End User License Agreement (EULA)

for all products, solutions and applications

(hereinafter referred to as "TRINITY TOWN MONASTERY GAME" or "GAME")

PLEASE READ THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS License Agreement carefully before proceeding with the installation of the program: Mike's Forestainment GmbH End-User License Agreement (EULA) is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or a legal entity) and Mike's Forestainment GmbH for the game product(s) and any associated game components, media, printed materials and online or electronic documentation. By installing, copying or otherwise using the Trinity Town Monastery game, you agree to be bound by the terms of this EULA. This License Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between you and Mike's Forestainment GmbH regarding the Program and supersedes any prior agreement, representation, or understanding between the parties. If you do not agree with the terms of this EULA, do not install or use the TRINITY TOWN MONASTERY GAME.

The TRINITY TOWN MONASTERY GAME is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. The TRINITY TOWN MONASTERY PLAY is licensed, not sold.

1. granting of licences

The TRINITY TOWN MONASTERY PLAY is licensed as follows:

(A) Installation and use. Mike's Forestainment GmbH grants you the right to install and use copies of the GAMES on your device that contains a properly licensed copy of the operating system for which the TRINITY TOWN MONASTERY GAME was developed.

(B) Backup copies. You may make copies of the GAMES required for private backup and archiving.

2. description of other rights and restrictions

(A) Maintain copyright notices. You may not remove or alter the copyright notices on all copies of the PLAY.

(B) Distribution. You are not allowed to pass on copies of the TRINITY TOWN MONASTERY PLAY to third parties.

(C) Prohibition of reverse engineering, decompilation and disassembly. You may not reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble, except and only to the extent expressly permitted by applicable law notwithstanding this limitation.

(D) Letting. You may not rent, lease or lend this TRINITY TOWN MONASTERY GAME.

(E) Support Service. Mike's Forestainment GmbH may provide services ("Support Services") to you in connection with the TRINITY TOWN MONASTERY GAME. Any additional game code offered to you as support for this TRINITY TOWN MONASTERY GAME is subject to the terms and conditions of this EULA.

(F) Compliance with applicable laws. You must comply with all applicable laws regarding the use of the PLAY.

3. termination

Notwithstanding any other rights, Mike's Forestainment GmbH may terminate this License Agreement if you breach any of the terms of this EULA. In such a case, you must delete all copies of the TRINITY TOWN MONASTERY GAME in your possession.

4. copyright

All titles, including those not subject to copyright, in and to the TRINITY TOWN MONASTERY PLAY and all copies thereof belong to Mike's Forestainment GmbH or its suppliers. All titles and intellectual property rights in and to the Content that may be created through the use of the PLAY are the property of their respective owners and may be protected by applicable copyright and other intellectual property laws and treaties. This EULA does not grant you any rights to use such content. All rights not expressly granted are reserved by Mike's Forestainment GmbH.

5. no guarantee

Mike's Forestainment GmbH expressly disclaims any warranty for the TRINITY TOWN MONASTERY GAME. The TRINITY TOWN MONASTERY GAME is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. Mike's Forestainment GmbH does not assume any guarantee or liability for the correctness or completeness of the information, texts, graphics, links or other contents contained in the TRINITY TOWN MONASTERY PLAY. Mike's Forestainment GmbH does not warrant any damages that may be caused by the transmission of a computer virus, worm, time bomb, logic bomb, Trojan horse or other such computer program. Mike's Forestainment GmbH further expressly declines to pass on any warranty or assurance to users or third parties.

6. limitation of liability

In no event shall Mike's Forestainment GmbH be liable for any damages (including, without limitation, lost profits, business interruption, or lost data). In no event shall Mike's Forestainment GmbH be liable for any loss of data, indirect, special, incidental, consequential or punitive damages (including lost profits), or any damages whatsoever arising out of contract, tort or otherwise. Mike's Forestainment GmbH assumes no liability with respect to the content of the TRINITY TOWN MONASTERY GAME, including any defamation, violation of publicity rights, privacy, trademark rights, business interruption, personal injury, loss of privacy, moral rights or disclosure of confidential information contained therein.

