolutely sure that they have no underlying medical conditions; they should also have had a full physical examination from a doctor prior to working out with Boot Camp Fitness.

You do not have to exercise at the exact pace that the 3D cyborg model is exercising at. If the pace is too fast, slow it down, if it is too slow you can up the pace to be in line with your fitness level.

Dietary advice / ideas in Boot Camp Fitness are meant as a guide to choosing a healthy sustainable diet of your choosing. One diet that works for one person, may not work for another person. If you follow any of the dietary advice / ideas in Boot Camp Fitness you assume all responsibility for any adverse affects. However, the dietary ideas in Boot Camp Fitness are all centred around nutritious whole foods, sustainable diets for life and not fad diets. Therefore the odds of adverse affects from dietary advice in Boot Camp Fitness is highly unlikely.

In jumping exercises in you should always aim to land softly on the ground. Make sure you have a pair of trainers/sneakers that are not more than 2 years old or have been worn out. Trainers/sneakers lose their bounce in the sole over time and with prolonged use, so treating yourself to a new pair of training shoes/sneakers if possible is a good idea. You should never strain to do an exercise or stretching movement. If you cannot complete the exercises for the specified amount of time, don’t worry about it, take a break or jog on the spot, you will get better and better at that exercise over time.

It is not recommended to spend over an hour exercising with Boot Camp Fitness as you will end up feeling burnt out. Consistency is key, not overtraining, if you insist on wanting to burn a few more calories off via activity, walking would be ideal as it is low impact and allows you to recover.

It is recommended that you take 1 to 2 days off to recover (preferably 2); recovery is underrated and plays a key role in building lean body mass (muscle), whilst allowing your joints to recover and your body to reset.

If you encounter any bugs in the game, have any concerns or questions about the game (or improvement ideas) please leave a message on the Boot Camp Fitness community forum or contact the developer directly.

Although the above text contains a waiver of responsibility on the part of the developer, Boot Camp Fitness has been made as safe to follow as possible by the developer to the best of the developer’s abilities.

Now that the necessary legal, technical, waiver stuff is out of the way . . .
Wishing you fun and success on your fitness journey! And thank you for choosing Boot Camp Fitness to aid you on your personal journey to a lifestyle of health and fitness. Go for it!