May 16, 2016
Folk Tale - GF


Both the Gladefolk and Withering Dead storylines are now playable from start to end, albeit in a rough first pass. Much of the work has focused on extending Workbench, the visual scripting editor to support the functionality required by campaign.

Heroes receive ability targeting including AOE circles and directional arcs, making it easier to see which monsters will be affected. Lilith the necromancer is now unlockable in the campaign by siding with the Withering Dead. Units can now also move short distances to engage in melee combat, reducing instances of them standing around while a battle rages just a few feet away.

The 'Needs Wall' (especially noticable with basic clothing and mead) has been addressed. Unhappiness is much slower to set in, is capped, and can be offset by doing well in other areas or through the use of rationing. Rationing now has a lagging effect. While the UI looks the same, indicators have been added to the rationing bars to indicate whether happiness is rising or falling. The yellow warnings have also been removed as they were a distraction.

The key binding UI is now implemented under the settings menu, especially useful for players with non-English layout keyboards (e.g. Sweden, France). Controls have changed slightly to be better aligned with RTS conventions. Holding down the middle mouse button and moving the mouse now pans the camera. Rotation has been remapped entirely off the mouse and onto Q+E or the LeftAlt key.

The tutorial has been completely remade across two entirely new maps (including a short dungeon) to cover many of the new gameplay elements. The narrator voice over has been omitted for the time being as we'll be adding to the tutorial in future patches.

The Editor, and more specifically Workbench (the built-in visual scripting tool), continues to grow in power with new node additions and general improvements. Several new kits have been added and will be used in the next campaign faction storylines. New content assets continue to be added which we'll be using as we continue to expand the campaign.

Patch Notes

This public build incorporates experimental patches through The patch notes are too long to fit in a Steam announcement, and continue over on our website (link at bottom).

Player: Modified happiness system to prevent the ‘Needs Wall’
Player: Characters can now move a small distance to engage in combat even when selected
Player: Added controls settings UI
Player: Nerfed Ser Gregory’s starter gear - more opportunities to find upgrades
Player: Nerfed Quixl’s starter gear - more opportunities to find upgrades
Player: Forage cursor now only shows when there are berries on the bush
Player: Added code to make small areas unwalkable (navmesh auto refinement)
Player: Temporarily disabled Tier 3 walls due to construction bug causing rippling effects
Player: Holding down MMB and moving mouse now pans the camera
Player: Holding down LeftAlt and moving mouse now changes the camera angle
Player: Some hero abilities can now be targeted; hero will rotate to face target before releasing
Player: Added Quixl’s special abilities (WIP): Shuriken Throw, Eviscerate, Hamstring, Backstab
Player: Added Lilith’s special abilities (WIP): Raise From Dead, Disease Cloud,
Player: Added Freya’s special abilities (WIP): Quick Heal, Divine Shield, Smite, Inspire Courage
Player: When interacting with a quest giver, characters now runs to the interaction point rather than walking
Player: Improved character movement by making velocity changes faster when running into obstacles
Player: Added visual effects for consuming health and power potions
Player: Halved the rate that cottages burn firewood
Player: Heroes now receive automatic attribute points when levelling up in addition to the +1 player assigned ability point
Player: Combat sounds can now be heard at a greater distance
Player: Camera behavior improved, free rotation should feel a lot better now in dungeons
Player: Mouse at edge of screen will now cancel camera following (e.g. hero camera tracking and after clicking an event notification icon)
Player: Mouse actions (e.g abilities) can now be aborted using Esc. Pressing again will bring up the pause menu as usual
Player: Willow's thorns now only prevent the target from moving and attacking, but does not play any particular animation on the target
Player: Animation speed buffs now only affect movement animations
Player: Added a message when the UI is hidden with the keypad 0 key
Player: LMB actions are now blocked for a duration of 0.8 seconds after the player has tried to activate an ability that could not be activated (due to e.g no mana) to prevent accidental deselection
Player: Heroes now regain full health and power when they level up
Player: When A.I. agents are grounded, the velocity is no longer set to 0, instead it is clamped so that the agent can move downwards or upwards along the current slope with a correct speed
Player: Doubled gravity because of some really steep stairs in the ruins kit
Player: Buffs now update much more often which among other things improves healing smoothness
Player: Freya's divine shield no longer requires her to face the target
Player: Freya's divine shield can now only be cast on heroes
Player: Dungeons are now hidden on the world map when playing the game
Player: Improved quests UI aesthetic

Maps: Tutorial: Remade entirely, two new maps including a new mini dungeon; voice over temporarily disabled; phase one complete, phase two to cover building dialog (research/crafting etc)
Maps: Campaign: Gladefolk story now implemented through to completion (rough first pass)
Maps: Campaign: Withering Dead story now implemented through to completion (rough first pass)
Maps: Campaign: Bandit Caves:: If player has already met LIlith, she now won’t appear in the Bandit Caves and player has to fight Kenny
Maps: Campaign: Shirebrook: Opened up land for construction over the stream
Maps: Campaign: Shirebrook: Added continuous raids by Bandits until you deal with Kenny
Maps: Campaign: Shirebrook: Added Gladefolk raids if you ally with the Withering Dead
Maps: Campaign: Shirebrook: Replaced Bandit Mines entrance placeholder with proper portal
Maps: Campaign: Shirebrook: Modified Desecrated Cathedral area to work better with default camera angle
Maps: Campaign: The Glade: Extended the map with the addition of the Everbloom Pastures
Maps: Campaign: The Glade: Extended Gladefolk storyline
Maps: Campaign: The Glade: Extended Withering Dead storyline
Maps: Campaign: The Glade: Added Everbloom corruption into Rotwold
Maps: Campaign: The Glade: Added Withering Dead everbloom corruption storyline quest
Maps: Campaign: The Glade: Fixed Willow and Lilith scripting issues that deal with defeat rather than death
Maps: Campaign: Mordrich’s Factory: Vault chest now contains Rotwold Antidote allowing Gladefolk storyline progression
Maps: Campaign: Mordrich’s Factory: Added interaction text to locked doors to provide hints
Maps: Campaign: Bonefinger’s Lair: Added Bonefinger interaction
Maps: Campaign: Bonefinger’s Lair: Updated
Maps: Campaign: All: Heroes are now positioned during cut scenes

Assets: Kits: Added Ice Palace kit (Glacian)
Assets: Kits: Added Dungeons/Human Interior kit
Assets: Kits: Added Beastman ‘Bullock’ (Dual Wielder)
Assets: Added 6 halberds, 1 spear, 8 tower shields, 4 bows to 3D weapons
Assets: Updated 9 sword 3d models to improve edges
Assets: Added 5 tower shields, updated 3 icons for existing tower shields
Assets: Added Grasslands/Scarecrow prop
Assets: Added Dungeons/Glade/Sprinkler interactable (part of Campaign)
Assets: Added Swamp Ruins lever prop
Assets: Added carried Meat Pies for delivery from Butchery to storage
Assets: Added Hill Quarter Water (River) Straight piece to Core Tiles
Assets: Added Dungeons/Ice Palace pieces (next area to be overhauled)
Assets: Added 8 new character portraits
Assets: Setup Chest Of Horrors (Undead Kit) as an interactable chest
Assets: Added ½ floor tiles to Classic Dungeon kit
Assets: Added corruption effect to Everbloom when converted to Rotwold
Assets: Added UI quest sfx for quest start, subquest progress, quest complete
Assets: Added blood decals
Assets: Added mine track supports to mine kit
Assets: Added Ogre Zombie Butcher
Assets: Reduced the scale of Bonefinger and The Mighty Rhog
Assets: Increased the scale of Wood Imps so they are easier to target and see
Assets: Updated skeleton idle animation
Assets: Updated Fenrin’s melee attack animation to resolve jerk in left arm
Assets: Updated Spriggan and Ambassador O’Kleefe: increased walk speed; reduced scale; increased weapon combat distance for improved spacing
Assets: Animations: Updated Freya’s idle animations
Assets: Animations: Added Acolyte Grey's animations
Assets: Animations: Added defeated animation to Nara
Assets: Animations: Tweaked Willow’s walking and hit animations speed
Assets: Animations: Shortened Ser Gregory’s taunt animation so it feels more responsive
Assets: Animations: Added missing reaction anims to Toadkin worker and warrior
Assets: Loot: Added Cult Of Pyros leather armor set
Assets: Loot: Added Toadkin cloth armor set
Assets: Loot: Added Order Of The Fang chainmail armor set
Assets: Loot: Added Cult Of Pyros cloth armor set
Assets: Loot: Added Order Of The Fang leather armor set
Assets: Loot: Added Glacian Chainmail armor set
Assets: Loot: Added Toadkin Plate armor set
Assets: Loot: Added 5 Quest Items: Sqi Qi Toi, Map Fragment, Automaton Part, Burgundy Boar, Everlight
Assets: Loot: Added 2 further Withering Dead themed keys
Assets: Loot: Added Hammers 07-15
Assets: Loot: Added missing bracers and belt from Goblin Leather armor set
Assets: Audio: Added weapon impact sound effects
Assets: Audio: Added missing weapon inventory grab sound effects
Assets: Audio: Tightened up animation event audio syncs on some combat animations
Assets: Audio: Added kobold sfx
Assets: Audio: Added ogre sfx and voice back in
Assets: Audio: Added bandit combat sfx

