Dungeon Defenders - [TrendyEnt] iamisom
Environment Artist Zack Smith shows off how we turn 2D concepts into 3D models! Read all about it!

Dungeon Defenders - iamisom
Environment Artist Zack Smith shows off how we turn 2D concepts into 3D models! Read all about it!

Dungeon Defenders - [TrendyEnt] iamisom
We've overhauled our VFX style in Dungeon Defenders II. Read all about it here!

Dungeon Defenders - iamisom
We've overhauled our VFX style in Dungeon Defenders II. Read all about it here!

Dungeon Defenders - [TrendyEnt] iamisom
Greetings, Defenders!

Welcome to this month’s QA Bug Blog: Let’s Go Bughawks! [WORKING TITLE]. When enemies aren’t barreling their way to your core, they like to kick back, relax and have some fun. We were able to capture one of these rare moments, and so we present to you Etheria’s hottest new dance craze: The Javelin Thrower Boogie!


Dungeon Defenders - iamisom
Greetings, Defenders!

Welcome to this month’s QA Bug Blog: Let’s Go Bughawks! [WORKING TITLE]. When enemies aren’t barreling their way to your core, they like to kick back, relax and have some fun. We were able to capture one of these rare moments, and so we present to you Etheria’s hottest new dance craze: The Javelin Thrower Boogie!


Dungeon Defenders - [TrendyEnt] iamisom
Greetings Defenders,

We’ve talked about the process of building playable areas, and we’ve shown you how we bring them to life with kismet. But what about the world beyond the playable area? How do we create those epic vistas in the distance in our DD2 maps?

Learn More...

Dungeon Defenders - iamisom
Greetings Defenders,

We’ve talked about the process of building playable areas, and we’ve shown you how we bring them to life with kismet. But what about the world beyond the playable area? How do we create those epic vistas in the distance in our DD2 maps?

Learn More...

Dungeon Defenders - [TrendyEnt] iamisom
While browsing through the comments on the fantastic World Building blog that was posted last month, I happened upon a question from Defense Councillor Gigazelle, who asked about how we use Kismet — a system for setting up the things that happen inside a map — in Dungeon Defenders II.

Well… *cracks knuckles* Now you’re talking my language. But before we dive headfirst into the ocean that is Kismet, let’s tread into the Whitebox Phase itself.


Dungeon Defenders - iamisom
While browsing through the comments on the fantastic World Building blog that was posted last month, I happened upon a question from Defense Councillor Gigazelle, who asked about how we use Kismet — a system for setting up the things that happen inside a map — in Dungeon Defenders II.

Well… *cracks knuckles* Now you’re talking my language. But before we dive headfirst into the ocean that is Kismet, let’s tread into the Whitebox Phase itself.

