End User Licence Agreement (EULA)

The Pack
These licence terms are a legally binding agreement between you and ZAKHARCHENKO SERGEY ALEXANDROVICH, governing your use of the video game ‘The Pack’ (the Software).

By using, installing, downloading or making any copy of the software, you accept these terms.

Ownership of the Software
ZAKHARCHENKO SERGEY ALEXANDROVICH retains ownership of the Software, and reserves all rights in the Software. No proprietary rights are assigned or transferred under this EULA. You may not copy, reproduce, modify, alter, adapt, translate, decompile or reverse engineer the software except as permitted by law or this EULA. This EULA does not give you any right to sub-license the Software.
Upon payment of the applicable licence fees, we grant you a non-exclusive licence to use, copy, and install the Software for your personal non-commercial use, subject to the terms of this EULA.

Restrictions on Use
Unless otherwise permitted by law or this EULA, you must not:
(a) work around any technical limitations in the software;
(b) reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the software, or disclose the algorithmic nature or describe any part for the source code or inner workings of the Software;
(c) publish the software for others to copy;
(d) use the software in any illegal or immoral way, or for any such purpose;
(e) use, copy, rent, lease or lend the software; or
(f) create any derivate work or program to mimic the data or functionality of the Software.

All content for The Pack was written in Russian. Localised or translated versions of the Software may be provided from time to time, including crowd-sourced translations. All such versions are provided ‘as-is’. It is not warranted that the localised or translated versions reflect the original version, are correct, fit for purpose, or otherwise guarantee these versions in any way.

You agree to release, indemnify, defend and hold harmless ZAKHARCHENKO SERGEY ALEXANDROVICH, employees and/or contractors from any and all liability or for claims associated with or arising from the misuse of the software by you or by anyone to whom you allow to access the software.

This licence is not transferrable. You may not sell, rent, assign, transfer or novate your rights or obligations under this EULA.

Let’s Play Videos and Fan Made Content
You may create fan content (including Let’s Play videos) incorporating videos of actual game play, and may publish and monetise your fan content.