Editor: Checkbox added to inspector to allow toggling of navmesh adds (default is on)
Editor: PortalEntry point now has an index value and a friendly name**
Editor: PortalEntry point ‘Use Current View’ button records the camera starting position for when the party enters
Editor: Added 'Use Current View' to environment inspector in editor for the first time a village map starts
Editor: Added wp_animation to the systems kit (aka Work Point Animation)

Workbench: Added GetGlobalCharacter and StoreGlobalCharacter nodes
Workbench: Added GetBool, StoreBool nodes for local context
Workbench: Added GetNumber, StoreNumber nodes for local context
Workbench: Added FailQuest node which cancels all subquests
Workbench: Added Exists node for checking if an object still exists in the world
Workbench: Added StoreGlobalList and GetGlobalList nodes
Workbench: Added StatisticDialog to track when a dialog was opened
Workbench: Added DialogOpen node the returns a bool if the specified dialog is open
Workbench: Added CloseDialog node to close a dialog if it’s open (for tutorial scripting)
Workbench: Added CharacterSelect node to select a unit (for tutorial scripting)
Workbench: Added WorldText node to show text within the game world; disappears after 3 seconds
Workbench: Added SetCharacterDetectionRange node to control agro ranges; number acts as multiplier 1 being the default
Workbench: Added ToggleNeed node
Workbench: Added SetPartyFormation node
Workbench: Added yOffset to WorldText node
Workbench: Added CountAlive node
Workbench: Added LessThan and LessOrEquals nodes to reduce use of Not node
Workbench: Added GetParty and GetHero nodes
Workbench: Added Revive node to revive all fallen heroes
Workbench: Added SpecialAbility node to make a hero use a non-targeted ability
Workbench: Added GetHeroByAsset node
Workbench: Added GetHeroByIndex node
Workbench: Added OrderInteract node to send character to selected wp_animation
Workbench: Added SetCharacterBehaviour node
Workbench: Added duration scale field to WorldText node
Workbench: Added 'spawned' output (list of characters) to the TriggerWave node
Workbench: Added 'failed' output event to WorkPointTrigger node
Workbench: LockFactionStanding node now overwrites any previous locks
Workbench: Move node now stops character movement and matches character to object rotation
Workbench: Improved item search - can now search faction and material keywords
Workbench: VSOrderMove now has an 'aborted' output event as well as a 'reached' output event. The 'reached' event will no longer be triggered when the character does not reach the target
Workbench: WorldText node labels are now visible during cut scenes
Workbench: Changed how ListWorldObject and Index nodes work (deprecated the old nodes and added new ones)
Workbench: Now saves the panning position during the session
Workbench: Door behavior has changed slightly and now deactivates when open. They are also now set to allow multi-use to better facilitate control via Workbench
Workbench: Renamed almost all 'complete' events to 'done' to signal which nodes are blocking and which ones are not

Fix: Help link on Editor toolbar needed updating
Fix: Scale on daggers was too big
Fix: Scale on some bows was too big
Fix: Refined colliders on goblin village buildings
Fix: Updated box colliders on all props to improve selection in editor following rescale in Alpha 26
Fix: Stopped skeleton raids if player is allied to Withering Dead
Fix: Fixed spider that attacks Willow at entrance to Glade from being pullable prior to the cutscene
Fix: Navmesh connection problem resolved on Glade kit ramps
Fix: Ability icons weren’t greying out when the hero lacked the power
Fix: Move node now sets ToMove object rotation to same as target
Fix: Trebuchet turning sound was set to 2D sound rather than 3D
Fix: Carding research at the Weaver’s wasn’t incrementing production output
Fix: Navmesh on drawbridge props now behave properly
Fix: Fixed navmesh adds not working if there was no terrain tile in that XZ cell
Fix: Prevented heroes from gaining xp by just completing random workpoints
Fix: Mordrich’s Factory kit sewing machine navmesh wasn’t rotating when piece was rotated
Fix: RevealFOW node was potentially leaking and revealing areas when it wasn’t supposed to
Fix: Reduced default master volume
Fix: You now cannot talk to Lilith until you’ve completed Brom’s tasks
Fix: Fixed failing multiple quests in a single frame will still only show as a single quest failed
Fix: ConversationWhen node will now stop triggering after the first time the player has clicked one of the conversation options
Fix: Fixed spacebar skipping multiple conversation dialogs if completing one opened a new one in the same frame
Fix: Fixed weird info text in VSAllCharacters
Fix: Now trimming names in VSInstantiateCharacterAt as tabbing from firstname to lastname fields would insert an unwanted tab into firstname
Fix: After loading a location, the ambience manager is called to do blending immediately
Fix: Completing a subquest whose label uses format would show the subquest name and not the formatted string
Fix: Renamed 'Corpse Loot' to 'corpse_loot_prefab' so that it shows up in Workbench instantiate lists
Fix: SetLoot node in Workbench now works as intended; accepts output of Loot node
Fix: Info text bug for RandomCharacter node now shows the correct value
Fix: Character names not being used in the conversation when setting them using the portraitCharacter input
Fix: Disabled stacking for 'improved foundations', 'set square' and 'taxation'
Fix: Skeleton Archer idle animation had broken bow string
Fix: Workbench IsResearchEnabled and ResearchProgress nodes were logging warnings until a target item had been set
Fix: Villagers marked as ‘Dead’ were revealing fog of war
Fix: Mouse rectangle selection was still working when a conversation was blocking other mouse input
Fix: Kobold hit reaction was incorrectly configured
Fix: Typo 'Pupulation' -> 'Population' in topbar tooltip
Fix: A field wasn’t being serialized
Fix: Quixl's eviscerate being able to target all characters instead of only aggressive enemies
Fix: Changed alignment of portal entry point when entering Mordrich’s Factory via Bonefinger’s Lair so heroes face correct direction
Fix: Dropping Cemetery Kit / Mausoleum 01 into a map and dragging it caused a crash to desktop
Fix: Quest progress is now also hidden using numpad 0
Fix: Swamp ambience zone looks better once more
Fix: Chest of horrors not properly linked to its inventory holder
Fix: Crash reporter sometimes throwing exceptions
Fix: Buildings list throwing exceptions when opening it after some buildings have been destroyed
Fix: Freya’s abilities (House Hraun Paladin)
Fix: Removed Ser Gregory voice over from some other heroes
Fix: Music volume can now actually be set to 0 instead of the previous minimum value of approximately 0.016
Fix: Characters turning in the wrong direction for a fraction of a second before the new path was calculated
Fix: Swamp Ruin kit stairs had lost navmesh geometry
Fix: Defeated anim is now stopped when a character is revived
Fix: Music sometimes not working when playing from the editor
Fix: Glitch at start of Mordrich campaign voice file starting ‘Back so soon’
Fix: SetLoot node wasn’t working as intended
Fix: Disabling 'DefeatInsteadOfDeath' on a defeated character will now revive them with 1 hp
Fix: Renamed GlobalGetList node to GetGlobalList for consistency
Fix: Reduced fog by 66% in Grasslands ambient zone to improve visual fidelity when zoomed out
Fix: Workbench: Pan wasn’t being properly reset to 0 when changing scripts (could cause connections to hang in the air and look disconnected from the nodes)
Fix: Workbench: SetCharacterBehavior wasn’t triggering the ‘complete/done’ event
Fix: Goblin Berserk didn’t have a weapon configuration and did no damage
Fix: Camera zoom was enabled even when the mouse was over a UI element
Fix: Population sometimes wasn’t able to decrease when there were dead villagers in the location

Patch notes continue at:
May 16, 2016
Folk Tale - Games Foundry


Both the Gladefolk and Withering Dead storylines are now playable from start to end, albeit in a rough first pass. Much of the work has focused on extending Workbench, the visual scripting editor to support the functionality required by campaign.

Heroes receive ability targeting including AOE circles and directional arcs, making it easier to see which monsters will be affected. Lilith the necromancer is now unlockable in the campaign by siding with the Withering Dead. Units can now also move short distances to engage in melee combat, reducing instances of them standing around while a battle rages just a few feet away.

The 'Needs Wall' (especially noticable with basic clothing and mead) has been addressed. Unhappiness is much slower to set in, is capped, and can be offset by doing well in other areas or through the use of rationing. Rationing now has a lagging effect. While the UI looks the same, indicators have been added to the rationing bars to indicate whether happiness is rising or falling. The yellow warnings have also been removed as they were a distraction.

The key binding UI is now implemented under the settings menu, especially useful for players with non-English layout keyboards (e.g. Sweden, France). Controls have changed slightly to be better aligned with RTS conventions. Holding down the middle mouse button and moving the mouse now pans the camera. Rotation has been remapped entirely off the mouse and onto Q+E or the LeftAlt key.

