This End-User License Agreement ("EULA") is a legal agreement between you and North Star Video Games Ltd

This EULA agreement governs your acquisition and use of our Blocksplode software ("Software") directly from North Star Video Games Ltd or indirectly through a North Star Video Games Ltd authorized reseller or distributor (a "Reseller").

Please read this EULA agreement carefully before completing the installation process and using the Blocksplode software. It provides a license to use the Blocksplode software and contains warranty information and liability disclaimers.

If you register for a free trial of the Blocksplode software, this EULA agreement will also govern that trial. By clicking "accept" or installing and/or using the Blocksplode software, you are confirming your acceptance of the Software and agreeing to become bound by the terms of this EULA agreement.

If you are entering into this EULA agreement on behalf of a company or other legal entity, you represent that you have the authority to bind such entity and its affiliates to these terms and conditions. If you do not have such authority or if you do not agree with the terms and conditions of this EULA agreement, do not install or use the Software, and you must not accept this EULA agreement.

This EULA agreement shall apply only to the Software supplied by North Star Video Games Ltd herewith regardless of whether other software is referred to or described herein. The terms also apply to any North Star Video Games Ltd updates, supplements, Internet-based services, and support services for the Software, unless other terms accompany those items on delivery. If so, those terms apply. This EULA was created by EULA Template for Blocksplode.

License Grant
North Star Video Games Ltd hereby grants you a personal, non-transferable, non-exclusive licence to use the Blocksplode software on your devices in accordance with the terms of this EULA agreement.

You are permitted to load the Blocksplode software (for example a PC, laptop, mobile or tablet) under your control. You are responsible for ensuring your device meets the minimum requirements of the Blocksplode software.

You are not permitted to:

Edit, alter, modify, adapt, translate or otherwise change the whole or any part of the Software nor permit the whole or any part of the Software to be combined with or become incorporated in any other software, nor decompile, disassemble or reverse engineer the Software or attempt to do any such things
Reproduce, copy, distribute, resell or otherwise use the Software for any commercial purpose
Allow any third party to use the Software on behalf of or for the benefit of any third party
Use the Software in any way which breaches any applicable local, national or international law
use the Software for any purpose that North Star Video Games Ltd considers is a breach of this EULA agreement
Intellectual Property and Ownership
North Star Video Games Ltd shall at all times retain ownership of the Software as originally downloaded by you and all subsequent downloads of the Software by you. The Software (and the copyright, and other intellectual property rights of whatever nature in the Software, including any modifications made thereto) are and shall remain the property of North Star Video Games Ltd.

North Star Video Games Ltd reserves the right to grant licences to use the Software to third parties.

Content and User Generated Content (UGC)

We use the term Content to mean all materials, information, technology, software and other content available through our software, including trademarks, logos, visual interfaces, images, illustrations, designs, compilations, articles, advertisements, software, computer code, services, text, pictures, photos, audio clips and video clips, and the selection and arrangement thereof. Content also includes User Generated Content (UGC), which means Content contributed by third-party users of our software. All Content is and will remain the exclusive property of North Star Video Games Ltd or its licensors, and is protected by copyright, trademark, trade secret, intellectual property and other laws.

When you contribute UGC, you:

1. Represent, warrant and agree that you have all necessary rights and authorizations to publish or share with us such Content and grant the rights that you grant herein;

2. Grant to us and our licensors and licensees a non-exclusive, perpetual, transferable, worldwide, sublicensable license to use, host, store, reproduce, modify, create derivative works of, publicly perform, publicly display or otherwise transmit and communicate the UGC, or any portion thereof, in any manner or form and in any medium or forum, whether now known or hereafter devised, without notice, payment or attribution of any kind to you or any third party;

3. Grant all other users who can access and use your UGC on our software the right to use, copy, modify, display, perform, create derivative works from, and otherwise communicate and distribute your UGC on or through our software without further notice, attribution or compensation to you;

4. Waive any moral rights and rights of publicity and privacy you may have in such UGC, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable laws;

5.Agree that you are solely responsible for the UGC that you contribute.

You may not upload UGC that is harmful, offensive, defamatory, sexually explicit, obscene, violent, threatening, harassing, abusive, falsely representative of your persona, infringes a third party's intellectual property rights or that violates the law, this Agreement, or a third party's right of privacy or right of publicity or likely to cause any reputational loss or embarrassment to North Star Video Games Ltd or its affiliates. We may remove, edit or disable UGC at our sole discretion. We do not assume any responsibility or liability for UGC, for removing it, or not removing it or other Content. We may, but are not obliged to, pre-screen UGC before displaying it on our software. We do not endorse any UGC available on our software.

Modifications to the EULA and the Game

North Star Video Games Ltd reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to revise, update, change, modify, add to, supplement, or delete certain terms of this EULA for any reason. Such changes will be effective with or, as applicable, without prior notice. An up-to-date EULA can be reviewed by clicking on the EULA link on Steam. It is your responsibly to check this EULA periodically for changes. If any future changes to this EULA are unacceptable to you or cause you to no longer be in agreement or compliance with this EULA, you must immediately uninstall the Game and destroy all copies of the Game. Your continued use of the Game following any revision to this EULA constitutes your complete and irrevocable acceptance of any and all such changes. North Star Video Games Ltd may change, modify, suspend, or discontinue any aspect of the Game at any time. You have no interest, monetary or otherwise, in any feature or content contained in the Game.

The Game, as well as all the updates, patches, expansions, DLC and online multiplayer functionality are provided as is. This means that North Star Video Games Ltd are not making any promises that the Game will be error free. We can't guarantee that Multiplayer servers or saves will stay up. We are not responsible for any damage that the Game may cause for your computer or your mental health. If you find any bugs please report them on our Discord server, link is on the Steam store page.

We retain the right to freeze or ban suspicious accounts or activity which are harming the game for the community. Cheating in the multiplayer component of the Game may result in a ban tied to your Steam account. Examples which result in a ban include cheating, verbal abuse such as bad behaviour, flaming and racism towards other people. Another example is knowingly exploiting bugs to gain unfair advantage.

This EULA agreement is effective from the date you first use the Software and shall continue until terminated. You may terminate it at any time upon written notice to North Star Video Games Ltd.

It will also terminate immediately if you fail to comply with any term of this EULA agreement. Upon such termination, the licenses granted by this EULA agreement will immediately terminate and you agree to stop all access and use of the Software. The provisions that by their nature continue and survive will survive any termination of this EULA agreement.

Governing Law
This EULA agreement, and any dispute arising out of or in connection with this EULA agreement, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales.