Jul 31, 2014
Rock, Paper, Shotgun - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Konstantinos Dimopoulos)

Freeware Garden searches the corners of the internet to highlight one free game every day.>

I take it hets isn’t a reference to the Argentinean Querand mountain tribe of the Pampas. It probably isn’t even aware of Bergman’s 1944 short movie either, though there’s definitely something sadistic to it. I mean, teasing a “very evil final boss” really isn’t such a nice thing to do, especially considering I’ll never get to meet the thing. So, yeah, sadism and thus also a unique kind of pleasure.

hets is unashamedly, brutally and in a way wisely hard. Or, at the very least, it does feel so to me.

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Rock, Paper, Shotgun - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Alice O'Connor)

No, those are statues, you daft pattern recognition algorithm. The humans are the small ones.

If any AI researchers reading RPS need a human mind to digitise and put in control of a space station, I humbly volunteer. I would be a good caretaker AI. I’m responsible about turning lights off. Each day with me in charge brings a new fun holiday with its own mandatory customs. Yes, I would fake work orders to put plants and fountains everywhere, but people would like that. I label deadly laser grids clearly. And I’d only read your e-mail because I care.

Should our readers prove disappointments, I suppose I’ll make do with playing Human Orbit when it comes out, a “sci-fi social simulator” with the promise of “procedurally-generated storytelling.”

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Rock, Paper, Shotgun - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Ben Barrett)

It’s taken me no small amount of time just to work out what J.U.L.I.A.: Among The Stars is (no thanks to the title – meaningless acronym AND subtitle? Come on now). Contrary to screenshots, it’s a full adventure game rather than a hidden object one. The plot follows Rachel Manners, an astro-biologist, who wakes from cryo-sleep to find she’s the only member of her expedition still alive. Because it’s a video game, the ship’s also damaged and the titular AI is temperamental. The game’s actually a remake of one from 2012, which Adam had a gander at, funded through IndieGoGo.

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Rock, Paper, Shotgun - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Graham Smith)

This didn't end well for me.

It’s been a little hard to keep track of the different ways to buy access to Elite: Dangerous, but it’s a lot simpler since yesterday’s launch of the Standard Beta. Players who want to start fighting and flying in the space-faring sequel immediately can now do so for 50/$75, and those willing to wait for the finished game can pay 35 to pre-order. The higher or additional costs of the Premium Beta and Lifetime Expansion Pass are no longer available.

What does that mean? Another notch along Elite Dangerous’s attempts to make a space game with 400 billion star systems. I’ve outlined some of the notable Standard Beta patch notes below.

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Dota 2 - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Philippa Warr)

Part of a miscellany of serious thoughts, animal gifs, and anecdotage from the realm of MOBAs/hero brawlers/lane-pushers/ARTS/tactical wizard-em-ups. One day Pip might even tell you the story of how she bumped into Na’Vi’s Dendi at a dessert buffet cart.>

I am on a horrific Dota 2 losing streak at the moment.

Unrelatedly, this week’s Dote Night will be about losing streaks and Dota 2. I’ve been reading through the wisdom of SCIENCE to find out more about losing streaks and, hopefully, how to fix them.

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Rock, Paper, Shotgun - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Alice O'Connor)

Ironically for a game about reclaiming a homeland, Homefront is now moving on again. After a month of downplaying reports of financial strife, Crytek have confirmed they’re selling the Homefront property and all its assets to Deep Silver. The team working on open-world FPS sequel Homefront: The Revolution–which was only announced in June–at Crytek UK will transfer over to a new Deep Silver studio to finish the game. Crytek had itself bought Homefront, which was created at Kaos Studios, last year in the collapse of THQ.

Crytek’s co-op shooter Hunt: Horrors of the Gilded Age is also moving, going to the Frankfurt headquarters as the Austin studio making it is cut down to offering CryEngine licensee support.

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Rock, Paper, Shotgun - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Ben Barrett)

I hadn’t noticed until now, but the vast majority of the footage we’ve had of Dragon Age: Inquisition hasn’t featured combat in the way it will be played. Everyone will use the over-the-shoulder camera for, oh, 24 seconds or so then never again. Far more useful is the free-roaming tactical view that pauses time, giving you a moment for a sip of tea and a good think. Perhaps you’d like to target your fireball over here, sir? Or bash this ingrate’s head in with a warhammer, ma’am? Bioware, continuing a trend of blitzing us with trailers at Ubisoft pace, show it off below.

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Rock, Paper, Shotgun - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Alec Meer)

Crypt of the Necrodancer blends roguelikes with rhythm action, neatly makes that wild concept work, and is out on Early Access today. I ve been dipping my twitching toes in and out of it for the last couple of weeks.>

I ve long been aware of my own challenging relationship with rhythm although I did take a certain pride in people moving away from my frenzied, unpredictable whirling in clubs but struggling to cope with even Crypt of the Necrodancer s sound latency calibration tool was a blow. I stared at the blinking icons and listened to the test tone I couldn t seem to predict, gripped by professional terror. Somehow I d decided it was a great idea to write about a game based on rhythm>. Now, excuses rushes through my brain. “I damaged both my index fingers while making a sandwich.” “My middle ear blew because my baby screamed too loud.” “It turns out I m allergic to the word crypt.”

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Rock, Paper, Shotgun - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Alice O'Connor)

V. pleasant.

Wars are in video games for waging. Click click, bang bang. The stuff that isn’t steel–the squishy human bits of war–is seen less, though a few games are giving it a crack at the moment. This War of Mine will see civilians scavenging to survive while war they can’t control wages around them, while Sunset has a more sheltered but not detached view of everyday life during an escalating revolution. And now we’ve got The Sun Also Rises to look at, a “collection of vignettes” about the ongoing ‘War on Terror.’ Crumbs, and it is a looker too. Peep the trailer.

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Jul 30, 2014
Rock, Paper, Shotgun - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (John Walker)

UnEpic has been around for quite a while now. Adam first played a demo of it in October 2011, and it s been in Early Alpha for a good while since. But now it is, they say, complete. Released as a final version, feature complete. I ve played it a few times over the years, but started from scratch with this final build. Here’s wot I think:>

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