The Walking Dead - (Adam Smith)

I’ll put most of this after the jump so that people who aren’t up to date don’t get spoilers in their afternoon tea. The Walking Dead: Episode Four sees the survivors entering “the worst kind” of place. Anyone following the series will know that all the places so far have been far from “the best kind” of places. The trailer below contains piles of zombies and malicious use of a walkie talkie.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (John Walker)

British culture in one handy image.

The suggestion of tax breaks for the UK games industry has been something of a ten pound note on a thread of cotton, yanked away just about every time the industry thinks it can reach for it. The plans are yet again being looked at, promised to appear next Spring, and this time with the rather peculiar suggestion that projects should be measured to see if they’re “culturally British”. Huh.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Robert Florence)

(Part one.)

You are looking at my Guild Wars 2 character, a necromancer from a bloodline of great Defenders of Ascalon, standing proudly before his guild banner. A descendant of great heroes, who once lay forgotten and hopeless in the dirt like a sack of cats – now restored to the glory that is his birthright.

But how did he arrive there? How did he achieve this? (more…)

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Adam Smith)

If the original Legend of Zelda had been an interesting legend about a man with a broom flitting between alternate realities – sometimes wholly fantastical, sometimes like our own world after some sort of unpleasant apocalypse scenario* – it might have looked a bit like Anodyne. Drawing influence from Yume Nikki’s dreamscapes but with strongly Zeldalike single screen puzzles. The demo, which requires Adobe Air, shows some smart design and has a charming weirdness to it. Before entering the main dungeon, after having your weapon mockingly appraised, travel right and then down to meet an odd man and hear his tale of mirrors. It’s suggestive of interesting and strange future-tales. Out soon.


Carrier Command: Gaea Mission - (Jim Rossignol)

Bohemia’s remake of a classic 1980s hybrid strategy game, Carrier Command: Gaea Mission, landed quietly on the beaches of a PC release last week. But will it now storm the citadel? Or simply wash away with the tide? Here’s wot I think.>


Counter-Strike 2 - (Nathan Grayson)

You may have outsmarted me, Partially Constructed Building, but I won't let you have the last laugh.

Did you think you’d login to Counter-Strike: Global Offensive today and find everything safe and sound – just where you left it? Well think again>. And now you’re thinking things will be only slightly off – maybe a weapon stat turned on its side and a terrorist’s vest left slightly ajar? Well, think a second time>. The latest update adds two new maps, makes “a wide range of fixes,” and completely overhauls Classic Competitive mode’s matchmaking.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Nathan Grayson)

Potential honor categories include Best Taste In Funny Cat Pictures, Most Knowledgeable About Stacking Knives On Dinner Plates, Swordest, and Obviously Young Enough To Have Never Actually Read A Book With Pages Made Of Paper.

League of Legends‘ community – while easily one of the most populous in the MOBAsphere – isn’t exactly the most popular. People say mean things, feelings get hurt, and the winners are the ones that come away with the least emotional scarring. But, given LoL’s competitive nature, it’s not exactly something that can be avoided under a safety blanket of solo play. For years, then, it’s been Riot’s unsolvable enigma – the towering door of twisted rage and anonymity that keeps far too many potential players outside a land of creep-crushing bliss. Now, though, it’s taking a new approach: positive reinforcement. Make a stranger’s day, and hopefully they’ll give you Honor points. Problem is, for now, that’s kind of the whole system.


Crysis - (Nathan Grayson)


Do you think Crysis needs more lightsabers? I think Crysis needs more lightsabers. Evidently, the folks behind the original Crysis’ four-years-in-the-making StarCry mod agreed, so they chucked ‘em in – hopefully skewering an Ewok or 12 in the process – for good measure. Wait, good measure? Why would I ever say such a thing when lightsabers – much like love – are all you need? Mainly because they join 1000 new sci-fi-themed objects, 2000 textures, 20 weapons, and 1000 lines of dialog as part of a seriously formidable overhaul package. Intrigued? Well, unfortunately, the RPS lot is fresh out of sci-fi-themed vehicles for break-traversing purposes. We do have Syfy-themed vehicles, though. Might I recommend the Supergator?


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Nathan Grayson)

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood. You know, aside from, um, the apocalypse.

STALKER 2 might be rifling through the belongings of irradiated angels, but now we’ve got Survarium to take its place. Or, well, I suppose it’s actually tearing STALKER’s place to tiny shreds, rearranging what’s left, and sprinkling in all sorts of shiny (read: dingy, dilapidated) new bits of its own – sort of like a collage that seems to be a familiar picture when you’re far away, but reveals its true colors as you get closer. So this is Survarium. At any rate, it continues to both intrigue and worry me – especially now that we have some snippets of actual in-game footage to work with. Take a side in my vicious internal conflict after the break.


The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - (Alec Meer)

I went to an arboretum last weekend. It was very nice. That's my story.

Remember Morrowind Overhaul 3.0, the mega-graphical mod intended to make the bestest of the Elder Scrolls bester still? Of course you don’t, because of all those drugs you took when you were young. That’s why you can never go into politics. That and all the embezzling you did.

Look, Mister/Mrs/Ms Short-Term Memory Loss, here’s the last time we posted about it, so go read that, watch the trailer and remind yourself, then you can report back and be given your download link for the mod, which is now out at last. (more…)