7. Disclaimers and Limitation of Liability - unreal Engine from Epic Games

The Game includes the Unreal® Engine code and other code, materials, and information (the “Epic Materials”) from Epic Games, Inc. (“Epic”). All Epic Materials are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis, “with all faults” and without warranty of any kind. Mike's Forestainment GmbH, Epic, and Epic’s affiliates disclaim all warranties, conditions, common law duties, and representations (express, implied, oral, and written) with respect to the Epic Materials, including without limitation all express, implied, and statutory warranties and conditions of any kind, such as title, non-interference with your enjoyment, authority, non-infringement, merchantability, fitness or suitability for any purpose (whether or not Epic knows or has reason to know of any such purpose), system integration, accuracy or completeness, results, reasonable care, workmanlike effort, lack of negligence, and lack of viruses, whether alleged to arise under law, by reason of custom or usage in the trade, or by course of dealing. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Mike's Forestainment GmbH, Epic, and Epic’s affiliates make no warranty that (1) any of the Epic Materials will operate properly, including as integrated in the Game, (2) that the Epic Materials will meet your requirements, (3) that the operation of the Epic Materials will be uninterrupted, bug free, or error free in any or all circumstances, (4) that any defects in the Epic Materials can or will be corrected, (5) that the Epic Materials are or will be in compliance with a platform manufacturer’s rules or requirements, or (6) that a platform manufacturer has approved or will approve this Game, or will not revoke approval of this [Product] for any or no reason. Any warranty against infringement that may be provided in Section 2-312 of the Uniform Commercial Code or in any other comparable statute is expressly disclaimed by Mike's Forestainment GmbH and Epic. Mike's Forestainment GmbH, Epic, and Epic’s affiliates do not guarantee continuous, error-free, virus-free, or secure operation of or access to the Epic Materials. This paragraph will apply to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law.

To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, neither Mike's Forestainment GmbH, Epic, Epic’s licensors, nor its or their affiliates, nor any of Mike's Forestainment GmbH's or Epic’s service providers, shall be liable in any way for loss or damage of any kind resulting from the use or inability to use the Epic Materials or otherwise in connection with this [Agreement], including but not limited to loss of goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure, or malfunction, or any and all other commercial damages or losses. In no event will Mike's Forestainment GmbH, Epic, Epic’s licensors, nor its or their affiliates, nor any of Mike's Forestainment GmbH’s or Epic’s service providers be liable for any loss of profits or any indirect, incidental, consequential, special, punitive, or exemplary damages, or any other damages arising out of or in connection with this [Agreement] or the Epic Materials, or the delay or inability to use or lack of functionality of the Epic Materials, even in the event of Mike's Forestainment GmbH’s, Epic’s, or Epic’s affiliates’ fault, tort (including negligence), strict liability, indemnity, product liability, breach of contract, breach of warranty, or otherwise and even if [Licensor], Epic or Epic’s affiliates have been advised of the possibility of such damages. These limitations and exclusions regarding damages apply even if any remedy fails to provide adequate compensation.

Because some states or jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or the limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, in such states or jurisdictions, the liability of Mike's Forestainment GmbH, Epic, Epic’s licensors, its and their affiliates, and any of Mike's Forestainment GmbH’s or Epic’s service providers shall be limited to the full extent permitted by law.

8. Severability clause

Should individual provisions of this contract be invalid or unenforceable or become invalid or unenforceable after conclusion of the contract, this shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the contract. The invalid or unenforceable provision shall be replaced by a valid and enforceable provision whose effects come as close as possible to the economic objective pursued by the contracting parties with the invalid or unenforceable provision. The above provisions shall apply mutatis mutandis in the event that the contract proves to be incomplete.