Nov 14, 2016
The Dream Machine: Chapter 1 & 2 - Cockroach
Fellow Darlings,

There won't be a November patch since we've exclusively been working on Chapter 6 this month and none of the changes we've made to the game has affected previous chapters (as they usually do).

Progress has been pretty strong lately. I was stuck on what I (somewhat jokingly) call the "boss puzzle", and had to backtrack the design a little bit. Nothing too major though. I just had to rework the general flow of the puzzle. That's been resolved now however.

There's still a ton of work for me to do on that puzzle (mostly dialogue) but I've gotten over that largest hump. Which is nice.

Erik has moved on to the second to last sequence in the game. It requires some experimentation with camera techniques we've never used before, but that will hopefully not take too long.

After that we only have the last sequence left to do.

We'll continue to be coy about release dates for a little while longer, because our time estimations are usually wrong and that just pisses people off.

UPDATE: I couldn't keep my sticky fingers away from the game. That's how I roll. Sue me.

Here's what this mini update contains:

• Game: Attempted to make the game stay on top of the Windows 10 task bar
• Demo: Updated demo

Big love!

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Nov 14, 2016
The Dream Machine: Chapter 1 & 2 - Cockroach
Fellow Darlings,

There won't be a November patch since we've exclusively been working on Chapter 6 this month and none of the changes we've made to the game has affected previous chapters (as they usually do).

Progress has been pretty strong lately. I was stuck on what I (somewhat jokingly) call the "boss puzzle", and had to backtrack the design a little bit. Nothing too major though. I just had to rework the general flow of the puzzle. That's been resolved now however.

There's still a ton of work for me to do on that puzzle (mostly dialogue) but I've gotten over that largest hump. Which is nice.

Erik has moved on to the second to last sequence in the game. It requires some experimentation with camera techniques we've never used before, but that will hopefully not take too long.

After that we only have the last sequence left to do.

We'll continue to be coy about release dates for a little while longer, because our time estimations are usually wrong and that just pisses people off.

UPDATE: I couldn't keep my sticky fingers away from the game. That's how I roll. Sue me.

Here's what this mini update contains:

• Game: Attempted to make the game stay on top of the Windows 10 task bar
• Demo: Updated demo

Big love!

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Oct 3, 2016
The Dream Machine: Chapter 1 & 2 - Cockroach

This update came a little bit later than usual, as some of you have noted. The reason is that I spent the weekend in the lovely Swiss town of La Chaux-de-Fonds, giving a talk, befriending the native population and drinking Absinth. Swiss Absinth is a bit different from French, but they both get the job done for sure. I've also tried Czech Absinth but the less said about that the better...

All-in-all, I give Switzerland 10 out of 10.

As for the update, we're still in full production mode on Chapter 6 (no date yet), so it's mostly just small tweaks here and there. I hope you'll like them none the less.

Check out the full update details below:

• Engine: Fixed task manager bug
• Game: Tweaked sound levels
• Chapter 1: Fixed rock issue
• Chapter 1: Increased size of item button
• Chapter 5: Increased size of navigation button
• Chapter 2, 4 & 5: Added names to Mr Morton's dream map
• Chapter 5: Fixed typo

As always: shout out in the comments below if you encounter anything strange/buggy in the game. Thanks to everyone who's taken the time to report an issue!


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Oct 3, 2016
The Dream Machine: Chapter 1 & 2 - Cockroach

This update came a little bit later than usual, as some of you have noted. The reason is that I spent the weekend in the lovely Swiss town of La Chaux-de-Fonds, giving a talk, befriending the native population and drinking Absinth. Swiss Absinth is a bit different from French, but they both get the job done for sure. I've also tried Czech Absinth but the less said about that the better...

All-in-all, I give Switzerland 10 out of 10.

As for the update, we're still in full production mode on Chapter 6 (no date yet), so it's mostly just small tweaks here and there. I hope you'll like them none the less.

