By use of this software product (including installation and copy) you as an individual or a single entity agree with this agreement. If you do not agree, you must not use the software.

§1 Purview

(1) This End User License Agreement (EULA) is a legally valid contract between you, named customer in the following, and Oriolus Software GmbH, based in Kreisweg 6, 26427 Moorweg, Germany, named Oriolus in the following.

§2 Object of agreement

(1) Part of this agreement is the in the following ‘Software’ named product, especially – but not exclusively – containing the software United Nations. In addition, all related files, media, documents and documentations independently from their medium belong to that bundle, as well, in terms of this license agreement.

(2) Object of this agreement is the granting of rights of use of the Software. By the purchase of this Software you admittedly acquire ownership of the data medium, like a CD-ROM or else, but not of the Software itself. This is always intellectual property of Oriolus or the respective right-holder. As a buyer of this Software you solely acquire the right to use the copyrighted material, thus to use the Software contractual. This right is granted by Oriolus with a license.

(3) The customer has checked, if the specification of the Software meets his demands, before contract closing. He knows the essential functional characteristic and requirements of the Software.

(4) Product descriptions and depictions are terms of reference, but not guarantees. A guarantee requires a written declaration by the management of Oriolus.

(5) The customer is not eligible for the source codes of the Software, especially – but not exclusively – access or inspection.

(6) Oriolus clearly reserves all rights not explicitly listed in this EULA.

(7) The Software is not meant for resale. Converse agreements can be made with Oriolus in written form.

(8) The Software is licensed as complete product. The licensee (customer) is not eligible of separating the components of the Software.

§3 Rights of the customers

(1) The agreement with this EULA grants you after the lawful purchase of the Software the right to install and use a copy of the Software only in the means of a private and non-commercial use.

(2) The Software has the appointed properties, is suitable for ordinary usage and has the usual quality. Not every flaw that inevitably adheres to the Software is a defect as to quality. An impairment of function due to hardware flaws, surrounding conditions, incorrect operation or else, is not a defect. An insignificant loss of quality can be ignored. Oriolus grants that the contractual use of the Software is not excluded by third-party rights.

§4 Responsibilities of the customer

(1) The customer commits to
(a) not copy or distribute the Software as a whole or in part, not transfer or provide it to other persons
(b) not decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer the Product except as expressly permitted by applicable law
(c) not separate the Software or its components
(d) use the respective current version of the Software, as provided by Oriolus via the internet
(e) not use the Software, photos, videos and other media of it commercially.

(2) All titles in and copyrights concerning this Software, for example illustrations, photos, animations, video, audio, music, texts and the corresponding printed materials and all copies of the Software are property of Oriolus Software GmbH or its suppliers. The Software is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Hence you are committed to handle the Software as any other copyrighted material.

§5 Caveat Emptor and Legal Disclaimer

(1) Oriolus hereby declares clearly to reject any claims for warranty for the Software. The Software and the whole corresponding documentation is provided “as is” and any express or implicit warranties are disclaimed, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. In no event shall Oriolus be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services, loss of use, data or profits, or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this Software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.

(2) Oriolus hereby clearly disclaims to be legally liable for copyright infringements entirely or partly caused by the customer with the use of the Software.

§6 Termination of contract

(1) In the case of contract termination due to infringement of this EULA you are committed to return or destroy all original versions and copies of this Software and its components and to notify Oriolus about it in written form.

§7 Escape Clause

(1) In the case of a term of this EULA being or becoming invalid, the validity of the other terms remains untouched, even if essential terms are concerned. The parties agree that in this case the invalid term will be replaced by the respective legally valid one that represents a likewise term and does not prevent the execution of the contract in the proper sense of both parties. The same applies to missing terms that have not been noticed by both of the parties and that occurs on a subsequent date. Both parties are committed to make an agreement about a written addition to this contract.