The tutorial has been completely remade across two entirely new maps (including a short dungeon) to cover many of the new gameplay elements. The narrator voice over has been omitted for the time being as we'll be adding to the tutorial in future patches.

The Editor, and more specifically Workbench (the built-in visual scripting tool), continues to grow in power with new node additions and general improvements. Several new kits have been added and will be used in the next campaign faction storylines. New content assets continue to be added which we'll be using as we continue to expand the campaign.

Patch Notes

This public build incorporates experimental patches through The patch notes are too long to fit in a Steam announcement, and continue over on our website (link at bottom).

Player: Modified happiness system to prevent the ‘Needs Wall’
Player: Characters can now move a small distance to engage in combat even when selected
Player: Added controls settings UI
Player: Nerfed Ser Gregory’s starter gear - more opportunities to find upgrades
Player: Nerfed Quixl’s starter gear - more opportunities to find upgrades
Player: Forage cursor now only shows when there are berries on the bush
Player: Added code to make small areas unwalkable (navmesh auto refinement)
Player: Temporarily disabled Tier 3 walls due to construction bug causing rippling effects
Player: Holding down MMB and moving mouse now pans the camera
Player: Holding down LeftAlt and moving mouse now changes the camera angle
Player: Some hero abilities can now be targeted; hero will rotate to face target before releasing
Player: Added Quixl’s special abilities (WIP): Shuriken Throw, Eviscerate, Hamstring, Backstab
Player: Added Lilith’s special abilities (WIP): Raise From Dead, Disease Cloud,
Player: Added Freya’s special abilities (WIP): Quick Heal, Divine Shield, Smite, Inspire Courage
Player: When interacting with a quest giver, characters now runs to the interaction point rather than walking
Player: Improved character movement by making velocity changes faster when running into obstacles
Player: Added visual effects for consuming health and power potions
Player: Halved the rate that cottages burn firewood
Player: Heroes now receive automatic attribute points when levelling up in addition to the +1 player assigned ability point
Player: Combat sounds can now be heard at a greater distance
Player: Camera behavior improved, free rotation should feel a lot better now in dungeons
Player: Mouse at edge of screen will now cancel camera following (e.g. hero camera tracking and after clicking an event notification icon)
Player: Mouse actions (e.g abilities) can now be aborted using Esc. Pressing again will bring up the pause menu as usual
Player: Willow's thorns now only prevent the target from moving and attacking, but does not play any particular animation on the target
Player: Animation speed buffs now only affect movement animations
Player: Added a message when the UI is hidden with the keypad 0 key
Player: LMB actions are now blocked for a duration of 0.8 seconds after the player has tried to activate an ability that could not be activated (due to e.g no mana) to prevent accidental deselection
Player: Heroes now regain full health and power when they level up
Player: When A.I. agents are grounded, the velocity is no longer set to 0, instead it is clamped so that the agent can move downwards or upwards along the current slope with a correct speed
Player: Doubled gravity because of some really steep stairs in the ruins kit
Player: Buffs now update much more often which among other things improves healing smoothness
Player: Freya's divine shield no longer requires her to face the target
Player: Freya's divine shield can now only be cast on heroes
Player: Dungeons are now hidden on the world map when playing the game
Player: Improved quests UI aesthetic

Maps: Tutorial: Remade entirely, two new maps including a new mini dungeon; voice over temporarily disabled; phase one complete, phase two to cover building dialog (research/crafting etc)
Maps: Campaign: Gladefolk story now implemented through to completion (rough first pass)
Maps: Campaign: Withering Dead story now implemented through to completion (rough first pass)
Maps: Campaign: Bandit Caves:: If player has already met LIlith, she now won’t appear in the Bandit Caves and player has to fight Kenny
Maps: Campaign: Shirebrook: Opened up land for construction over the stream
Maps: Campaign: Shirebrook: Added continuous raids by Bandits until you deal with Kenny
Maps: Campaign: Shirebrook: Added Gladefolk raids if you ally with the Withering Dead
Maps: Campaign: Shirebrook: Replaced Bandit Mines entrance placeholder with proper portal
Maps: Campaign: Shirebrook: Modified Desecrated Cathedral area to work better with default camera angle
Maps: Campaign: The Glade: Extended the map with the addition of the Everbloom Pastures
Maps: Campaign: The Glade: Extended Gladefolk storyline
Maps: Campaign: The Glade: Extended Withering Dead storyline
Maps: Campaign: The Glade: Added Everbloom corruption into Rotwold
Maps: Campaign: The Glade: Added Withering Dead everbloom corruption storyline quest
Maps: Campaign: The Glade: Fixed Willow and Lilith scripting issues that deal with defeat rather than death
Maps: Campaign: Mordrich’s Factory: Vault chest now contains Rotwold Antidote allowing Gladefolk storyline progression
Maps: Campaign: Mordrich’s Factory: Added interaction text to locked doors to provide hints
Maps: Campaign: Bonefinger’s Lair: Added Bonefinger interaction
Maps: Campaign: Bonefinger’s Lair: Updated
Maps: Campaign: All: Heroes are now positioned during cut scenes

Assets: Kits: Added Ice Palace kit (Glacian)
Assets: Kits: Added Dungeons/Human Interior kit
Assets: Kits: Added Beastman ‘Bullock’ (Dual Wielder)
Assets: Added 6 halberds, 1 spear, 8 tower shields, 4 bows to 3D weapons
Assets: Updated 9 sword 3d models to improve edges
Assets: Added 5 tower shields, updated 3 icons for existing tower shields
Assets: Added Grasslands/Scarecrow prop
Assets: Added Dungeons/Glade/Sprinkler interactable (part of Campaign)
Assets: Added Swamp Ruins lever prop
Assets: Added carried Meat Pies for delivery from Butchery to storage
Assets: Added Hill Quarter Water (River) Straight piece to Core Tiles
Assets: Added Dungeons/Ice Palace pieces (next area to be overhauled)
Assets: Added 8 new character portraits
Assets: Setup Chest Of Horrors (Undead Kit) as an interactable chest
Assets: Added ½ floor tiles to Classic Dungeon kit
Assets: Added corruption effect to Everbloom when converted to Rotwold
Assets: Added UI quest sfx for quest start, subquest progress, quest complete
Assets: Added blood decals
Assets: Added mine track supports to mine kit
Assets: Added Ogre Zombie Butcher
Assets: Reduced the scale of Bonefinger and The Mighty Rhog
Assets: Increased the scale of Wood Imps so they are easier to target and see
Assets: Updated skeleton idle animation
Assets: Updated Fenrin’s melee attack animation to resolve jerk in left arm
Assets: Updated Spriggan and Ambassador O’Kleefe: increased walk speed; reduced scale; increased weapon combat distance for improved spacing
Assets: Animations: Updated Freya’s idle animations
Assets: Animations: Added Acolyte Grey's animations
Assets: Animations: Added defeated animation to Nara
Assets: Animations: Tweaked Willow’s walking and hit animations speed
Assets: Animations: Shortened Ser Gregory’s taunt animation so it feels more responsive
Assets: Animations: Added missing reaction anims to Toadkin worker and warrior
Assets: Loot: Added Cult Of Pyros leather armor set
Assets: Loot: Added Toadkin cloth armor set
Assets: Loot: Added Order Of The Fang chainmail armor set
Assets: Loot: Added Cult Of Pyros cloth armor set
Assets: Loot: Added Order Of The Fang leather armor set
Assets: Loot: Added Glacian Chainmail armor set
Assets: Loot: Added Toadkin Plate armor set
Assets: Loot: Added 5 Quest Items: Sqi Qi Toi, Map Fragment, Automaton Part, Burgundy Boar, Everlight
Assets: Loot: Added 2 further Withering Dead themed keys
Assets: Loot: Added Hammers 07-15
Assets: Loot: Added missing bracers and belt from Goblin Leather armor set
Assets: Audio: Added weapon impact sound effects
Assets: Audio: Added missing weapon inventory grab sound effects
Assets: Audio: Tightened up animation event audio syncs on some combat animations
Assets: Audio: Added kobold sfx
Assets: Audio: Added ogre sfx and voice back in
Assets: Audio: Added bandit combat sfx

Editor: Checkbox added to inspector to allow toggling of navmesh adds (default is on)
Editor: PortalEntry point now has an index value and a friendly name**
Editor: PortalEntry point ‘Use Current View’ button records the camera starting position for when the party enters
Editor: Added 'Use Current View' to environment inspector in editor for the first time a village map starts
Editor: Added wp_animation to the systems kit (aka Work Point Animation)