Check out the full update details below:

• Engine: Fixed task manager bug
• Game: Tweaked sound levels
• Chapter 1: Fixed rock issue
• Chapter 1: Increased size of item button
• Chapter 5: Increased size of navigation button
• Chapter 2, 4 & 5: Added names to Mr Morton's dream map
• Chapter 5: Fixed typo

As always: shout out in the comments below if you encounter anything strange/buggy in the game. Thanks to everyone who's taken the time to report an issue!


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Sep 1, 2016
The Dream Machine: Chapter 1 & 2 - Cockroach

Aside from Chapter 6, I've been working quite a lot on sound recently. I recently acquired a sweet pair of headphones and discovered that the sound needed some TLC. So expect a lot of sound tweaking in the coming updates. Everybody loves sound tweaks!

On the Chapter 6 front, progress has been solid and we've just finished building a very difficult portion of the game. Over the next week Erik will start building the last two sections of the game and I'll be trying to keep up implementing everything.

Short version: Still quite a lot to do. Not yet ready to set a date.

Check out the full update details below:

• Game: Fixed issues introduced with walking speed increase
• Game: Tweaked intro title graphic
• Game: Changed roll over sound on menus
• Game: Tweaked sound levels
• Chapter 1: Tweaked interactions
• Chapter 1: Tweaked inventory item graphics
• Chapter 2, 4 & 5: Tweaked bluerprint graphics
• Chapter 2, 4 & 5: Lowered volume on Morton's jazz track
• Chapter 5: Fixed spawn issue in Willard's dream
• Chapter 5: Changed the footstep sound in Willard's dream

As always: shout out in the comments below if you encounter anything strange/buggy in the game. Thanks to everyone who's taken the time to report an issue!


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Sep 1, 2016
The Dream Machine: Chapter 1 & 2 - Cockroach

Aside from Chapter 6, I've been working quite a lot on sound recently. I recently acquired a sweet pair of headphones and discovered that the sound needed some TLC. So expect a lot of sound tweaking in the coming updates. Everybody loves sound tweaks!

On the Chapter 6 front, progress has been solid and we've just finished building a very difficult portion of the game. Over the next week Erik will start building the last two sections of the game and I'll be trying to keep up implementing everything.

Short version: Still quite a lot to do. Not yet ready to set a date.

Check out the full update details below:

• Game: Fixed issues introduced with walking speed increase
• Game: Tweaked intro title graphic
• Game: Changed roll over sound on menus
• Game: Tweaked sound levels
• Chapter 1: Tweaked interactions
• Chapter 1: Tweaked inventory item graphics
• Chapter 2, 4 & 5: Tweaked bluerprint graphics
• Chapter 2, 4 & 5: Lowered volume on Morton's jazz track
• Chapter 5: Fixed spawn issue in Willard's dream
• Chapter 5: Changed the footstep sound in Willard's dream

As always: shout out in the comments below if you encounter anything strange/buggy in the game. Thanks to everyone who's taken the time to report an issue!


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Aug 1, 2016
The Dream Machine: Chapter 1 & 2 - Cockroach
Dear dreamers,

This has been another month were we pretty single-minded worked on Chapter 6. It's shaping up nicely, but it is still too early to set a release date. Time estimations isn't our forte, and we'd rather be fashionably coy than annoyingly wrong. We hope you understand.

The contents of this patch is mostly aimed at fixing a few issues that the walking speed increase introduced. There might still be some in the game, but they shouldn't be showstopping.

Check out the full update details below:

• Engine: Fixed task manager bug
• Demo: Updated demo
• Game: Tweaked UI
• Game: Increased sound ducking while on menus
• Chapter 3: Tweaked bartender behavior
• Chapter 3: Added porthole interactions
• Chapter 5: Fixed fail-safe mechanism in Mr Willard's dream
• Chapter 5: Increased size of right exit button by the wall
• Chapter 2, 4 & 5: Fixed issues introduced with walking speed

As always: shout out in the comments below if you encounter anything strange/buggy in the game. Thanks to everyone who's taken the time to report an issue!


