
Your privacy is important to us.
At MOTIONX STUDIO (“We”/“Us”/“Our”) our policy is to respect and protect your privacy with regard to any information we may collect with our products, applications or services, including but not limited to our games, websites, accounts and entertainment machines. Subsequently, we have produced a privacy policy so you can understand how we collect, use, communicate, disclose and otherwise make use of personal information. Our privacy policy is further outlined below.

When you register with our games or services we collect the information you give to us along with the information we collect from service providers. ( Oculus, Steam and others). This may include your email address, Name, address, Username, Usage and Transaction history.

We will collect and process behaviour and gameplay information only for non-nefarious purposes. This can include information about your device, Your location, Your interaction with our services and other users. When you are using our services we may collect information about your device including device settings, Serial numbers, IP Address and other unique identifiers

Location Information. With your consent we may collect information about your precise location. We may use this information to refine our service and optimise systems to provide all users the best possible experience. With location we may collect information about friends you play with, this will be used to optimise the user experience

We will make available to customers information about our policies and practices relating to the administration of personal information. This will be available on our website or by contacting by the contact form or email address found on our website at

At the time of, or prior to collecting personal information, we will classify the purposes for which information is being collected. We will only retain personal information for as long as necessary for the completion of those purposes. All information will be kept secure by practical means. The personal information we collect and use will be solely for fulfilling those purposes specified by us and for other ancillary purposes, unless we obtain the consent of the individual concerned or as required by law.

Personal data should be applicable to the purpose for which it is to be used, and, to the extent necessary for those purposes, should be accurate, complete and up-to-date.

We will protect personal information by using feasible security safeguards against loss or theft, unauthorized access, disclosure, use or modification. However you should understand that despite all efforts no security can be guaranteed as impenetrable and we may not be held accountable for any information exposure.

Purchases. Some of our services will allow you to make purchases. If you make a purchase through any of our services we may collect informant about the purchase. This may include payment information, such as credit card number, Account authentication information and contact details like billing and shipping addresses.

Information about Children. We do not knowingly collect, use or share any personal information from children under the age of 13 without verifiable parental consent or as permitted by law.

We are committed to conducting our business in accordance with these principles in order to ensure that the confidentiality of personal information is protected and maintained. MOTIONX STUDIO Co., Ltd may change this privacy policy from time to time at our sole discretion. If you have any questions, concerns or comments regarding this privacy policy, or any of our privacy practices.