Dungeon Defenders - [TrendyEnt] iamisom
Before any of the lush environments, gnarly villains and dashing heroes step into the third dimension, we need to make them look like something — preferably something cool! So how do we create concepts for DD2? I figured we could go back to one of our recently revealed enemies, the Javelin Thrower, and see what it took for this abomination to come into fruition. (I also want to use this blog post as an excuse to melt your eyes with tons of art.)

Click to Read More!

P.S. Thanks to the comments in our previous announcements, we should have an official DD2 Steam group in the near future for all of our DD2 announcements. We'll post about it here when the group goes live. Thanks for your patience, Defenders!

Dungeon Defenders - iamisom
Before any of the lush environments, gnarly villains and dashing heroes step into the third dimension, we need to make them look like something — preferably something cool! So how do we create concepts for DD2? I figured we could go back to one of our recently revealed enemies, the Javelin Thrower, and see what it took for this abomination to come into fruition. (I also want to use this blog post as an excuse to melt your eyes with tons of art.)

Click to Read More!

P.S. Thanks to the comments in our previous announcements, we should have an official DD2 Steam group in the near future for all of our DD2 announcements. We'll post about it here when the group goes live. Thanks for your patience, Defenders!

Dungeon Defenders - [TrendyEnt] iamisom
Are you missing any of the DLC? Want to give your friend a copy of the game? Now's your chance! For the next 8 hours, Dungeon Defenders and all of the DLC released are 75% off. Interested? Head to the Dungeon Defenders Steam Store page!

Thanks for your support, Defenders.
Dungeon Defenders - iamisom
Are you missing any of the DLC? Want to give your friend a copy of the game? Now's your chance! For the next 8 hours, Dungeon Defenders and all of the DLC released are 75% off. Interested? Head to the Dungeon Defenders Steam Store page!

Thanks for your support, Defenders.
Dungeon Defenders - [TrendyEnt] iamisom
Environment Artist Zack Smith shows off how we turn 2D concepts into 3D models! Read all about it!

Dungeon Defenders - iamisom
Environment Artist Zack Smith shows off how we turn 2D concepts into 3D models! Read all about it!

Dungeon Defenders - [TrendyEnt] iamisom
We've overhauled our VFX style in Dungeon Defenders II. Read all about it here!

Dungeon Defenders - iamisom
We've overhauled our VFX style in Dungeon Defenders II. Read all about it here!

Dungeon Defenders - [TrendyEnt] iamisom
Greetings, Defenders!

Welcome to this month’s QA Bug Blog: Let’s Go Bughawks! [WORKING TITLE]. When enemies aren’t barreling their way to your core, they like to kick back, relax and have some fun. We were able to capture one of these rare moments, and so we present to you Etheria’s hottest new dance craze: The Javelin Thrower Boogie!


Dungeon Defenders - iamisom
Greetings, Defenders!

Welcome to this month’s QA Bug Blog: Let’s Go Bughawks! [WORKING TITLE]. When enemies aren’t barreling their way to your core, they like to kick back, relax and have some fun. We were able to capture one of these rare moments, and so we present to you Etheria’s hottest new dance craze: The Javelin Thrower Boogie!

