- - - Welcome Back To Reality - - -

End User License Agreement

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With playing the game you agree to this EULA.
Breaking this EULA can get your account stopped from further interaction with WBTR.

2. Playing

Every person has to follow certain guidelines while playing WBTR to ensure a good gaming experience.
Make sure to comply with the following (basic) rules.

3. Behavioural rules

- Be respectful to each other.
- Do not cheat. Cheating will not be tolerated in any way.
- Do not upload content that contains anything mentioned in 4.
- Do not grief a competitve match.
- Do not redistribute any files from WBTR.

4. Workshop

You can submit content to the Steam Workshop as you like. However, posts may not contain any of the following:

- Nudity / Sexual content
- Racist or disrespectful content
- Symbols like Swastikas
- Propaganda
- Malicious content
- Content that is not made by you without their consent
- Heavily graphic content

You can report content that contains any of the mentioned above.

5. Bans

You can get banned for:

- Using malicious software while playing
- Using cheating software while playing
- Being disrespectful / Abusing Chat
- Malicious behaviour
- Publishing content to the Community or the Workshop that breaks 4)

Ban appeals won't be accepted.