Workbench: Added GetGlobalCharacter and StoreGlobalCharacter nodes
Workbench: Added GetBool, StoreBool nodes for local context
Workbench: Added GetNumber, StoreNumber nodes for local context
Workbench: Added FailQuest node which cancels all subquests
Workbench: Added Exists node for checking if an object still exists in the world
Workbench: Added StoreGlobalList and GetGlobalList nodes
Workbench: Added StatisticDialog to track when a dialog was opened
Workbench: Added DialogOpen node the returns a bool if the specified dialog is open
Workbench: Added CloseDialog node to close a dialog if it’s open (for tutorial scripting)
Workbench: Added CharacterSelect node to select a unit (for tutorial scripting)
Workbench: Added WorldText node to show text within the game world; disappears after 3 seconds
Workbench: Added SetCharacterDetectionRange node to control agro ranges; number acts as multiplier 1 being the default
Workbench: Added ToggleNeed node
Workbench: Added SetPartyFormation node
Workbench: Added yOffset to WorldText node
Workbench: Added CountAlive node
Workbench: Added LessThan and LessOrEquals nodes to reduce use of Not node
Workbench: Added GetParty and GetHero nodes
Workbench: Added Revive node to revive all fallen heroes
Workbench: Added SpecialAbility node to make a hero use a non-targeted ability
Workbench: Added GetHeroByAsset node
Workbench: Added GetHeroByIndex node
Workbench: Added OrderInteract node to send character to selected wp_animation
Workbench: Added SetCharacterBehaviour node
Workbench: Added duration scale field to WorldText node
Workbench: Added 'spawned' output (list of characters) to the TriggerWave node
Workbench: Added 'failed' output event to WorkPointTrigger node
Workbench: LockFactionStanding node now overwrites any previous locks
Workbench: Move node now stops character movement and matches character to object rotation
Workbench: Improved item search - can now search faction and material keywords
Workbench: VSOrderMove now has an 'aborted' output event as well as a 'reached' output event. The 'reached' event will no longer be triggered when the character does not reach the target
Workbench: WorldText node labels are now visible during cut scenes
Workbench: Changed how ListWorldObject and Index nodes work (deprecated the old nodes and added new ones)
Workbench: Now saves the panning position during the session
Workbench: Door behavior has changed slightly and now deactivates when open. They are also now set to allow multi-use to better facilitate control via Workbench
Workbench: Renamed almost all 'complete' events to 'done' to signal which nodes are blocking and which ones are not

Fix: Help link on Editor toolbar needed updating
Fix: Scale on daggers was too big
Fix: Scale on some bows was too big
Fix: Refined colliders on goblin village buildings
Fix: Updated box colliders on all props to improve selection in editor following rescale in Alpha 26
Fix: Stopped skeleton raids if player is allied to Withering Dead
Fix: Fixed spider that attacks Willow at entrance to Glade from being pullable prior to the cutscene
Fix: Navmesh connection problem resolved on Glade kit ramps
Fix: Ability icons weren’t greying out when the hero lacked the power
Fix: Move node now sets ToMove object rotation to same as target
Fix: Trebuchet turning sound was set to 2D sound rather than 3D
Fix: Carding research at the Weaver’s wasn’t incrementing production output
Fix: Navmesh on drawbridge props now behave properly
Fix: Fixed navmesh adds not working if there was no terrain tile in that XZ cell
Fix: Prevented heroes from gaining xp by just completing random workpoints
Fix: Mordrich’s Factory kit sewing machine navmesh wasn’t rotating when piece was rotated
Fix: RevealFOW node was potentially leaking and revealing areas when it wasn’t supposed to
Fix: Reduced default master volume
Fix: You now cannot talk to Lilith until you’ve completed Brom’s tasks
Fix: Fixed failing multiple quests in a single frame will still only show as a single quest failed
Fix: ConversationWhen node will now stop triggering after the first time the player has clicked one of the conversation options
Fix: Fixed spacebar skipping multiple conversation dialogs if completing one opened a new one in the same frame
Fix: Fixed weird info text in VSAllCharacters
Fix: Now trimming names in VSInstantiateCharacterAt as tabbing from firstname to lastname fields would insert an unwanted tab into firstname
Fix: After loading a location, the ambience manager is called to do blending immediately
Fix: Completing a subquest whose label uses format would show the subquest name and not the formatted string
Fix: Renamed 'Corpse Loot' to 'corpse_loot_prefab' so that it shows up in Workbench instantiate lists
Fix: SetLoot node in Workbench now works as intended; accepts output of Loot node
Fix: Info text bug for RandomCharacter node now shows the correct value
Fix: Character names not being used in the conversation when setting them using the portraitCharacter input
Fix: Disabled stacking for 'improved foundations', 'set square' and 'taxation'
Fix: Skeleton Archer idle animation had broken bow string
Fix: Workbench IsResearchEnabled and ResearchProgress nodes were logging warnings until a target item had been set
Fix: Villagers marked as ‘Dead’ were revealing fog of war
Fix: Mouse rectangle selection was still working when a conversation was blocking other mouse input
Fix: Kobold hit reaction was incorrectly configured
Fix: Typo 'Pupulation' -> 'Population' in topbar tooltip
Fix: A field wasn’t being serialized
Fix: Quixl's eviscerate being able to target all characters instead of only aggressive enemies
Fix: Changed alignment of portal entry point when entering Mordrich’s Factory via Bonefinger’s Lair so heroes face correct direction
Fix: Dropping Cemetery Kit / Mausoleum 01 into a map and dragging it caused a crash to desktop
Fix: Quest progress is now also hidden using numpad 0
Fix: Swamp ambience zone looks better once more
Fix: Chest of horrors not properly linked to its inventory holder
Fix: Crash reporter sometimes throwing exceptions
Fix: Buildings list throwing exceptions when opening it after some buildings have been destroyed
Fix: Freya’s abilities (House Hraun Paladin)
Fix: Removed Ser Gregory voice over from some other heroes
Fix: Music volume can now actually be set to 0 instead of the previous minimum value of approximately 0.016
Fix: Characters turning in the wrong direction for a fraction of a second before the new path was calculated
Fix: Swamp Ruin kit stairs had lost navmesh geometry
Fix: Defeated anim is now stopped when a character is revived
Fix: Music sometimes not working when playing from the editor
Fix: Glitch at start of Mordrich campaign voice file starting ‘Back so soon’
Fix: SetLoot node wasn’t working as intended
Fix: Disabling 'DefeatInsteadOfDeath' on a defeated character will now revive them with 1 hp
Fix: Renamed GlobalGetList node to GetGlobalList for consistency
Fix: Reduced fog by 66% in Grasslands ambient zone to improve visual fidelity when zoomed out
Fix: Workbench: Pan wasn’t being properly reset to 0 when changing scripts (could cause connections to hang in the air and look disconnected from the nodes)
Fix: Workbench: SetCharacterBehavior wasn’t triggering the ‘complete/done’ event
Fix: Goblin Berserk didn’t have a weapon configuration and did no damage
Fix: Camera zoom was enabled even when the mouse was over a UI element
Fix: Population sometimes wasn’t able to decrease when there were dead villagers in the location

Patch notes continue at:
Folk Tale - GF


The primary changes are an overhaul of happiness calculations to address the needs wall for clothing and mead, selected units (e.g. heroes) can move small distances to engage in combat instead of standing around, and the Gladefolk and Withering Dead campaigns are now playable - albeit in rough form - from start to end.

Where can I get it?
Experimental Build:

