User Mod Agreement



  • Any and all custom content is of your own original creation or if not, you own the copyright and/or permission to upload and promote them.
  • You will always credit everyone who has contributed to your creations or those that you are permitted to upload.
  • You will properly categorized your contributions in the respective categories.
  • While not required, it is highly recommended that you will continue to update each contribution you have submitted via post-support whenever possible or applicable from the date of submission for at least 356 days (1 year).

  • You will NOT plagiarize others submissions nor steal (take someone's private submission, upload it and claim credit as your own) or copy others works.
  • You will NOT submit content that is pornographic, racist, misandric, misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic, ableist or otherwise discriminatory against individuals or a group.
  • You will NOT use mods or addons to expose private/personal information (ie. doxxing or exposing one's home address).
  • You will NOT promote nor submit piracy or dangerous programs that may harm others computers or devices (eg. viruses, spyware, or malware).
  • You will NOT commercially distribute submitted mods or addon content without express permission from the owners of the base game product (Néotl Empire) and the store vendor (in this case, Valve).
  • You will NOT pirate or otherwise distribute this product (Qorena).

By signing this agreement you agree to the above terms and conditions. You also agree that in violations of these rules, you are subject to penalties ranging from banishment from our services to civil and criminal penalties (depending on the severity and the rule(s) violated).