Team Fortress 2 - Valve
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:

  • Players will now be randomly selected to participate in a survey at the end of Casual and Competitive matches
  • Ongoing improvements to the matchmaking backend to improve match quality and reduce wait times
  • Fixed air-blasts sometimes sending deflected projectiles in random directions when the Pyro is close to enemy players
  • Fixed a case where players joining community bootcamp servers via the server-browser could not select a team
  • Reduced the rate at which players can earn bonus points for extinguishing teammates
  • Fixed a case where players could use the Halloween teleport spell to get outside the map
  • Updated the localization files
  • Community requests
    • Fixed Merasmus not being stunned by bomb-head players on community Halloween maps
    • Added the ability for community Halloween maps to call a truce during a Monoculus or Merasmus fight
      • Can be set via the game rules entity using the SetMapForcedTruceDuringBossFight input
    • Fixed energy weapons not hitting pumpkin bombs, Merasmus props, and RD robots
  • Mann vs. Machine update
    • Fixed the Sentry Buster sound being orphaned if the Sentry Buster detonates while invulnerable
    • Fixed zombies not using the correct skin in Ghost Town
  • Updated cp_snakewater_final1
    • Changes based on community feedback
  • Updated pl_millstone_event
    • Updated bot navigation file, bots now use all routes, won't get stuck so easily and are smarter
    • Fixed woodpile spot where HHH could get stuck
    • Improved clipping on wood piles
    • Fixed missing rooftop texture
    • Fixed a few props flashing at certain angles
    • Fixed a spot in the last area where you could place stickies underground
    • Fixed Monoculus not getting stunned when hit by players exiting purgatory
  • Updated cp_sunshine
    • Blockbulleted spiral staircase on the back of second
    • Added medium ammo to mid near choke
    • Removed clipping over wooden arch going into second from valley
    • Reduced the size of the wooden arch
    • Blockbulleted a few undersides of staircases on last that could catch projectiles
    • Removed a ladder on last
Dota 2 - Valve
- The Stun UI appearance has been updated.
- The Stun UI no longer appears for stuns with duration 0.5s or less.
- The Stun UI now appears only on units you control and while spectating.
Dota 2 - Valve
- Added a HUD UI element to show when the selected hero is stunned.
- When selecting a specific shop on the learn items page, the page will now highlight items that are buildable entirely from components at that shop in addition to items that are directly purchasable.
- Fixed a server crash during bot games with Batrider.
Dota 2 - Valve
- Added a notification for orders issued to dead or stunned units.
- Fix bug where clicking in a certain place on the battle cup setup UI would cause it to disappear.
- Fix bug preventing party builder from filling the last slot.
- Fix watch live tab not being sorted properly.
Dota 2 - Valve
- Fixed a sound problem with some heroes during bot games.
Dota 2 - Valve
- Enabled purchasing the Battle Pass as a gift.
- Fixed a rendering issue with Shadow Shaman's Ether Shock and Disruptor's Static Storm in local lobbies.
- Minimap icons for the shops are now hidden when the Hide Minimap Background option is enabled.
Dota 2 - Valve
- Fixed a crash with emoticons.
Dota 2 - Valve
* Dragon Lance strength reduced from 14 to 13
* Infused Raindrop cooldown increased from 4 to 6
* Illusions attack damage reduction against buildings increased from 25% to 30%
* Diffusal Blade cooldown increased from 2 to 4
* Outworld Devourer base armor reduced by 1.5
* Shadow Poison initial damage reduced from 50 to 26/34/42/50
* Flamebreak cooldown increased from 14 to 17
* Drow base damage reduced by 4
* Torrent damage reduced from 120/180/240/300 to 75/150/225/300
* Echo Stomp channel time increased from 1.2 to 1.3
* Oracle base damage reduced by 6
* Morphling intelligence gain reduced from 1.5 to 1.1
* Starstorm Scepter cooldown increased from 8 to 9
* Time Dilation now only freezes abilities that are on cooldown, rather than also affecting abilities cast afterwards
* Time Dilation slow per frozen ability increased from 8% to 10%
* Tempest Double gold and XP bounty increased from 140 to 160
* Juggernaut base damage reduced by 2
* Counter Helix damage reduced from 90/120/150/180 to 75/110/145/180
* Repel cast point improved from 0.5 to 0.35
* Repel duration reduced from 6/8/10/12 to 4/6/8/10
* Relocate delay increased from 2.5/2.25/2 to 2.7/2.35/2
* Inner Vitality bonus regeneration threshhold reduced from 40% to 35%
* Stifling Dagger cast range reduced from 1200 to 825/950/1075/1200
* Smokescreen slow reduced from 25% to 19/21/23/25%
* Track manacost increased from 50 to 65
* Mana Leak manacost increased from 75 to 150
* Illuminate radius increased from 350 to 375
* Blinding Light knockback distance increased from 400 to 525
* Sand King movement speed reduced by 5
* Timbersaw base strength reduced by 1
Team Fortress 2 - Valve
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:

  • Fixed some players not being able to click on the new rematch UI elements
  • Fixed the end of round music not playing in Casual matches
Dota 2 - Valve
- Fixed a crash when leaving hero showcase view.
- Fixed the interaction of Rubick's Spell Steal with Aghanim's Scepter, Vengeful Spirit's Swap and Arc Warden's Tempest Double.