What's new?
Player: Modified happiness system to prevent the ‘Needs Wall’
Player: Characters can now move a small distance to engage in combat even when selected
Player: LMB actions are now blocked for a duration of 0.8 seconds after the player has tried to activate an ability that could not be activated (due to e.g no mana) to prevent accidental deselection
Player: Heroes now regain full health and power when they level up
Player: When A.I. agents are grounded, the velocity is no longer set to 0, instead it is clamped so that the agent can move downwards or upwards along the current slope with a correct speed
Player: Doubled gravity because of some really steep stairs in the ruins kit
Player: Buffs now update much more often which among other things improves healing smoothness
Player: Added 'Inspire Courage' passive ability to Freya (House Hraun Paladin)
Player: Freya's divine shield no longer requires her to face the target
Player: Freya's divine shield can now only be cast on heroes
Player: Dungeons are now hidden on the world map when playing the game
Player: Improved quests UI aesthetic
Maps: Campaign: All: Heroes are now positioned during cut scenes
Maps: Campaign: Gladefolk story now implemented through to completion (rough first pass)
Maps: Campaign: Withering Dead story now implemented through to completion (rough first pass)
Maps: Campaign: The Glade: Fixed Willow and Lilith scripting issues that deal with defeat rather than death
Assets: Added Ice Palace kit (Glacian)
Assets: Added Dungeons/Human Interior kit
Assets: Added Beastman ‘Bullock’ (Dual Wielder)
Assets: Reduced the scale of Bonefinger and The Mighty Rhog
Assets: Increased the scale of Wood Imps so they are easier to target and see
Assets: Updated skeleton idle animation
Assets: Updated Fenrin’s melee attack animation to resolve jerk in left arm
Assets: Updated Freya’s idle animations
Assets: Updated Spriggan and Ambassador O’Kleefe: increased walk speed; reduced scale; increased weapon combat distance for improved spacing
Assets: Added animations for Acolyte Grey (Order Of The Fang)
Assets: Added defeated animation to Nara
Assets: Added Cult Of Pyros leather armor set
Assets: Added Toadkin cloth armor set
Assets: Added Order Of The Fang chainmail armor set
Assets: Added 5 Quest Items: Sqi Qi Toi, Map Fragment, Automaton Part, Burgundy Boar, Everlight
Workbench: Added ToggleNeed node
Workbench: Added SetPartyFormation node
Workbench: WorldText node labels are now visible during cut scenes
Workbench: Added SetCharacterBehaviour node
Workbench: Changed how ListWorldObject and Index nodes work (deprecated the old nodes and added new ones)
Workbench: Added yOffset to WorldText node
Workbench: Added CountAlive node
Workbench: Added LessThan and LessOrEquals nodes to reduce use of Not node
Workbench: Added GetParty and GetHero nodes
Workbench: Added Revive node to revive all fallen heroes
Workbench: Added SpecialAbility node to make a hero use a non-targeted ability
Workbench: Added GetHeroByAsset
Workbench: Added GetHeroByIndex
Workbench: Now saves the panning position during the session
Workbench: Door behavior has changed slightly and now deactivates when open. They are also now set to allow multi-use to better facilitate control via Workbench
Workbench: Renamed almost all 'complete' events to 'done' to signal which nodes are blocking and which ones are not
Fix: Chest of horrors not properly linked to its inventory holder
Fix: Crash reporter sometimes throwing exceptions
Fix: Buildings list throwing exceptions when opening it after some buildings have been destroyed
Fix: Freya’s abilities (House Hraun Paladin)
Fix: Removed Ser Gregory voice over from some other heroes
Fix: Music volume can now actually be set to 0 instead of the previous minimum value of approximately 0.016
Fix: Characters turning in the wrong direction for a fraction of a second before the new path was calculated
Fix: Swamp Ruin kit stairs had lost navmesh geometry
Fix: Defeated anim is now stopped when a character is revived
Fix: Music sometimes not working when playing from the editor
Fix: Glitch at start of Mordrich campaign voice file starting ‘Back so soon’
Fix: SetLoot node wasn’t working as intended
Fix: Disabling 'DefeatInsteadOfDeath' on a defeated character will now revive them with 1 hp
Fix: Renamed GlobalGetList node to GetGlobalList for consistency
Fix: Reduced fog by 66% in Grasslands ambient zone to improve visual fidelity when zoomed out
Fix: Workbench: Pan wasn’t being properly reset to 0 when changing scripts (could cause connections to hang in the air and look disconnected from the nodes)
Fix: Workbench: SetCharacterBehavior wasn’t triggering the ‘complete/done’ event
Fix: Goblin Berserk didn’t have a weapon configuration and did no damage
Fix: Camera zoom was enabled even when the mouse was over a UI element
Fix: Population sometimes wasn’t able to decrease when there were dead villagers in the location
Fix: Campaign: It’s now possible to correctly betray Willow

Known Issues
  • After a few hours play with a busy village, the frame rate may start slowing down. If you experience this, to restore performance save your game, quit, restart and reload your game.

  • Bonefinger does no damage.

  • We’re in the process of implementing spell tomes for Lilith. For now, opening her inventory will show a solid white icon in her hands. Please ignore this.

Developer Comments
The first rough pass of both the Gladefolk and Withering Dead campaigns is now available. Emphasis on the word ‘rough’. Bosses, enemy heroes and behemoths are missing their abilities, visual and sound effects. Monsters don’t currently scale their levels so the challenge may not be balanced.

There’s a lot of running back and forth in the campaign at the moment. This is where the world map will come into play in a future patch.
Folk Tale - Games Foundry


The primary changes are an overhaul of happiness calculations to address the needs wall for clothing and mead, selected units (e.g. heroes) can move small distances to engage in combat instead of standing around, and the Gladefolk and Withering Dead campaigns are now playable - albeit in rough form - from start to end.

Where can I get it?
Experimental Build:

What's new?
Player: Modified happiness system to prevent the ‘Needs Wall’
Player: Characters can now move a small distance to engage in combat even when selected
Player: LMB actions are now blocked for a duration of 0.8 seconds after the player has tried to activate an ability that could not be activated (due to e.g no mana) to prevent accidental deselection
Player: Heroes now regain full health and power when they level up
Player: When A.I. agents are grounded, the velocity is no longer set to 0, instead it is clamped so that the agent can move downwards or upwards along the current slope with a correct speed
Player: Doubled gravity because of some really steep stairs in the ruins kit
Player: Buffs now update much more often which among other things improves healing smoothness
Player: Added 'Inspire Courage' passive ability to Freya (House Hraun Paladin)
Player: Freya's divine shield no longer requires her to face the target
Player: Freya's divine shield can now only be cast on heroes
Player: Dungeons are now hidden on the world map when playing the game
Player: Improved quests UI aesthetic
Maps: Campaign: All: Heroes are now positioned during cut scenes
Maps: Campaign: Gladefolk story now implemented through to completion (rough first pass)
Maps: Campaign: Withering Dead story now implemented through to completion (rough first pass)
Maps: Campaign: The Glade: Fixed Willow and Lilith scripting issues that deal with defeat rather than death
Assets: Added Ice Palace kit (Glacian)
Assets: Added Dungeons/Human Interior kit
Assets: Added Beastman ‘Bullock’ (Dual Wielder)
Assets: Reduced the scale of Bonefinger and The Mighty Rhog
Assets: Increased the scale of Wood Imps so they are easier to target and see
Assets: Updated skeleton idle animation
Assets: Updated Fenrin’s melee attack animation to resolve jerk in left arm
Assets: Updated Freya’s idle animations
Assets: Updated Spriggan and Ambassador O’Kleefe: increased walk speed; reduced scale; increased weapon combat distance for improved spacing
Assets: Added animations for Acolyte Grey (Order Of The Fang)
Assets: Added defeated animation to Nara
Assets: Added Cult Of Pyros leather armor set
Assets: Added Toadkin cloth armor set
Assets: Added Order Of The Fang chainmail armor set
Assets: Added 5 Quest Items: Sqi Qi Toi, Map Fragment, Automaton Part, Burgundy Boar, Everlight
Workbench: Added ToggleNeed node
Workbench: Added SetPartyFormation node
Workbench: WorldText node labels are now visible during cut scenes
Workbench: Added SetCharacterBehaviour node
Workbench: Changed how ListWorldObject and Index nodes work (deprecated the old nodes and added new ones)
Workbench: Added yOffset to WorldText node
Workbench: Added CountAlive node
Workbench: Added LessThan and LessOrEquals nodes to reduce use of Not node
Workbench: Added GetParty and GetHero nodes
Workbench: Added Revive node to revive all fallen heroes
Workbench: Added SpecialAbility node to make a hero use a non-targeted ability
Workbench: Added GetHeroByAsset
Workbench: Added GetHeroByIndex
Workbench: Now saves the panning position during the session
Workbench: Door behavior has changed slightly and now deactivates when open. They are also now set to allow multi-use to better facilitate control via Workbench
Workbench: Renamed almost all 'complete' events to 'done' to signal which nodes are blocking and which ones are not
Fix: Chest of horrors not properly linked to its inventory holder
Fix: Crash reporter sometimes throwing exceptions
Fix: Buildings list throwing exceptions when opening it after some buildings have been destroyed
Fix: Freya’s abilities (House Hraun Paladin)
Fix: Removed Ser Gregory voice over from some other heroes
Fix: Music volume can now actually be set to 0 instead of the previous minimum value of approximately 0.016
Fix: Characters turning in the wrong direction for a fraction of a second before the new path was calculated
Fix: Swamp Ruin kit stairs had lost navmesh geometry
Fix: Defeated anim is now stopped when a character is revived
Fix: Music sometimes not working when playing from the editor
Fix: Glitch at start of Mordrich campaign voice file starting ‘Back so soon’
Fix: SetLoot node wasn’t working as intended
Fix: Disabling 'DefeatInsteadOfDeath' on a defeated character will now revive them with 1 hp
Fix: Renamed GlobalGetList node to GetGlobalList for consistency
Fix: Reduced fog by 66% in Grasslands ambient zone to improve visual fidelity when zoomed out
Fix: Workbench: Pan wasn’t being properly reset to 0 when changing scripts (could cause connections to hang in the air and look disconnected from the nodes)
Fix: Workbench: SetCharacterBehavior wasn’t triggering the ‘complete/done’ event
Fix: Goblin Berserk didn’t have a weapon configuration and did no damage
Fix: Camera zoom was enabled even when the mouse was over a UI element
Fix: Population sometimes wasn’t able to decrease when there were dead villagers in the location
Fix: Campaign: It’s now possible to correctly betray Willow

Known Issues
  • After a few hours play with a busy village, the frame rate may start slowing down. If you experience this, to restore performance save your game, quit, restart and reload your game.

  • Bonefinger does no damage.

  • We’re in the process of implementing spell tomes for Lilith. For now, opening her inventory will show a solid white icon in her hands. Please ignore this.

Developer Comments
The first rough pass of both the Gladefolk and Withering Dead campaigns is now available. Emphasis on the word ‘rough’. Bosses, enemy heroes and behemoths are missing their abilities, visual and sound effects. Monsters don’t currently scale their levels so the challenge may not be balanced.