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Aug 1, 2016
The Dream Machine: Chapter 1 & 2 - Cockroach
Dear dreamers,

This has been another month were we pretty single-minded worked on Chapter 6. It's shaping up nicely, but it is still too early to set a release date. Time estimations isn't our forte, and we'd rather be fashionably coy than annoyingly wrong. We hope you understand.

The contents of this patch is mostly aimed at fixing a few issues that the walking speed increase introduced. There might still be some in the game, but they shouldn't be showstopping.

Check out the full update details below:

• Engine: Fixed task manager bug
• Demo: Updated demo
• Game: Tweaked UI
• Game: Increased sound ducking while on menus
• Chapter 3: Tweaked bartender behavior
• Chapter 3: Added porthole interactions
• Chapter 5: Fixed fail-safe mechanism in Mr Willard's dream
• Chapter 5: Increased size of right exit button by the wall
• Chapter 2, 4 & 5: Fixed issues introduced with walking speed

As always: shout out in the comments below if you encounter anything strange/buggy in the game. Thanks to everyone who's taken the time to report an issue!


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Jul 1, 2016
The Dream Machine: Chapter 1 & 2 - Cockroach

Fellow dreamers,

This month we've almost exclusively worked on Chapter 6. We managed to build a lot of what proved to be a pretty difficult suite of environments. We wanted a very particular look for a certain portion of Chapter 6 and achieving that proved tricky. I wish I could talk more about it, but I really want you to experience it without prior knowledge. I look forward to hearing what you have to say when you finally see it. Personally, I think it's absolutely spectacular.

I did manage to address a few minor issues. Most importantly, I increased Victor's default walking speed. If you don't like it – or if you want him to walk even faster – there's a new option in the Settings menu for you to play with.

Check out the full update details below:

• Engine: Fixed hearing aid related bug
• Game: Tweaked UI
• Game: Increased Victor's default walking speed
• Game: Made Victor's walking speed adjustable in Settings
• Chapter 1: Tweaked item description
• Chapter 2: Added Victor's hand to burned note close-up
• Chapter 3: Tweaked item interactions
• Chapter 3: Added porthole interactions
• Chapter 5: Added first enlargement dialogue
• Chapter 5: Tweaked first enlargement dialogue
• Chapter 2, 4 & 5: Lowered volume on Morton's jazz track

As always: shout out in the comments below if you encounter anything strange/buggy in the game. Thanks to everyone who's taken the time to report an issue!


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Jul 1, 2016
The Dream Machine: Chapter 1 & 2 - Cockroach

Fellow dreamers,

This month we've almost exclusively worked on Chapter 6. We managed to build a lot of what proved to be a pretty difficult suite of environments. We wanted a very particular look for a certain portion of Chapter 6 and achieving that proved tricky. I wish I could talk more about it, but I really want you to experience it without prior knowledge. I look forward to hearing what you have to say when you finally see it. Personally, I think it's absolutely spectacular.

I did manage to address a few minor issues. Most importantly, I increased Victor's default walking speed. If you don't like it – or if you want him to walk even faster – there's a new option in the Settings menu for you to play with.

Check out the full update details below:

• Engine: Fixed hearing aid related bug
• Game: Tweaked UI
• Game: Increased Victor's default walking speed
• Game: Made Victor's walking speed adjustable in Settings
• Chapter 1: Tweaked item description
• Chapter 2: Added Victor's hand to burned note close-up
• Chapter 3: Tweaked item interactions
• Chapter 3: Added porthole interactions
• Chapter 5: Added first enlargement dialogue
• Chapter 5: Tweaked first enlargement dialogue
• Chapter 2, 4 & 5: Lowered volume on Morton's jazz track

As always: shout out in the comments below if you encounter anything strange/buggy in the game. Thanks to everyone who's taken the time to report an issue!


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