Mar 31, 2017
Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Tim Stone)

Warm-Up Foxer (What am I?)

I’m a game, a weapon, and a place. I’m a mother and a mass murderer. I’ve won an Academy Award. I’m roughly the same height as the tallest structure in the world. I may have influenced one of the world’s most famous paintings. I’m impossible to anagram. I made headlines in the year one of Prague’s most famous sons was born. … [visit site to read more]

Train Sim World® 2020 - (Tim Stone)

How to find the Flare Path stand at EGX Rezzed 2017. Make for the gap between the Signal From T lva booth (giant robot skull) and the Steel Division: Normandy 1944 one (two bomb-flipped Tiger tanks). Roughly midway between these unmissable landmarks, projecting a few inches above the heads of the milling crowds, you should see some plastic cabbages and leeks. Said vegetables are sprouting from the roof of a replica Anderson shelter. Enter the shelter and, assuming there’s room (there will be) sit down opposite the man wearing the pith helmet, the ear plugs and the frightened rabbit expression. Congratulations. You’ve made it. … [visit site to read more]

Outcast 1.1 - (Alice O'Connor)

Outcast – Second Contact, the remake of 1999’s open-world sci-fi shooter, is delayed again. It’s now due some time in the autumn, according to a new trailer giving a peek at the modernised adventures of Cutter Slade. Have a peek: … [visit site to read more]


Launching a multiplayer Battle Royale ’em up into early access is one thing but actually finishing it is quite another, one the genre’s leaders have struggled with. PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds [official site] has done well with the initial launch, rocketing to the top of the Steam charts last week and comfortably becoming one of Steam’s most-played games — even if our Brendan didn’t dig it. And from here? The developers have laid out their plans for patches, which include daily and weekly fixes and monthly content updates. And yes, they are working on improving performance. … [visit site to read more]

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Alec Meer)

Quake Champions [official site], Bethesda’s multiplayer FPS with a highly over-complicated business model that we’re calling free to play in the absence of anything more straightforward, is getting close. Close enough that I can raise a wet fingertip to the wind and sagely declare that a beta’s a-comin’. … [visit site to read more]

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Jeremy Laird)

Behold the stunning breadth of its super-wide proportions. Marvel at the lustrous sheen of its impeccable anti-glare coating. Is LG’s new 38-inch, 21:9-aspect FreeSync-capable masterwork not every gamer’s ultimate fantasy? You’d think so. But it just goes to show how complex the monitor market has become, especially for we gamers, that the LG 38UC99 falls surprisingly short as a gaming companion. There’s a broader lesson in here, I reckon, when it comes to picking gaming panels. … [visit site to read more]

Gene Shift Auto - (Brendan Caldwell)

Before Grand Theft Auto became a slightly-overwhelming bizarro vision of the American Dream, it was a chaotic, meaningless romp from the top-down. Geneshift [official site] seems to want to recreate that chaos. But with up to 32 people and a big old skill tree. I don t know if that s a mad idea or a brilliant idea, but it s definitely something. You can see it in action down there. … [visit site to read more]

Tilt Brush - (Alice O'Connor)

All these so-called ‘experts’ have their hot takes on what virtual reality means for cinema, for video games, for education, and for using a 360 endoscope to crawl around inside your own body, yet these Albert flipping Frankensteins have all missed the obvious medium: what about VR and puppetry? Thankfully, Estella Tse and Chris Gallello have this covered. They’ve released Pointless Puppets [Itch page], an adorable VR game turning your cyberwands into puppets. Look at this: … [visit site to read more]

Rain World - (Brendan Caldwell)

The Darwinian platforming of Rain World [official site] left me with mixed emotions. Surviving day-to-day in its brutal ecosystem can be an unfair slog, not to mention cursed with janky controls. Yet it’s also a stunning depiction of a harsh new world, with a host of spine-chilling, adorable, and wondrous wildlife. Here s an incomplete collection of some of the animals and plantlife I ve encountered, often resulting in a quick and painful death, all presented in the perfect format: GIF.

Important note: a big part of Rain World is its surprising world, and discovering how each animal lives and feeds. If you want to find that stuff out for yourself, ignore the siren call of the GIFs. You ll appreciate it more.> … [visit site to read more]

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Brendan Caldwell)

Alien murderthon Destiny 2 [official site] is coming to PC for real>. You know what that means: no more qualifying all our news posts with “but this is just a rumour.” Hooray! The news comes as part of a “reveal trailer” which is a stupid name for a trailer when there has already been a video showing its existence. That and the shooter was officially revealed by a tweeted logo earlier this week. But never mind, let’s take a look at what we can expect from the MMO-ish sequel in the video, found in the nether regions of this post. … [visit site to read more]