There’s a lot of running back and forth in the campaign at the moment. This is where the world map will come into play in a future patch.
Folk Tale - GF


The primary changes are the addition of key mapping under settings and AOE ability targeting (including directional arcs). Players can now set their own hotkeys if they don’t like the defaults. This is also required by international players with non-English keyboards.

Where can I get it?
Experimental Build:

What's new?
Settings: Added controls settings UI
Player: Added AOE ability targeting
Player: Combat sounds can now be heard at a greater distance
Player: Camera behavior improved, free rotation should feel a lot better now in dungeons
Player: Mouse at edge of screen will now cancel camera following (e.g. hero camera tracking and after clicking an event notification icon)
Player: Mouse actions (e.g abilities) can now be aborted using Esc. Pressing again will bring up the pause menu as usual
Player: Mouse actions now strongly prefer ground before other colliders
Maps: Campaign: Shirebrook: Modified Desecrated Cathedral area to work better with default camera angle
Maps: Campaign: Bonefinger’s Lair: Updated
Audio: Added weapon impact sound effects
Audio: Added missing weapon inventory grab sound effects
Audio: Tightened up animation event audio syncs on some combat animations
Assets: Added Ogre Zombie Butcher
Editor: Added wp_animation to the systems kit (aka Work Point Animation)
Workbench: Added OrderInteract node to send character to selected wp_animation
Workbench: VSOrderMove now has an 'aborted' output event as well as a 'reached' output event. The 'reached' event will no longer be triggered when the character does not reach the target
Workbench: Added duration scale field to WorldText node
Fix: Crane was missing from the top of the Stonecutter Lodge
Fix: Kobold hit reaction was incorrectly configured
Fix: Typo 'Pupulation' -> 'Population' in topbar tooltip
Fix: A field wasn’t being serialized
Fix: Quixl's eviscerate being able to target all characters instead of only aggressive enemies
Fix: Changed alignment of portal entry point when entering Mordrich’s Factory via Bonefinger’s Lair so heroes face correct direction
Fix: Dropping Cemetery Kit / Mausoleum 01 into a map and dragging it caused a crash to desktop
Fix: Quest progress is now also hidden using numpad 0
Fix: Swamp ambience zone looks better once more
Change: Willow's thorns now only prevent the target from moving and attacking, but does not play any particular animation on the target
Change: Animation speed buffs now only affect movement animations
Change: Added a message when the UI is hidden with the keypad 0 key

Known Issues
Stair pieces in the Swamp Ruins kit appear to be broken and can’t be right clicked on.

Developer Notes:
The new animation scripting kit piece and Workbench node is designed to support characters walking to a point and then performing an animation (which can play once, or loop). A list of characters and supported animations will be published at a later date, as it is still subject to considerable change.
Folk Tale - Games Foundry


The primary changes are the addition of key mapping under settings and AOE ability targeting (including directional arcs). Players can now set their own hotkeys if they don’t like the defaults. This is also required by international players with non-English keyboards.

Where can I get it?
Experimental Build:

What's new?
Settings: Added controls settings UI
Player: Added AOE ability targeting
Player: Combat sounds can now be heard at a greater distance
Player: Camera behavior improved, free rotation should feel a lot better now in dungeons
Player: Mouse at edge of screen will now cancel camera following (e.g. hero camera tracking and after clicking an event notification icon)
Player: Mouse actions (e.g abilities) can now be aborted using Esc. Pressing again will bring up the pause menu as usual
Player: Mouse actions now strongly prefer ground before other colliders
Maps: Campaign: Shirebrook: Modified Desecrated Cathedral area to work better with default camera angle
Maps: Campaign: Bonefinger’s Lair: Updated
Audio: Added weapon impact sound effects
Audio: Added missing weapon inventory grab sound effects
Audio: Tightened up animation event audio syncs on some combat animations
Assets: Added Ogre Zombie Butcher
Editor: Added wp_animation to the systems kit (aka Work Point Animation)
Workbench: Added OrderInteract node to send character to selected wp_animation
Workbench: VSOrderMove now has an 'aborted' output event as well as a 'reached' output event. The 'reached' event will no longer be triggered when the character does not reach the target
Workbench: Added duration scale field to WorldText node
Fix: Crane was missing from the top of the Stonecutter Lodge
Fix: Kobold hit reaction was incorrectly configured
Fix: Typo 'Pupulation' -> 'Population' in topbar tooltip
Fix: A field wasn’t being serialized
Fix: Quixl's eviscerate being able to target all characters instead of only aggressive enemies
Fix: Changed alignment of portal entry point when entering Mordrich’s Factory via Bonefinger’s Lair so heroes face correct direction
Fix: Dropping Cemetery Kit / Mausoleum 01 into a map and dragging it caused a crash to desktop
Fix: Quest progress is now also hidden using numpad 0
Fix: Swamp ambience zone looks better once more
Change: Willow's thorns now only prevent the target from moving and attacking, but does not play any particular animation on the target
Change: Animation speed buffs now only affect movement animations
Change: Added a message when the UI is hidden with the keypad 0 key

Known Issues
Stair pieces in the Swamp Ruins kit appear to be broken and can’t be right clicked on.

Developer Notes:
The new animation scripting kit piece and Workbench node is designed to support characters walking to a point and then performing an animation (which can play once, or loop). A list of characters and supported animations will be published at a later date, as it is still subject to considerable change.
Folk Tale - GF


The primary change is an overhaul of keymappings and camera control to follow RTS conventions. Holding down the middle mouse button and dragging now pans. This is going to throw active players off in the short term, and will require a period of adjustment.

Please note that save games from earlier versions are not compatible.

Where can I get it?
Experimental Build:

What's new?
Player: WASDQE keys retired, QWERT now mapped to hero abilities
Player: Holding down MMB and moving mouse now pans the camera
Player: Holding down LeftAlt and moving mouse now changes the camera angle
Player: Some abilities can now be targeted; hero will rotate to face target before releasing
Player: Ser Gregory’s Shield Bash, Power Slam abilities are now targeted
Player: When interacting with a quest giver, characters now runs to the interaction point rather than walking slowly
Player: Improved character movement by making velocity changes faster when running into obstacles
Player: Added Quixl’s special abilities (WIP): Shuriken Throw, Eviscerate, Hamstring, Backstab
Player: Added Lilith’s special abilities (WIP): Raise From Dead, Disease Cloud,
Player: Added Freya’s special abilities (WIP): Quick Heal, Divine Shield, Smite
Player: Added visual effects for consuming health and power potions
Player: Halved the rate that cottages burn firewood
Player: Heroes now receive automatic attribute points when levelling up in addition to the +1 player assigned ability point
Maps: Tutorial remade - two new maps including a new mini dungeon; voice over temporarily disabled; phase one complete, phase two to cover building dialog (research/crafting etc)
Maps: Campaign: Bandit Caves:: If player has already met LIlith, she now won’t appear in the Bandit Caves and player has to fight Kenny
Maps: Campaign: The Glade: Added Everbloom corruption into Rotwold
Maps: Campaign: The Glade: Added Withering Dead everbloom corruption storyline quest
Maps: Campaign: Mordrich’s Factory: Vault chest now contains Rotwold Antidote allowing Gladefolk storyline progression
Maps: Campaign: Mordrich’s Factory: Added interaction text to locked doors to provide hints
Assets: Added 8 new character portraits
Assets: Added Glacian Chainmail armor set
Assets: Added Toadkin Plate armor set
Assets: Added missing bracers and belt from Goblin Leather armor set
Assets: Added 5 tower shields, updated 3 icons for existing tower shields
Assets: Setup Chest Of Horrors (Undead Kit) as an interactable chest
Assets: Shortened Ser Gregory’s taunt animation so it feels more responsive
Assets: Added ½ floor tiles to Classic Dungeon kit
Assets: Added corruption effect to Everbloom when converted to Rotwold
Assets: Added kobold sfx
Assets: Added ogre sfx and voice back in
Assets: Added bandit combat sfx
Assets: Added UI quest sfx for quest start, subquest progress, quest complete
Assets: Loot: Added 2 further Withering Dead themed keys
Assets: Loot: Added Cult Of Pyros cloth armor set
Assets: Loot: Added Order Of The Fang leather armor set
Assets: Loot: Added Hammers 07-15
Assets: Tweaked Willow’s walking and hit animations speed
Assets: Added blood decals
Assets: Added mine track supports to mine kit
Assets: Added missing reaction anims to Toadkin worker and warrior
Workbench: Added Exists node for checking if an object still exists in the world
Workbench: Added StoreGlobalList and GetGlobalList nodes
Workbench: Added StatisticDialog to track when a dialog was opened
Workbench: Added DialogOpen node the returns a bool if the specified dialog is open
Workbench: Added CloseDialog node to close a dialog if it’s open (for tutorial scripting)
Workbench: Added CharacterSelect node to select a unit (for tutorial scripting)
Workbench: Added WorldText node to show text within the game world; disappears after 3 seconds
Workbench: Added 'failed' output event to WorkPointTrigger node
Workbench: Added SetCharacterDetectionRange node to control agro ranges; number acts as multiplier 1 being the default
Workbench: Added 'spawned' output (list of characters) to the TriggerWave node
Workbench: Move node now stops character movement and matches character to object rotation
Workbench: Improved item search - can now search faction and material keywords
Fix: You now cannot talk to Lilith until you’ve completed Brom’s tasks
Fix: Fixed failing multiple quests in a single frame will still only show as a single quest failed
Fix: ConversationWhen node will now stop triggering after the first time the player has clicked one of the conversation options
Fix: Fixed spacebar skipping multiple conversation dialogs if completing one opened a new one in the same frame
Fix: Fixed weird info text in VSAllCharacters
Fix: Now trimming names in VSInstantiateCharacterAt as tabbing from firstname to lastname fields would insert an unwanted tab into firstname
Fix: After loading a location, the ambience manager is called to do blending immediately
Fix: Completing a subquest whose label uses format would show the subquest name and not the formatted string
Fix: Renamed 'Corpse Loot' to 'corpse_loot_prefab' so that it shows up in Workbench instantiate lists
Fix: SetLoot node in Workbench now works as intended; accepts output of Loot node
Fix: Info text bug for RandomCharacter node now shows the correct value
Fix: Character names not being used in the conversation when setting them using the portraitCharacter input
Fix: Disabled stacking for 'improved foundations', 'set square' and 'taxation'
Fix: Skeleton Archer idle animation had broken bow string
Fix: Workbench IsResearchEnabled and ResearchProgress nodes were logging warnings until a target item had been set
Fix: Villagers marked as ‘Dead’ were revealing fog of war
Fix: Mouse rectangle selection was still working when a conversation was blocking other mouse input

