Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Alec Meer)

Great Scott! The first episode of what’s arguably Telltale’s most anticipated-ever adventure game has landed. TT have pulled their usual trick of only letting folk buy the entire series (5 episodes, $25) at launch, but I don’t need to consult a 1950-2000 sports almanac to be fairly sure they’ll distill it down to individual episodes and hopefully a few demos in the months to come. (more…)

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Lewis Denby)

Hello, fine sirs and madams, and welcome to an extra special delayed Mod News. You can blame the snow for that, since it meant I spent the majority of Tuesday trying to get from one end of the country to the other, instead of working as planned. Bloody snow. John may hit me for badmouthing the snow, so quick! Let’s get on with some mod news before he notices. (more…)

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Jim Rossignol)

Post-apocalyptic multiplayer RTS Apox has announced an open beta, which you can apparently sign up for just here. It’s a Steam download and it will be free to all for the next two weeks. The final release of the game will occur on January 6th. I’ll try and dip a toe into the game over the Christmas break and have some thoughts about it when we come back.

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Jim Rossignol)

Ah. I had intended to post this on Monday. And look it’s Wednesday already! How did that happen? I cannot even begin to hazard a guess. Anyway, having announced the finalists for their “Nuovo” (aka innovation) award, which is intended to “honor abstract, shortform, and unconventional game development which advances the medium and the way we think about games”, the IGF jury types have issues a statement, explaining what the $2,500 prize is about, and why the nominees have been, well, nominated. Read the full thing below, along with the list of finalists. This is some really interesting stuff… (more…)

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (RPS)

Twenty two. No one likes that number. Get outta here!

On the twenty-second day of Christmas my true love erased my memory and dumped me into a nightmare hell-place of insanity. That was a fun gift.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Quintin Smith)

Let's hope it's more exciting than last year's Dungeons & Dragons: Dagenham, eh?

And now, some news of a thrilling new interactive adventure! Atari has announced Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance Daggerdale, a downloadable co-operative action RPG due out in 2011. Up to 4 players will be able to enjoy “riveting narrative” and “stunning levels” while battling the evil Rezlus and his Zhentarim, the Zhentarim being a black-hat organisation in the Forgotten Realms setting made up of evil wizards who basically want to conquer a big piece of the world and/or get rich or die trying. Announcement trailer follows, showing some combat. Yes! Combat. (more…)

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (John Walker)

Last month I mentioned Lylian, a very strange-looking side-scrolling platformer about a girl in an asylum who imagines her way out. There’s now a demo of it, so you can see what you make of the straight-jacketed oddity. Episode 1 is now released, and there’s no doubt that it’s packed with original ideas. Very, very strange ideas. The big concern does appear to be the combat, which is choppy and unsatisfying. But the environments are certainly intriguing enough to make it worth checking out.

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Quintin Smith)

The King cutting out the middleman and proposing directly to his bride's vagina, there.

Sire! EA has announced the pre-order bonuses for its strange & spongey interpretation of the Middle Ages, and they are as follows: pre-order the game in the next 90 days and you’ll get 3 bonus throne rooms (Barbarian, Dark Magic and Princess) plus 2 extra outfits. There are a load of new details on the game rattling around on the official site, too, including run-downs of quests, heroes and how your kingdom will work. Does sire not feel up to reading? I have the solution! EA has released a marvellous 20 minute presentation of the game, including a fun-sounding new addition to the Sims whereby you give your character a Fatal Flaw, like being Cruel or a Drunk. No option to be both, sadly, which will leave Monarch Quinns with a difficult choice. (more…)

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Jim Rossignol)

Headup Games have sent over a link to their new trailer for “zombie” survival RTS Trapped Dead. The isometric action game pits your team of survivors against people who – somehow! – are dead and yet STILL ABLE TO MOVE. The concept has me terrified. Yep. There’s also some terrifying music, as you will see when you… CLICK FOR TERROR >>

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Jim Rossignol)

The third Dawn Of War II expansion pack, Retribution, is making my war-glands tingle with anticipation. This latest, rather brief, trailer (below) shows space marines, and chaos marines, and a big old demon. It shows giant spikes exploding out of the ground. I can’t wait to get my hands on this, frankly.

Also, is anyone else out there wrestling with whether to buy Ultramarines on DVD? I know I am… Oh, the nerdery. Nope, only war this way, sorry >>
