Brosvision does not require users to create an account or register to use the Program. However, many online game stores, including OCULUS HOME (which are the game stores on which the Program is available), do require users to register in order to play the games available in the store. Brosvision does not have access to personally identifiable information that may be collected by Oculus HOME. Brosvision does not currently collect any information from you (other than anonymous and aggregated data that is provided through gameplay, such as goals and shots), but by using the Program, you acknowledge and consent to Brosvision’s collection, use and disclosure of information in the future.

A very small percentage of individuals may experience epileptic seizures or blackouts when exposed to certain light patterns or flashing lights. Exposure to certain patterns or backgrounds on a television screen or when playing video games may trigger epileptic seizures or blackouts in these individuals. These conditions may trigger previously undetected epileptic symptoms or seizures in persons who have no history of prior seizures or epilepsy. If you, or anyone in your family has an epileptic condition or has had seizures of any kind, consult your physician before playing.

IMMEDIATELY DISCONTINUE use and consult your physician before resuming gameplay. If you or your child experience any of the following health problems or symptoms:
Altered vision
Eye or muscle twitches
Loss of awareness
Seizures or
Any involuntary movement or convulsion


Use and handling of video games to reduce the likelihood of a seizure:
Use in a well-lit area and keep as far away as possible from the monitor screen.
Take a 15-minute break during each hour of play.
Avoid playing when you are tired or need sleep.
Stop using the system immediately if you experience any of the following symptoms: lightheadedness, nausea, or a sensation similar to motion sickness, discomfort or pain in the eyes, ears, hands arms, or any other part of the body. If the condition persists, consult a doctor.

VR Headset Safety Notice
Before using, read the health and safety warnings in the VR headset instruction manual. Carefully follow all instructions for setup and use.

The VR headset is not for use by children under age 13.

Review surroundings and clear obstacles before use. Take steps to prevent pets, children, or other obstacles entering the area during use.

Some people may experience motion sickness, nausea, disorientation, blurred vision or other discomfort while viewing virtual reality content. If you experience any of these symptoms, stop using immediately and remove the VR headset.