Breaking Changes:
A number of loot items have been renamed for consistency. If you have referenced any items in chests/crates/pots etc, these may now show up as missing in the Editor Inspector. It is recommended you check your chests and destructibles.

Known Issues:
The crane is missing from the top of the Stonecutter Lodge
Willow sometimes gets stuck in the Goblin Village in the Sandbox (Medium) map - casting heal should release her
Ser Gregory’s Power Slam sometimes is out of range and won’t cause damage. Moving a little closer to targets will prevent this.
Kobolds in the towers of the kobold village (sandbox map) can’t exit
Zombie Harvesters will sometimes glide into combat

Developer Notes:
The new control system brings us more in-line with RTS convention, but will require a period of adjustment for active players. As combat gets more hectic players will start to see the benefit of having QWERT mapped to hero abilities. Unfortunately we’ve not had time to implement the keyboard remapping UI yet, but you can always edit the keymap.json file to suite your needs.

The new tutorial takes a very different tone to the dryness of the previous incantation. It’s very much tongue in cheek. We’re not recording voice over for it for a while, because the tutorial will be subject to change.

For level designers, there are several key improvements. The addition of the WorldText node allows in-world text to be displayed. Very useful for providing players with hints - check out the new tutorial kobold mines map to see how it’s used, especially on doors. The improved loot item search system now allows deeper access to the 750+ items we have. We’re working on a reference guide to list all available icons, and will release it once Workbench receives the ability to script the creation of magic items.
Folk Tale - Games Foundry


The primary change is an overhaul of keymappings and camera control to follow RTS conventions. Holding down the middle mouse button and dragging now pans. This is going to throw active players off in the short term, and will require a period of adjustment.

Please note that save games from earlier versions are not compatible.

Where can I get it?
Experimental Build:

What's new?
Player: WASDQE keys retired, QWERT now mapped to hero abilities
Player: Holding down MMB and moving mouse now pans the camera
Player: Holding down LeftAlt and moving mouse now changes the camera angle
Player: Some abilities can now be targeted; hero will rotate to face target before releasing
Player: Ser Gregory’s Shield Bash, Power Slam abilities are now targeted
Player: When interacting with a quest giver, characters now runs to the interaction point rather than walking slowly
Player: Improved character movement by making velocity changes faster when running into obstacles
Player: Added Quixl’s special abilities (WIP): Shuriken Throw, Eviscerate, Hamstring, Backstab
Player: Added Lilith’s special abilities (WIP): Raise From Dead, Disease Cloud,
Player: Added Freya’s special abilities (WIP): Quick Heal, Divine Shield, Smite
Player: Added visual effects for consuming health and power potions
Player: Halved the rate that cottages burn firewood
Player: Heroes now receive automatic attribute points when levelling up in addition to the +1 player assigned ability point
Maps: Tutorial remade - two new maps including a new mini dungeon; voice over temporarily disabled; phase one complete, phase two to cover building dialog (research/crafting etc)
Maps: Campaign: Bandit Caves:: If player has already met LIlith, she now won’t appear in the Bandit Caves and player has to fight Kenny
Maps: Campaign: The Glade: Added Everbloom corruption into Rotwold
Maps: Campaign: The Glade: Added Withering Dead everbloom corruption storyline quest
Maps: Campaign: Mordrich’s Factory: Vault chest now contains Rotwold Antidote allowing Gladefolk storyline progression
Maps: Campaign: Mordrich’s Factory: Added interaction text to locked doors to provide hints
Assets: Added 8 new character portraits
Assets: Added Glacian Chainmail armor set
Assets: Added Toadkin Plate armor set
Assets: Added missing bracers and belt from Goblin Leather armor set
Assets: Added 5 tower shields, updated 3 icons for existing tower shields
Assets: Setup Chest Of Horrors (Undead Kit) as an interactable chest
Assets: Shortened Ser Gregory’s taunt animation so it feels more responsive
Assets: Added ½ floor tiles to Classic Dungeon kit
Assets: Added corruption effect to Everbloom when converted to Rotwold
Assets: Added kobold sfx
Assets: Added ogre sfx and voice back in
Assets: Added bandit combat sfx
Assets: Added UI quest sfx for quest start, subquest progress, quest complete
Assets: Loot: Added 2 further Withering Dead themed keys
Assets: Loot: Added Cult Of Pyros cloth armor set
Assets: Loot: Added Order Of The Fang leather armor set
Assets: Loot: Added Hammers 07-15
Assets: Tweaked Willow’s walking and hit animations speed
Assets: Added blood decals
Assets: Added mine track supports to mine kit
Assets: Added missing reaction anims to Toadkin worker and warrior
Workbench: Added Exists node for checking if an object still exists in the world
Workbench: Added StoreGlobalList and GetGlobalList nodes
Workbench: Added StatisticDialog to track when a dialog was opened
Workbench: Added DialogOpen node the returns a bool if the specified dialog is open
Workbench: Added CloseDialog node to close a dialog if it’s open (for tutorial scripting)
Workbench: Added CharacterSelect node to select a unit (for tutorial scripting)
Workbench: Added WorldText node to show text within the game world; disappears after 3 seconds
Workbench: Added 'failed' output event to WorkPointTrigger node
Workbench: Added SetCharacterDetectionRange node to control agro ranges; number acts as multiplier 1 being the default
Workbench: Added 'spawned' output (list of characters) to the TriggerWave node
Workbench: Move node now stops character movement and matches character to object rotation
Workbench: Improved item search - can now search faction and material keywords
Fix: You now cannot talk to Lilith until you’ve completed Brom’s tasks
Fix: Fixed failing multiple quests in a single frame will still only show as a single quest failed
Fix: ConversationWhen node will now stop triggering after the first time the player has clicked one of the conversation options
Fix: Fixed spacebar skipping multiple conversation dialogs if completing one opened a new one in the same frame
Fix: Fixed weird info text in VSAllCharacters
Fix: Now trimming names in VSInstantiateCharacterAt as tabbing from firstname to lastname fields would insert an unwanted tab into firstname
Fix: After loading a location, the ambience manager is called to do blending immediately
Fix: Completing a subquest whose label uses format would show the subquest name and not the formatted string
Fix: Renamed 'Corpse Loot' to 'corpse_loot_prefab' so that it shows up in Workbench instantiate lists
Fix: SetLoot node in Workbench now works as intended; accepts output of Loot node
Fix: Info text bug for RandomCharacter node now shows the correct value
Fix: Character names not being used in the conversation when setting them using the portraitCharacter input
Fix: Disabled stacking for 'improved foundations', 'set square' and 'taxation'
Fix: Skeleton Archer idle animation had broken bow string
Fix: Workbench IsResearchEnabled and ResearchProgress nodes were logging warnings until a target item had been set
Fix: Villagers marked as ‘Dead’ were revealing fog of war
Fix: Mouse rectangle selection was still working when a conversation was blocking other mouse input

Breaking Changes:
A number of loot items have been renamed for consistency. If you have referenced any items in chests/crates/pots etc, these may now show up as missing in the Editor Inspector. It is recommended you check your chests and destructibles.

Known Issues:
The crane is missing from the top of the Stonecutter Lodge
Willow sometimes gets stuck in the Goblin Village in the Sandbox (Medium) map - casting heal should release her
Ser Gregory’s Power Slam sometimes is out of range and won’t cause damage. Moving a little closer to targets will prevent this.
Kobolds in the towers of the kobold village (sandbox map) can’t exit
Zombie Harvesters will sometimes glide into combat

Developer Notes:
The new control system brings us more in-line with RTS convention, but will require a period of adjustment for active players. As combat gets more hectic players will start to see the benefit of having QWERT mapped to hero abilities. Unfortunately we’ve not had time to implement the keyboard remapping UI yet, but you can always edit the keymap.json file to suite your needs.

