[Play Dog Play Tag] End-User License Agreement

Neuron Age Co., Ltd.

Please carefully read all the following terms and conditions of this End-User License Agreement (hereinafter "the Agreement") before using this software program for a personal computer game (hereinafter "the Software Product").
By installing the Software Product, the user expressly agrees to be bound by all the terms and conditions of this Agreement between the user and Neuron Age Co., Ltd. (hereinafter "Neuron Age").
In the event that the user is a minor or a person with limited capacity, the Software Product shall be installed with the consent of the user's parent or guardian (the statutory agent holding parental authority, etc.), etc., regarding the contents of the Agreement.

1. Limited License
(1) Neuron Age hereby grants the user the non-exclusive and limited license to install and use the Software Product on a personal computer owned by the user, for the purpose of personal game play, conditional upon compliance with the provisions of the Agreement.
(2) The user cannot sublicense to any third party the rights licensed in accordance with the provisions of the preceding Paragraph.
(3) The rights stipulated in Paragraph 1 shall be exclusive to the user who purchased the usage license for the Software Product, and the user cannot transfer said rights to any third party.

2. Provision of Added/Corrected Programs
(1) Neuron Age may provide added/corrected programs for the Software Product in order to make changes to the contents of the Software Product, expand its functions, add content, or fix bugs, etc. The provisions of the Agreement shall apply to such added/corrected programs as well.
(2) Added/corrected programs are provided at the discretion of Neuron Age, and Neuron Age is under no obligation to provide the user with added/corrected programs.
(3) Application of added/corrected programs may result in changes to the Software Product's specifications, rules, design, visual expressions, scenarios, or other contents.

3. Authentication
(1) Use of the Software Product requires creation of an account on the Steam platform provided by Valve Corporation (hereinafter "Steam") and installation of the Steam client software.
(2) The user shall use the Software Product in accordance with the provisions of the Subscriber Agreement stipulated by Steam and other matters that should be adhered to.
Subscriber Agreement:
Privacy Policy:
(3) Neuron Age shall have no involvement in, and shall assume no liability for, the user's use of Steam, except as directly related to the use of the Software Product. The user's inquiries regarding Steam shall be made to the provider of those services.

4. Intellectual Property Rights
(1) Any and all intellectual property rights related to the Software Product are proprietary to Neuron Age or a legitimate third party, and are protected under the Copyright Act of Japan, and other applicable international treaties and conventions. In the event that the user violates any of the intellectual property rights for the Software Product contrary to the provisions of the Agreement, the owner of said intellectual property rights may request an injunction to stop use, claim damages, or take other necessary legal action against the user to protect said rights.
(2) The Agreement represents Neuron Age's consent to the use of the Software Product by the user, and does not transfer any intellectual property rights associated with all or part of the Software Product to the user.

5. Restrictions
(1) When using the Software Product, the user shall not engage in any of the following actions.
i. Copy (except to the extent required to install the Software Product), modify, adapt, translate, analyze, reverse engineer, or derive source code from all or part of the Software Product, or otherwise engage in actions that may violate the intellectual property rights of Neuron Age.
ii. Analyze communication protocols or other data used in the Software Product or otherwise use them for other purposes.
iii. Make commercial use of all or part of the Software Product at an Internet café, video game arcade, or other location, without the prior written consent of Neuron Age.
iv. Hold, sponsor, or support a commercial event, tournament, or other meetings using all or part of the Software Product without the prior written consent of Neuron Age, except in the limited extent of private or personal use such as use at home or among friends.
v. Knowingly make use of a defect of the Software Product, if any exists.
vi. Interfere with the contents or functions provided by the Software Product.
vii. Engage in action adverse to Neuron Age equivalent or similar to those described in i. through vi. above.
(2) In the event that the user causes loss or damage to Neuron Age, directly or indirectly, due to engaging in any of the actions indicated in (1) above (including cases in which Neuron Age receives a demand for payment of compensation for loss or damage or other demand from a third party due to said actions), the user shall be liable for payment of said compensation for all relevant loss or damage (including expenses incurred by Neuron Age due to obtaining the services of an attorney or other specialist, and expenses equivalent to the personnel expenses incurred by Neuron Age to handle the matter).

6. Termination
(1) The user may terminate the Agreement at any time by uninstalling the Software Product from his or her personal computer.
(2) Neuron Age may terminate this Agreement if the user breaches any one of the provisions of this Agreement. In such cases, the user shall immediately cease use of the Software Product and uninstall it from his or her personal computer.

7. Export Control
The user agrees to comply with all applicable laws and regulations of Japan and other countries, and agrees not to transfer the Software Product, via exporting, Internet transmission, or other means, to any country under an embargo by Japan in accordance with the provisions of the “Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act” and the “Export Trade Control Order” of Japan.

8. Indemnification
(1) Neuron Age provides the user with the Software Product on an "as-is" basis only, and offers the user no warranty on the game's integrity, stability of operation, fitness for the user's purpose of use, or any other aspect.
(2) Neuron Age shall assume no responsibility nor liability for any loss or damage incurred by the user through the use of the Software Product.
(3) The stipulations of the preceding Paragraph shall not apply to loss or damage caused intentionally by Neuron Age or through gross negligence. However, even in such cases, Neuron Age's liability for damages toward the user shall not exceed the price paid to Neuron Age to purchase the usage license.
(4) In the event that application of the provisions of any of the preceding Paragraphs is restricted under applicable laws and regulations, Neuron Age's liability for damages toward the user shall be mitigated or waived to the maximum degree permitted under said laws and regulations.

9. Changes to the Agreement
(1) Neuron Age reserves the right to change or revise freely the contents of this Agreement at any time by giving notification of the changes on the Steam website, the official website for the Software Product, or the game screen of the Software Product.
(2) In the event that the contents of the Agreement are changed or revised in accordance with the provisions of (1) above, and the relevant changes or revisions of the contents of the Agreement are disadvantageous to the user, Neuron Age shall make reasonable accommodations, such as posting the details of the changes in advance.

10. Other
(1) This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan.
(2) Any legal dispute arising out of this Agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Osaka District Court of Japan as the court of first instance.
(3) Should any of the provisions of this Agreement be held invalid under applicable laws and regulations, only the provisions in question will become invalid, and the remaining part of this Agreement shall continue to be in full effect.

Established: August 2019