The new tutorial takes a very different tone to the dryness of the previous incantation. It’s very much tongue in cheek. We’re not recording voice over for it for a while, because the tutorial will be subject to change.

For level designers, there are several key improvements. The addition of the WorldText node allows in-world text to be displayed. Very useful for providing players with hints - check out the new tutorial kobold mines map to see how it’s used, especially on doors. The improved loot item search system now allows deeper access to the 750+ items we have. We’re working on a reference guide to list all available icons, and will release it once Workbench receives the ability to script the creation of magic items.
Folk Tale - GF


This is an update to the experimental opt-in build. The primary change is a continuation of the campaign, especially for the Gladefolk.

Please note, save games created with earlier versions are not compatible with this release.

We have re-enabled the unobtrusive Steam DRM to help reduce piracy. This requires that you have Steam running locally on your machine (which can be run in offline mode if you have no internet connection).

Where can I get it?
Experimental Build:

What's new?
Player: Nerfed Ser Gregory’s starter gear - more opportunities to find upgrades
Player: Nerfed Quixl’s starter gear - more opportunities to find upgrades
Player: Forage cursor now only shows when there are berries on the bush
Player: Added code to make small areas unwalkable (navmesh auto refinement)
Player: Temporarily disabled Tier 3 walls due to construction bug causing rippling effects
Maps: Campaign: Bonefinger’s Lair: Added Bonefinger interaction
Maps: Campaign: Shirebrook: Opened up land for construction over the stream
Maps: Campaign: Shirebrook: Added continuous raids by Bandits until you deal with Kenny
Maps: Campaign: Shirebrook: Added Gladefolk raids if you ally with the Withering Dead
Maps: Campaign: Shirebrook: Replaced Bandit Mines entrance placeholder with proper portal
Maps: Campaign: The Glade: Extended the map with the addition of the Everbloom Pastures
Maps: Campaign: The Glade: Extended Gladefolk storyline
Maps: Campaign: The Glade: Extended Withering Dead storyline
Assets: Added 6 halberds, 1 spear, 8 tower shields, 4 bows
Assets: Added scarecrow prop
Assets: Added Dungeons/Glade/Sprinkler interactable (part of Campaign)
Assets: Added Swamp Ruins lever prop
Assets: Added carried Meat Pies for delivery from Butchery to storage
Assets: Updated 9 swords to improve edges
Assets: Added Hill Quarter Water (River) Straight piece to Core Tiles
Assets: Added Dungeons/Ice Palace pieces (next area to be overhauled)
Editor: Checkbox added to inspector to allow toggling of navmesh adds (default is on)
Editor: PortalEntry point now has an index value and a friendly name**
Editor: PortalEntry point ‘Use Current View’ button records the camera starting position for when the party enters
Editor: Added 'Use Current View' to environment inspector in editor for the first time a village map starts
Workbench: LockFactionStanding node now overwrites any previous locks
Workbench: Added GetGlobalCharacter and StoreGlobalCharacter nodes*
Workbench: Added GetBool, StoreBool nodes for local context
Workbench: Added GetNumber, StoreNumber nodes for local context
Workbench: Added FailQuest node which cancels all subquests
Fix: Help link on Editor toolbar needed updating
Fix: Scale on daggers was too big
Fix: Scale on some bows was too big
Fix: Refined colliders on goblin village buildings
Fix: Updated box colliders on all props to improve selection in editor following rescale in Alpha 26
Fix: Stopped skeleton raids if player is allied to Withering Dead
Fix: Fixed spider that attacks Willow at entrance to Glade from being pullable prior to the cutscene
Fix: Navmesh connection problem resolved on Glade kit ramps
Fix: Ability icons weren’t greying out when the hero lacked the power
Fix: Move node now sets ToMove object rotation to same as target
Fix: Trebuchet turning sound was set to 2D sound rather than 3D
Fix: Carding research at the Weaver’s wasn’t incrementing production output
Fix: Navmesh on drawbridge props now behave properly
Fix: Fixed navmesh adds not working if there was no terrain tile in that XZ cell
Fix: Prevented heroes from gaining xp by just completing random workpoints
Fix: Mordrich’s Factory kit sewing machine navmesh wasn’t rotating when piece was rotated
Fix: RevealFOW node was potentially leaking and revealing areas when it wasn’t supposed to

Known Issues
It’s currently possible to do quests in the wrong order.

Developer Notes:
* StoreCharacter has a valid context of the current script only. To reference a variable from one script in another, use StoreGlobalCharacter. It is best practice to use StoreCharacter, StoreBool and StoreNumber in prefabs or groups so that they can be duplicated.

** Changes to PortalEntry allow for multiple entry points into a map. Index could be 0 and 1, but the display name is “Bonefinger’s Lair” for both.
Folk Tale - Games Foundry


This is an update to the experimental opt-in build. The primary change is a continuation of the campaign, especially for the Gladefolk.

Please note, save games created with earlier versions are not compatible with this release.

We have re-enabled the unobtrusive Steam DRM to help reduce piracy. This requires that you have Steam running locally on your machine (which can be run in offline mode if you have no internet connection).

Where can I get it?
Experimental Build:

What's new?
Player: Nerfed Ser Gregory’s starter gear - more opportunities to find upgrades
Player: Nerfed Quixl’s starter gear - more opportunities to find upgrades
Player: Forage cursor now only shows when there are berries on the bush
Player: Added code to make small areas unwalkable (navmesh auto refinement)
Player: Temporarily disabled Tier 3 walls due to construction bug causing rippling effects
Maps: Campaign: Bonefinger’s Lair: Added Bonefinger interaction
Maps: Campaign: Shirebrook: Opened up land for construction over the stream
Maps: Campaign: Shirebrook: Added continuous raids by Bandits until you deal with Kenny
Maps: Campaign: Shirebrook: Added Gladefolk raids if you ally with the Withering Dead
Maps: Campaign: Shirebrook: Replaced Bandit Mines entrance placeholder with proper portal
Maps: Campaign: The Glade: Extended the map with the addition of the Everbloom Pastures
Maps: Campaign: The Glade: Extended Gladefolk storyline
Maps: Campaign: The Glade: Extended Withering Dead storyline
Assets: Added 6 halberds, 1 spear, 8 tower shields, 4 bows
Assets: Added scarecrow prop
Assets: Added Dungeons/Glade/Sprinkler interactable (part of Campaign)
Assets: Added Swamp Ruins lever prop
Assets: Added carried Meat Pies for delivery from Butchery to storage
Assets: Updated 9 swords to improve edges
Assets: Added Hill Quarter Water (River) Straight piece to Core Tiles
Assets: Added Dungeons/Ice Palace pieces (next area to be overhauled)
Editor: Checkbox added to inspector to allow toggling of navmesh adds (default is on)
Editor: PortalEntry point now has an index value and a friendly name**
Editor: PortalEntry point ‘Use Current View’ button records the camera starting position for when the party enters
Editor: Added 'Use Current View' to environment inspector in editor for the first time a village map starts
Workbench: LockFactionStanding node now overwrites any previous locks
Workbench: Added GetGlobalCharacter and StoreGlobalCharacter nodes*
Workbench: Added GetBool, StoreBool nodes for local context
Workbench: Added GetNumber, StoreNumber nodes for local context
Workbench: Added FailQuest node which cancels all subquests
Fix: Help link on Editor toolbar needed updating
Fix: Scale on daggers was too big
Fix: Scale on some bows was too big
Fix: Refined colliders on goblin village buildings
Fix: Updated box colliders on all props to improve selection in editor following rescale in Alpha 26
Fix: Stopped skeleton raids if player is allied to Withering Dead
Fix: Fixed spider that attacks Willow at entrance to Glade from being pullable prior to the cutscene
Fix: Navmesh connection problem resolved on Glade kit ramps
Fix: Ability icons weren’t greying out when the hero lacked the power
Fix: Move node now sets ToMove object rotation to same as target
Fix: Trebuchet turning sound was set to 2D sound rather than 3D
Fix: Carding research at the Weaver’s wasn’t incrementing production output
Fix: Navmesh on drawbridge props now behave properly
Fix: Fixed navmesh adds not working if there was no terrain tile in that XZ cell
Fix: Prevented heroes from gaining xp by just completing random workpoints
Fix: Mordrich’s Factory kit sewing machine navmesh wasn’t rotating when piece was rotated
Fix: RevealFOW node was potentially leaking and revealing areas when it wasn’t supposed to

Known Issues
It’s currently possible to do quests in the wrong order.

Developer Notes:
* StoreCharacter has a valid context of the current script only. To reference a variable from one script in another, use StoreGlobalCharacter. It is best practice to use StoreCharacter, StoreBool and StoreNumber in prefabs or groups so that they can be duplicated.

** Changes to PortalEntry allow for multiple entry points into a map. Index could be 0 and 1, but the display name is “Bonefinger’s Lair” for both.